Communication and Public Relations

 I am a Health and PE teacher as well as a football and basketball coach at River Road Middle School in Elizabeth City NC. I work for the ECPPS school district.

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  1. How effective are you as a communicator? What about your school or district (River Road Middle School ECPPS district) Identify areas where improvement is needed and action steps to get there?
  2. Do you employ a multifaceted approach that encourages two-way communication and engagement? How might you improve in this area?

For each of the following, answer the question including information from each of the following:

  • Use
  • Theory and facts  including the philosophy/utopian view of how the concept should be used or incorporated into education
  • A personal connection with the concept and justify your rationale
  • As a leader, how will you maximize this within your school? Give specific examples.

 Public Relations

  1. How many times has the mainstream media covered a positive story about your school or district this past year? What steps can you take to increase this number?
  2. Explain what tools are used for public relations and how. What other tools can be embraced, and where are there opportunities for growth?

For each of the following, answer the question including information from each of the following:

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    Theory and facts  including the philosophy/utopian view of how the concept should be used or incorporated into education
    A personal connection with the concept and justify your rationale
    As a leader, how will you maximize this within your school? Give specific examples.

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