communication barrier

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Assignment #1

Communication Barriers Report


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of assignment

· Task: For this assignment, you are asked to collect real-life examples of
barriers to communication that occur in your work or community environment
. You will describe them, define them, justify them in a table, and then use them to rate your organization’s communication effectiveness.

· Length: The assignment has four parts. Details on word count are provided below and in the following pages.

· Part I of this assignment will be 200-250 words

· Part II is a list of definitions. The definitions in this section should be about 30-40 words each.

· Part III is a table with short examples, names, and justifications. Word count will vary.

· Part IV will be 175-250 words.

· Format: you will not cite sources in this paper, so you will not use any particular citation style. In writing up the assignment, please follow the template given on page 2.

Reading Material to Draw Upon for this Assignment:

For this assignment, you will want to draw on the following reading materials about communication barriers.

· “Communication Barriers” by Dr. K. Usha Rani

· “Communication Barriers” by Lumen Learning

These items are available as eReserves in our class in LEO.

You can access the articles by taking the following steps:

· click Content

· select Class Resources

· select eReserves

· select the icon for eReserves in the middle of your page.

· in the list of items that appears, locate the articles and download them

Template for this Assignment

Your text should be single-spaced and in 12-point font. Please use the following template when completing this assignment. Details on each part of the assignment are provided on pages 3-4.



Description of
setting, including a description of the 3-4 communication
rs that occur in that setting (200-250 words):


Definitions of the 3-4
Definitions should be restated from the readings in your own words, not copied and pasted.


Table of the 3-4 communication samples and the
rs they represent:

The communication example
either as a direct quote or

The name of the
that the example represents
A justification of your
selection of the


Short paragraph rating the organization’s communication effectiveness on a scale of


to 100 and justifying the ranking (175-250 words):


Details on Each Part of the Assignment

Part I:

Consider your work or community and come up with 3-4 real-life examples of barriers to written and verbal communication that occur in that environment. The communication examples you come up with can be from documents, conversations (face-to-face or digital), emails, or meetings.

Then write one or two detailed paragraphs of 100-125 words each in which you describe the following:

· your workplace or community setting you have chosen to analyze

· the communication barriers in that setting that you are describing • other details you think might be relevant to the context

Various types of communication barriers, and examples of them, can be found in the articles that are available to you through eReserves. These communication barriers include but are not




limited to the following:

Attitudinal Barrier

Poor Listening Barrier

Cultural Barrier

Emotional Disconnect

Environment Barrier

Language Barrier

Behavioral Barrier

Filtering Barrier

Selective Perception Barrier

Biased Language Barrier

Information Overload Barrier

Gossip (esp. Workplace) Barrier

Lack of Source Credibility Barrier

Semantics (esp. Workplace Jargon) Barrier

Gender Differences Barrier

Sender/Receiver Differences in Meaning Barrier

Part II:

After you’ve collected at least 3-4 communication barriers and have identified the barriers they represent, define the barriers in a bulleted list. When defining your barriers, the reading material listed on page 1 may be used without citation.

The definition you provide should identify the general characteristics of the barrier and how it works to impede communication. The definitions should not mention your specific work environment.

Definitions should demonstrate parallel structure. That means that all should be written as complete sentences, infinitive phrases or in another phrase form. For help understanding parallel structure, press the ctrl key and click on the following link:

Please consult the sample student submission for this assignment in order to see a demonstration on how this part might be written.

Please use the three articles listed on page 1, which are in e-reserves, for this assignment. Use the communication barriers suggested in those articles.

Part III:
Comment by Jim Booth:

Analyze these 3-4 communication barriers as they apply to your workplace or community environment. List them in a table with three columns:

· the communication example either as a direct quote or paraphrase

· the name of the barrier(s) at work in the sample

· a justification of your selection of the barrier(s)

Again, please consult the sample student submission for this assignment in order to see a demonstration on how this part might be written.

Part IV:

Using a scale of 1 to 100 (with a score of 75 considered average), rank your organization’s communication effectiveness. Justify and explain the score you award. Your justification should be one to two paragraphs, about 175-250 words total.

Word Length for this assignment:

All parts together should total at least 700-800 words

Submitting the assignment:

You will submit a draft of the assignment to the assignment folder. The instructor will provide comments to it and work with you on a second draft if necessary.


