Comparison Paper

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GOVT 200

Comparison Paper Assignment



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For this assignment, you will read the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802. Once you have read these founding documents and Jefferson’s letter, you will write a 2–3-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) adhering to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document, comparing each of them. When comparing the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, pay particular attention to the themes apparent in both documents and comment on which document came first and why that is important. 

You must also answer the question, “What do you think the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution thought about the separation of church and state or about the separation of God from government?” (Note: these are not the same thing.) Be sure to incorporate a biblical worldview in your paper and the concepts from your readings in the Martin textbook. Use Read: Course Style Guidelines found in Module 1: Week 1 for the correct format. 


Follow the instructions below to compose your assignment: 

· Length of assignment – 2-3 pages. 

· Make sure to include a bibliography page 

· Format of assignment – APA 

· At least 2 sources 

· Acceptable sources – Scholarly articles published within the last five years, the Bible, online articles given as assignments, and any other pertinent source that helps the student answer the assignment prompt.




Note: You may submit your assignment to the Comparison Paper: Draft Submission Assignment to check your paper for plagiarism. Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. After reviewing your Turnitin results, make any edits necessary and submit your Comparison Paper: Final Submission Assignment.


Joseph K. Willis
Liberty University
GOVT 200: Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise (C03)
Mr. Nicholas Myles



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