comparative criminal 4

 Several tensions have been identified with the development of the current policing in South Africa. First, there is a need to determine the role of municipal police regarding crime prevention. Second, there is a need to find the right balance and training for its tripartite responsibilities of policing traffic, enforcing municipal by-laws and regulations, and preventing crime. Third, there is a need to maintain standards within these new organizations and avoid the allegations of corruption in many government agencies in South Africa. Finally, there is a need to ensure that the police are independent of local political pressures.

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Discuss the following questions: 

  • South Africa consistently struggles with some of the highest rates of violent crime, including homicide and sexual assault, in the world. Describe how you think this might cause issues with policing. 
  • South Africa also has a wide variety of theft, carjacking, harassment, and non-criminal challenges such as car accidents. How do you think this came about, and will they be able to control this action?
  • Do you think being a police officer in South Africa is dangerous?  What would be the reason for the danger?
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