Assignment #1

Communication Barriers Report


of assignment

· Task: For this assignment, you are asked to collect real-life examples of
barriers to communication that occur in your work or community environment
. You will describe them, define them, justify them in a table, and then use them to rate your organization’s communication effectiveness.

· Length: The assignment has four parts. Details on word count are provided below and in the following pages.

· Part I of this assignment will be 200-250 words

· Part II is a list of definitions. The definitions in this section should be about 30-40 words each.

· Part III is a table with short examples, names, and justifications. Word count will vary.

· Part IV will be 175-250 words.

· Format: you will not cite sources in this paper, so you will not use any particular citation style. In writing up the assignment, please follow the template given on page 2.

Reading Material to Draw Upon for this Assignment:

For this assignment, you will want to draw on the following reading materials about communication barriers.

· “Communication Barriers” by Dr. K. Usha Rani

· “Communication Barriers” by Lumen Learning

These items are available as eReserves in our class in LEO.

You can access the articles by taking the following steps:

· click Content

· select Class Resources

· select eReserves

· select the icon for eReserves in the middle of your page.

· in the list of items that appears, locate the articles and download them

Template for this Assignment

Your text should be single-spaced and in 12-point font. Please use the following template when completing this assignment. Details on each part of the assignment are provided on pages 3-4.



Description of
setting, including a description of the 3-4 communication
rs that occur in that setting (200-250 words):


Definitions of the 3-4
Definitions should be restated from the readings in your own words, not copied and pasted.


Table of the 3-4 communication samples and the
rs they represent:

The communication example
either as a direct quote or

The name of the
that the example represents
A justification of your
selection of the


Short paragraph rating the organization’s communication effectiveness on a scale of


to 100 and justifying the ranking (175-250 words):


Details on Each Part of the Assignment

Part I:

Consider your work or community and come up with 3-4 real-life examples of barriers to written and verbal communication that occur in that environment. The communication examples you come up with can be from documents, conversations (face-to-face or digital), emails, or meetings.

Then write one or two detailed paragraphs of 100-125 words each in which you describe the following:

· your workplace or community setting you have chosen to analyze

· the communication barriers in that setting that you are describing • other details you think might be relevant to the context

Various types of communication barriers, and examples of them, can be found in the articles that are available to you through eReserves. These communication barriers include but are not




limited to the following:

Attitudinal Barrier

Poor Listening Barrier

Cultural Barrier

Emotional Disconnect

Environment Barrier

Language Barrier

Behavioral Barrier

Filtering Barrier

Selective Perception Barrier

Biased Language Barrier

Information Overload Barrier

Gossip (esp. Workplace) Barrier

Lack of Source Credibility Barrier

Semantics (esp. Workplace Jargon) Barrier

Gender Differences Barrier

Sender/Receiver Differences in Meaning Barrier

Part II:

After you’ve collected at least 3-4 communication barriers and have identified the barriers they represent, define the barriers in a bulleted list. When defining your barriers, the reading material listed on page 1 may be used without citation.

The definition you provide should identify the general characteristics of the barrier and how it works to impede communication. The definitions should not mention your specific work environment.

Definitions should demonstrate parallel structure. That means that all should be written as complete sentences, infinitive phrases or in another phrase form. For help understanding parallel structure, press the ctrl key and click on the following link:

Please consult the sample student submission for this assignment in order to see a demonstration on how this part might be written.

Please use the three articles listed on page 1, which are in e-reserves, for this assignment. Use the communication barriers suggested in those articles.

Part III:
Comment by Jim Booth:

Analyze these 3-4 communication barriers as they apply to your workplace or community environment. List them in a table with three columns:

· the communication example either as a direct quote or paraphrase

· the name of the barrier(s) at work in the sample

· a justification of your selection of the barrier(s)

Again, please consult the sample student submission for this assignment in order to see a demonstration on how this part might be written.

Part IV:

Using a scale of 1 to 100 (with a score of 75 considered average), rank your organization’s communication effectiveness. Justify and explain the score you award. Your justification should be one to two paragraphs, about 175-250 words total.

Word Length for this assignment:

All parts together should total at least 700-800 words

Submitting the assignment:

You will submit a draft of the assignment to the assignment folder. The instructor will provide comments to it and work with you on a second draft if necessary.

