Computer Science Question

R084_COSC2625 Building IT systerm-“progress report”-“workload and rules”section 1 page 500 words

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Progress Report
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Progress Report
Start Assignment
Due Sunday by 23:59
Points 100
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File types pdf
Progress Report
Deadline: Sunday week 8 (see actual due date at the end of this page)
Feedback mode: Written (LMS) and in class team discussion
Learning Objectives Assessed
Locate and assess tools and resources for IT systems, Apply knowledge to a wide variety of
experiences in programming or scripting, networks and databases to design and develop IT
Identify, decompose and solve problems related to creation of IT system prototypes
Effectively communicate project outcomes in a written report
Assessment Details
By now, your project should be fairly advanced along your plan. Yet, no plan is perfect and thus,
your plan is very likely to have changed. Your will write about these 2 aspects in a report that must
contain the information below and the adhere to the following requirements.
This assignment should be submitted as a single PDF i.e., one per group, on Canvas. it should
be a maximum of 10 pages (1.15 spacing, font size 12, excluding any cover page, table of
content and appendix)
If your report is not within the 9-11 pages range following these requirements, a penalty of
up to 20% may apply.
You should follow the structure described in the rest of this section.
Note that this report builds up on your initial report. Similarly, your final report will be built on this
Project Background
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This section should include the basic information about your project. Much of these can be reused
from Assignment 1, but revised in the light of the feedback you have received.
Topic: A paragraph describing your topic. This should be a general overview and include your
motivation for this topic (i.e. why you find it interesting).
People: The details for each person in the group (name, student number, email address), as
well as each person’s interest in the topic, relevant skills, and most importantly, the role for
each person in the project. The role description is expected to be two or three sentences per
Aims and Goals: Describe these as best you can. Each project should have a single aim (e.g.
Re-establish the King under the Mountain”, “construct an artefact in Minecraft”,”produce a
movie about green flowers”, “explore the use of Raspberry Pis for cooking”), but may have
several goals (e.g. defeat Smaug, annoy Bard, befriend Beorn, kill as many giant spiders as
necessary, fight Azog if he shows up, … ).
One paragraph for the aim and one for each goal is expected. Each paragraph should include a
description of the aim or goal, and a justification for it.
Scope: Describe the scope of your project, including the outcomes.
Project Progress
Describe what has happened in your project so far. This should address the issues below (but is
not necessarily limited to these). You should describe what has actually happened in the project;
do not avoid stating things that have gone wrong or not gone to plan. