Compare and contrast between “The Hunger Games” and “The Road”


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Compare and contrast between “The Hunger Games” and “The Road”

LIT 322 Final Project Milestone One: Literary Analysis Proposal Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: By this point in the term, you have completed reading The Hunger Games, which is one of the three text options that you can use for your final literary
analysis paper. You will be reading the other options, The Road and Gone Girl, in the upcoming weeks. Last week, you completed a short paper analyzing themes
in The Hunger Games. Thinking about those themes that you identified in that first paper, review the summaries provided for each of your other options for your
final paper.

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Summary and Reviews of The Road
Summary and Reviews of Gone Girl

For your first milestone this week, you will begin to formulate and organize your ideas by writing a brief proposal that will start to incorporate key elements of
your final paper.

Prompt: In your proposal, include the following critical elements:

 Theme: Based on your reading of The Hunger Games and your review of the summaries of The Road and Gone Girl, identify a theme that you are most
interested in pursuing at this point for your final paper and provide your rationale for choosing the theme.

 Two Texts: Based on the theme you are planning to focus on that you described above, identify which two texts you think you will choose for your final
paper at this point. You will solidify your decision of the two texts in Milestone Two, which is the rough draft of your paper.

 Literary Devices: Identify one to two literary device(s) that illustrate(s) the theme you are interested in. For a complete list of literary devices, refer to
the literary terms list.

 Working Thesis Statement: Include a working/draft thesis statement that incorporates the theme that you are planning to explore further in this class.
For additional information about crafting a thesis statement, please refer to this excerpt from the Research and Citations section of SNHU’s Online
Writing Center resource.

 Commercial Success: Briefly discuss your thoughts as to why this theme appears in other works of popular fiction. Provide examples to justify your claim.

 Historical Influence: Briefly discuss historical happenings or events that may have influenced the authors, genres, or works that you are considering for
your final paper. You may use the secondary resource that you identified in your Module Two short paper, but should look for additional scholarly
resources to help you with this, as at least two scholarly resources are required in your final paper. Use the resources you find to provide examples.

 Writing Mechanics: As you develop your thesis, be sure to use a clear pattern of organization. Make sure your flow of ideas is logical and easy to
understand. Your proposal should be free of errors related to citations, tone, style, grammar, spelling, syntax and should be presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format.

Guidelines for Submission: For Milestone One, submit a two-page literary analysis proposal. It should follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-
point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Literary Devices and Terms

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident Value

Theme Identifies a theme and provides
the rationale for why it was
chosen (100%)

Identifies a theme but does not
provide the rationale for why it
was chosen (75%)

Does not identify a theme (0%)


Two Texts Identifies title of two primary
texts from this course that share
a theme identified above (100%)

Does not identify two primary
texts from this course that share
a theme identified above (0%)


Literary Devices Selected literary device(s) are
able to support chosen theme

Selected literary device(s) are
not able to support chosen
theme (75%)

Does not select a literary
device(s) (0%)


Working Thesis

Includes a working/draft thesis
statement that incorporates the
chosen theme (100%)

Includes a working/draft thesis
statement, but it does not
incorporate the chosen theme

Does not include a working/draft
thesis statement (0%)



Discusses why the chosen theme
appears in other works of
popular fiction and provides
examples to justify claim (100%)

Discusses why the chosen theme
appears in other works of
popular fiction but does not
provide examples to justify claim

Does not discuss why the chosen
theme appears in other works of
popular fiction (0%)



Discusses historical happenings
or events that may have
influenced the genres, authors,
or works and provide specific
examples from secondary
resources to justify claims

Discusses historical happenings
or events that may have
influenced the genres, authors,
or works, but does not provide
specific examples from
secondary resources to justify
claims (75%)

Does not discuss historical
happenings or events that may
have influenced the genres,
authors, or works (0%)


Writing Mechanics Minor errors related to grammar
or formatting; utilizes course
concepts and terminology

Some errors related to grammar
or formatting; utilizes some
course concepts and
terminology (75%)

Major errors related to grammar
or formatting; does not utilize
course concepts and
terminology (0%)


Total 100%

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