Computer Science Question

Module 05 Content

Competency – Develop software applications using appropriate programming languages.Transferable Skill – Digital Fluency: Effectively employing and understanding digital tools to express ideas in appropriate contexts.OverviewIn this assignment, you are working as a software developer for a car manufacture company. Your company wants you to create a demo software using any programming language that initially stores the data into the file system.InstructionsFor this assignment, you will need to create a program that presents four options to the users.Option 1: Store the data related to the car in file.Ask users to enter the car model, car title, car features, and rating information.User’s to continue entering the data until user enter’s quit or q keyword.Use ArrayList or Map or any other structure from collection framework.All the data should be written into the file system.Option 2: Sort the data from the file and generate a new file with sorted data.Sort the data by car model from the file that is generated from option 1 and then create a new file with sorted data.Demonstrate the use of exception handling.Option 3: Use of Collection Framework.Use any structure from the Collection framework and print the output as a car model.Option 4: Delete all the contents the file.Delete the entire file.General RequirementsSubmits source code for the entire solution.Creates a word document and submit the following screenshots:The output of the screenshot for each option.

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