To: Joe Smith, HR Business Partner of Naval Aviation Company

From: Renee Ermer, Program Analyst

Date: February 17, 2020

Subject: Request to Conduct Research on Communication Techniques and Alternatives


As a cleared government contractor supporting the Navy, we have many employees working in different office locations or from remote locations exercising telework. Because of such, communication between employees is limited to email or teleconferences in which employees cannot collaborate and communicate to the fullest as our program demands. To improve this, I propose that the company enforce new policies in which employees can only telework on approved bases, subjecting employees to participate in a traditional environment. Additionally, in order to solve issues related to workers in different locations within the same city, I propose that the company develop a company-wide instant messaging (IM) software and enforce new policies requiring each team and program to have a weekly face-to-face meeting in which employees can engage with one another and establish working relationships.

What the Problem Is and Why It Needs to Be Investigated

The problem we are facing as a company is that employees are becoming detached and uninterested or invested in their work as they do not have a cohesive location and often cannot communicate with co-workers effectively. This is not to say that telework should be prohibited, more so that remote work should be used as an alternative when employees need flexibility outside of the traditional work environment. This poses many issues to the company. First, it is our role as government contractors to satisfy our government customers to maintain contracts and business. Without effective communication and cooperation, we cannot provide the support required to our customers and we run the risk of losing contracts and losing business and revenue.

Secondly, this poses a problem to the company in that employees are not engaging with one another on a daily or regular basis. Instances in which employees do not establish working relationships with one another often result in decreased job satisfaction and increased employee turnover in which the company is constantly hiring new workers and investing funds to train new employees.

It is essential that employees feel appreciated and heard in their concerns in the workplace. It is also crucial that employees can effectively complete the jobs required of them, which in our industry, required constant communication and contact with one another and other team members. Frequent turnover is not only a problem to the company, but also presents a bad representation of the company to our customers when they are frequently engaging with new individuals as personnel leave.

What Secondary Research I Have Conducted about the Problem

Secondary research that I have conducted on the problem has revolved around the issues telework poses in creating distance barriers that bar effective communication. Many scholars and studies support the notion that telework limits employees and managers from developing relationships that are impactful on promoting increased collaboration in the workplace. Additionally, studies suggest that face-to-face communication directly leads to increased productivity and innovation in work as employees are more likely to engage in conversations that would be limited on virtual platforms. To promote constant collaboration and teamwork, employees need to have a platform that provides constant communication as well as regular team meetings and in-person contact.

What Primary Research I Will Conduct about the Problem

Primary research that I will conduct about the problem will consist of an anonymous survey sent to all employees of the company via email to be completed within one week’s time. This survey will consist of 5 short questions pertaining to communication within the company and a rating system in which employees can quickly answer each question rating the effectiveness of communication on a scale of 1 to 5.

After completing this survey, I will conduct a series of interviews with employees of the company as well as government customers and representatives who work directly with our company on daily projects. I will gather their feedback pertaining to communication effectiveness in the company and areas in which they think communication can be improved. Additionally, I will gather information pertaining to how they perceive the distance between employees and if they think it has a bearing on their ability to effectively complete their job.

Why We Will Benefit from My Research and Recommendations

Our company will benefit in many ways from the research that I will perform on the issues. Through my research, the HR Department will get a better understanding of the concerns that employees have related to communication issues. Additionally, the company will be able to gauge the satisfaction that we are giving our government customers and ways in which we can improve to serve them better and better perform our goals. Additionally, my research will reveal techniques that can improve employee communication and ultimately improve working relationships and boost employee morale. As a company, we can always benefit from keeping talent in our company and further investing in employees that have been loyal to our cause and efforts. My recommendations will allow the HR Department, as well as Business Partners, to consider the repercussions of failing to enforce relevant policies related to communication and work techniques.


The Naval Aviation Company is a growing organization that is currently facing problems related to distance between employees and lacking methods of improving communication techniques. As a company, we are always striving to attain more government contracts demanding more workers, and we cannot continue to grow without addressing communication concerns. With your permission, I will conduct research on implementing a company-wide communication system and show the benefits of enforcing policies pertaining to in-person meetings and team events.


