Computer Science Question

Assignment Instructions

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For this assignment, you will be using the diagraming application Microsoft Visio®

1. Your initial task is to review the data provided and determine the entities and relationships that would exist for your relational database design. You’ll document them in upcoming steps.

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to see a demonstration of how to work through this process.

Things to consider as you analyze the data:

  • What groupings of information exist?
  • What data depends on other data?
  • How do these groupings relate to one another?Look for one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships in the data
  • An entity relationship diagram at a conceptual level will only show the names for each entity and the relationships between them. There will be no actual data depicted in the model you are building.

Reference: Relational Database Design and Implementation (4th ed.).

Chapter 4: “Entities and Relationships”

2. Using Microsoft Visio, create a new ERD diagram. Choose the Crow’s Foot Database Notation template.

3. Create your conceptual diagram to show the four entities you identified.

4. Your diagram should show the relationships using the crow’s foot style of notation to represent the cardinality.

5. Your diagram should also label each entity clearly with a meaningful name.

For this assignment, you will create your diagram using Microsoft Visio. You will Submit a single Visio diagram file (*.vsd or *.vsdx)

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