Cloud Security Threats and Mitigation….

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Cloud Security Threats and Mitigation

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CompetencyDescribe cloud security architecture.Student Success CriteriaView the grading


for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.ScenarioYou are the cloud security expert for a finance company. Your company is planning to store Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data on a public cloud medium. Your company will use this PII data to run analytics and then send credit card offers to their customers. It is a federal obligation for financial firms to protect PII data. The public cloud is a safe option but there are still many security threats to consider.You need to analyze the various security threats and analyze various cloud services that are available to protect your dataInstructionsIn order for the leadership team to approve funding for this project, you will create a case study to help the leadership team decide how to enhance the security of the PII data in the future.Your case study should include following points:Security threats on the cloudData encryption on a public cloudThreat detection tools for a public cloudVulnerability scanning tools for a public cloudCloud native security services for a public cloudBe sure to use a professional tone and check your spelling and grammar.LengthMicrosoft Word, 6-7 pagesReferencesInclude a minimum of 6 scholarly resourcesrubric

Full, robust, and detailed description of security threats on the cloud.

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Full, robust, and detailed description of data encryption on a public cloud.

Full, robust, and detailed description of threat protection tools for a public cloud.

Full, robust, and detailed explanation of vulnerability scanning tools for a public cloud.

Full, robust, and detailed description of cloud native security for a public cloud infrastructure as code tool.

Spelling and grammar are correct; professional tone used.

6 scholarly references provided; documented correctly.

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