Joe Smith, HR Business P



of Naval Aviation Company


Renee Ermer, Program Analyst




, 2020

Subject: Req



Conduct Research on Communication Techniques and Alternatives


As a cleared government contractor supporting the Navy, we have many employees working in

different office locations or from remote locations exercising telework. Because of such,

communication between employees is limited to email or teleconferences in wh

ich employees

cannot collaborate and communicate to the fullest


our program demands.

To improve this, I

propose that

the company

enforce new policies

in which employees can only telework on

approved bases, subjecting employees to participate in a tradit

ional environment. Additionally, in

order to solve issues related to workers in different locations within the same city, I propose that

the company

develop a company

wide instant messaging


software and

enforce new policies

requiring each team and pro

gram to have a weekly face


face meeting in which employees can

engage with one another and establish working relationships.

What the Problem Is and Why It Needs to Be Investigated

The problem we are facing as a company is that employees are becoming d

etached and

uninterested or invested in their work as they do not have a cohesive location and often cannot

communicate with co

workers effectively. This is not to say that telework should be prohibited,

more so that remote work should be used as an altern

ative when employees need flexibility

outside of the traditional work environment.

This poses many issues to the company. First, it is

our role as government contractors to satisfy our government customers to maintain contracts

and business. Without effect

ive communication and cooperation, we cannot provide the support

required to our customers and we run the risk of losing contracts and losing business and


Secondly, this poses a problem to the company in that employees are not engaging with one


nother on a daily or regular basis. Instances in which employees do not establish working

relationships with one another often result in decreased job satisfaction and increased employee

turnover in which the company is constantly hiring new workers and in

vesting funds to train new


It is essential that employees feel appreciated and heard in their concerns in the workplace. It is

also crucial that employees can effectively complete the jobs required of them, which in our

industry, required cons

tant communication and contact with one another and other team

members. Frequent turnover is not only a problem to the company, but also presents a bad

representation of the company to our customers when they are frequently engaging with new

individuals as

personnel leave.

What Secondary Research I Have Conducted about the Problem

Secondary research that I have conducted on the problem has revolved around the issues

telework poses in creating distance barriers that bar effective communication. Many schol

ars and

studies support the notion that telework limits employees and managers from developing

relationships that are impactful on promoting increased collaboration in the workplace.

Additionally, studies suggest that face-to-face communication directly leads to increased productivity and innovation in work as employees are more likely to engage in conversations that would be limited on virtual platforms. To promote constant collaboration and teamwork, employees need to have a platform that provides constant communication as well as regular team meetings and in-person contact.

What Primary Research I Will Conduct about the Problem

Primary research that I will conduct about the problem will consist of an anonymous survey sent to all employees of the company via email to be completed within one week’s time. This survey will consist of 5 short questions pertaining to communication within the company and a rating system in which employees can quickly answer each question rating the effectiveness of communication on a scale of 1 to 5.

After completing this survey, I will conduct a series of interviews with employees of the company as well as government customers and representatives who work directly with our company on daily projects. I will gather their feedback pertaining to communication effectiveness in the company and areas in which they think communication can be improved. Additionally, I will gather information pertaining to how they perceive the distance between employees and if they think it has a bearing on their ability to effectively complete their job.

Why We Will Benefit from My Research and Recommendations

Our company will benefit in many ways from the research that I will perform on the issues. Through my research, the HR Department will get a better understanding of the concerns that employees have related to communication issues. Additionally, the company will be able to gauge the satisfaction that we are giving our government customers and ways in which we can improve to serve them better and better perform our goals. Additionally, my research will reveal techniques that can improve employee communication and ultimately improve working relationships and boost employee morale. As a company, we can always benefit from keeping talent in our company and further investing in employees that have been loyal to our cause and efforts. My recommendations will allow the HR Department, as well as Business Partners, to consider the repercussions of failing to enforce relevant policies related to communication and work techniques.


The Naval Aviation Company is a growing organization that is currently facing problems related to distance between employees and lacking methods of improving communication techniques. As a company, we are always striving to attain more government contracts demanding more workers, and we cannot continue to grow without addressing communication concerns. With your permission, I will conduct research on implementing a company-wide communication system and show the benefits of enforcing policies pertaining to in-person meetings and team events.

