Clinical Field Experience B: Data Collection and Assessment

This assignment is due on tomorrow. This assignment has to be turned in on time. Please follow the instructions that’s uploaded below on how to do the assignment. 

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Data collection is an essential aspect of the special education field. Assessment can come in all
forms, from formative, informal, summative, formal, standardized, and anecdotal assessments.
Special educators need to use this data when making educational and IEP decisions. Being
data literate and understanding how to use data appropriately will help increase the efficacy of
the special educator and student results.

Allocate at least 4.5 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Observe a certified special educator in the setting of your choice (inclusion, resource,
self-contained, etc.), consistent with your choice from Clinical Field Experience A.

Observe the delivery of two or more lessons and take notes on the types of assessments the
teacher uses, how data is gathered, and how the data the teacher gathers is used. Consider all
types of assessments, even those that are very informal such as signals for understanding,
questioning techniques, and group and independent work.

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After you observe and take notes, meet with the certified special educator to ask the following

What types of formal data are you provided regarding your students?
What types of formal and informal data did you plan to collect during the lessons?
How do you collect data? How do you store it?
What do you use this data for?
When do you revisit the data?
When and how do you share data with students? Teachers? Parents? Other service providers?
How often do you assess students in a typical lesson?
Which types of data do you find most useful? Why?
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor in providing instruction and
support to the class.

Reflect upon your observations, interview, and collaboration in a 250-500 word summary,
address the following:

Explain how the teacher’s use of formal and informal data correlates with your recent research
on data collection and use.
Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice

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