Comparing Management and Franchise Agreements


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our valuation of the management agreement for the new Hungerford Hotel, we determined that the contract had an NPV of $17,110 per room. This is the value of the brand services and of the management services. In our valuation of the franchise fees for the Hillwood Hotel, we determined the franchise had an NPV of $12,216 per room. This is the value of the brand services.

Based on this information about these agreements, create a post that answers the following questions:

  1. Is the difference in NPV, roughly $5,000 per room, adequate compensation for the responsibility of operating the property?
  2. Is the intellectual property properly valued in each instance?
  3. What conclusions can you make about operating a hotel system under franchise agreements vs. under management agreements?


SHA616: Valuing Hotel Intellectual Property and Structuring the Capital Stack
School of Hotel Administration, Cornell University
Check: Valuing the Management Agreement
Use this spreadsheet to answer questions about valuing the management agreement for the Hungerford Hotel.

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Hotel Management Fee Calculation and Valuation (all figures

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Overall Assumptions for Analysis






Owner’s Priority -$6.6M)


for Net Basic Fees


(% of SRE Revenues)


Discount Value

Period Value Rate



Hotel Revenues





3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25%



$6,600 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600

26.00% 26.00% 26.00% 26.00% 26.00% 26.00% 26.00% 26.00% 26.00% 26.00%




Hotel Revenues $ 19,640 $ 23,884 $ 26,115 $ 26,940 $ 27,746 $ 28,534 $ 29,343 $ 30,076 $ 30,830 $ 31,598

2.75% 2.75% 2.75% 2.75% 2.75% 2.75% 2.75% 2.75% 2.75% 2.75%



Total Revenues $0

Basic Fee $638 $776 $849 $876 $902 $927 $954 $977 $1,002 $1,027

75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75%






$0 $30 $31 $31



$27 $27 $28 $29 $29 $30 $31

$0 $54


$63 $64 $67 $69 $553


System Reimbursible Expenses – Costs
System Reimbursible Expenses – Revenues

$657 $718 $741 $763 $785 $807 $827 $848 $869

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

System Reimbursible Expenses – Costs $540 $657 $718 $741 $763 $785 $807 $827 $848 $869 $7,554 $4,490.61 10% $14.97
Key Money Contribution $0 $0


$0 $479



$ 0.019





$0 $0 $0.00 10%

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0


Overall Assumptions for Analysis
Key Money Contribution $0 Base Fee (% of

Hotel Revenues 3.25%
Multiple for Net Base Fees at End of Analysis

Period 6.0 Operating Expenses of Management Company (% of

Basic Fee 75%
Multiple for Incremental Fees at End of Analysis Period 4.5 Incentive Fee (% of CF after

10% 26.00%
Multiple for Net System Reimbursible Expenses at End of Analysis Period System Reimbursible Expenses as a Percent of

Total Revenues 2.75%
Discount Rate System Reimbursible Expenses – Costs 100%
Discount Rate for Incentive Fees 16% Number of Shares Outstanding (‘000) 100,000
Discount Rate for Net System Reimbursible Expenses Number of Rooms 300

Over Analysis Present
Annual Flows from Operations Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 per Room
A. Hotel Revenues $ 19,640 $ 23,884 $ 26,115 $ 26,940 $ 27,746 $ 28,534 $ 29,343 $ 30,076 $ 30,830 $ 31,598 $27
B. Hotel GOP before deducting Management Fees $5,163 $8,129 $ 9,576 $ 9,944 $ 10,279 $ 10,587 $ 10,904 $ 11,154 $ 11,413 $ 11,670 $98,819
C. Annual Debt Service ERROR:#REF!
Revenues From Management Contract
Base Fee Calculation
$19,640 $23,884 $26,115 $26,940 $27,746 $28 $29 $30 $30,830 $31
Times: Base Fee Percentage
Equals: Base Fee $63 $776 $849 $876 $902 $927 $954 $977 $1,002 $1,027 $8,928 $5,307.08 $17.69
Incentive Fee Calculation
Adjusted GOP (Line B under “Annual Flows” less Base Fee) $4,525 $7,353 $8,727 $9,068 $9,377 $9,660 $9,950 $10,177 $10,411 $10,643
Less: Owner’s Priority of $6.6 Million $6,600
Equals: Cash Flow After Owner’s Priority ($2,075) $753 $2,127 $2,468 $2,777 $3,060 $3,350 $3,577 $3,811 $4,043
Times: Incentive Fee Percentage
Equals: Incentive Fee $196 $553 $64 $722 $796 $871 $930 $991 $1,051 $6,751 $2,615.26 $8.72
System Reimbursible Expenses Calculation
Times: SRE Fee Percentage

System Reimbursible Expenses – Revenues $54 $657 $718 $741 $763 $785 $807 $827 $848 $869 $7,554 $4,490.61 $14.97
$1,178 $1,629 $2,120 $2,258 $2,387 $2,508 $2,632 $2,734 $2,841 $2,947 $23,234 $12,412.94 $41.38
Expenses & Costs of Management Contract
Operating Expense Calculation
Times: Operating Expenses as % of Basic Fee
Equals: Operating Overhead $479 $58 $637 $67 $69 $715 $733 $751 $770 $6,696 $3,980.31 $13.27
Impact Calculation
Total of Base Impacts $33 $34 $35 $37 $38
Total of Incremental Impacts $24 $25
Total Impact $56 $60 $62 $315.77 $1.05
Times: SRE – Costs as Percentage of SRE Revenues
Total Expenses and Costs $636 $693 $736 $758 $778 $797 $818 $839 $7,249 $8,786.69 ` $29.29
Net Annual Flows $700 $993 $1,427 $1,544 $1,651 $1,750 $1,853 $1,937 $2,022 $2,108 $15,985 $3,626.25 $ 12.088
Pre-Tax Earnings Per Share $ – 0 $ 0.007 $ 0.010 $ 0.014 $ 0.015 $ 0.017 $ 0.018 $ 0.019 $ 0.020 $ 0.021 $ 0.160
End of Analysis Period Valuations
Net Base Fee Value at End of Analysis Period $1,126 $434.28
Incentive Fee Value at End of Analysis Period $4,730 $1,072.30
Net System Reimbursible Expenses Value at End of Analysis Period
Total End of Analysis Period Values $5,857 $1,506.58 $5.02
Total Present Value Total Present Value and Value per Room $ 5,132.83 $ 17.109

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