Joe Smith, HR Business Partner

of Naval Aviation Company

Renee Ermer, Program Analyst

, 2020

Subject: Req
uest to Conduct Research on Communication Techniques and Alternatives


As a cleared government contractor supporting the Navy, we have many employees working in
different office locations or from remote locations exercising telework. Because of such,
communication between employees is limited to email or teleconferences in wh
ich employees
cannot collaborate and communicate to the fullest

our program demands.
To improve this, I

propose that the company enforce new policies in which employees can only telework on

approved bases, subjecting employees to participate in a tradit
ional environment. Additionally, in
order to solve issues related to workers in different locations within the same city, I propose that
the company
develop a company

wide instant messaging


software and
enforce new policies
requiring each team and pro
gram to have a weekly face


face meeting in which employees can
engage with one another and establish working relationships.

What the Problem Is and Why It Needs to Be Investigated

The problem we are facing as a company is that employees are becoming d
etached and
uninterested or invested in their work as they do not have a cohesive location and often cannot
communicate with co

workers effectively. This is not to say that telework should be prohibited,
more so that remote work should be used as an altern
ative when employees need flexibility
outside of the traditional work environment.
This poses many issues to the company. First, it is
our role as government contractors to satisfy our government customers to maintain contracts
and business. Without effect
ive communication and cooperation, we cannot provide the support
required to our customers and we run the risk of losing contracts and losing business and

Secondly, this poses a problem to the company in that employees are not engaging with one
nother on a daily or regular basis. Instances in which employees do not establish working
relationships with one another often result in decreased job satisfaction and increased employee
turnover in which the company is constantly hiring new workers and in
vesting funds to train new

It is essential that employees feel appreciated and heard in their concerns in the workplace. It is
also crucial that employees can effectively complete the jobs required of them, which in our
industry, required cons
tant communication and contact with one another and other team
members. Frequent turnover is not only a problem to the company, but also presents a bad
representation of the company to our customers when they are frequently engaging with new
individuals as

personnel leave.

What Secondary Research I Have Conducted about the Problem

Secondary research that I have conducted on the problem has revolved around the issues
telework poses in creating distance barriers that bar effective communication. Many schol
ars and
studies support the notion that telework limits employees and managers from developing
relationships that are impactful on promoting increased collaboration in the workplace.

To: Joe Smith, HR Business Partner of Naval Aviation Company

From: Renee Ermer, Program Analyst

Date: February 17, 2020

Subject: Request to Conduct Research on Communication Techniques and Alternatives


As a cleared government contractor supporting the Navy, we have many employees working in
different office locations or from remote locations exercising telework. Because of such,

communication between employees is limited to email or teleconferences in which employees

cannot collaborate and communicate to the fullest as our program demands. To improve this, I

propose that the company enforce new policies in which employees can only telework on

approved bases, subjecting employees to participate in a traditional environment. Additionally, in

order to solve issues related to workers in different locations within the same city, I propose that

the company develop a company-wide instant messaging (IM) software and enforce new policies

requiring each team and program to have a weekly face-to-face meeting in which employees can

engage with one another and establish working relationships.

What the Problem Is and Why It Needs to Be Investigated

The problem we are facing as a company is that employees are becoming detached and

uninterested or invested in their work as they do not have a cohesive location and often cannot

communicate with co-workers effectively. This is not to say that telework should be prohibited,

more so that remote work should be used as an alternative when employees need flexibility

outside of the traditional work environment. This poses many issues to the company. First, it is

our role as government contractors to satisfy our government customers to maintain contracts

and business. Without effective communication and cooperation, we cannot provide the support

required to our customers and we run the risk of losing contracts and losing business and


Secondly, this poses a problem to the company in that employees are not engaging with one

another on a daily or regular basis. Instances in which employees do not establish working

relationships with one another often result in decreased job satisfaction and increased employee

turnover in which the company is constantly hiring new workers and investing funds to train new


It is essential that employees feel appreciated and heard in their concerns in the workplace. It is
also crucial that employees can effectively complete the jobs required of them, which in our

industry, required constant communication and contact with one another and other team

members. Frequent turnover is not only a problem to the company, but also presents a bad
representation of the company to our customers when they are frequently engaging with new

individuals as personnel leave.

What Secondary Research I Have Conducted about the Problem

Secondary research that I have conducted on the problem has revolved around the issues

telework poses in creating distance barriers that bar effective communication. Many scholars and

studies support the notion that telework limits employees and managers from developing
relationships that are impactful on promoting increased collaboration in the workplace.

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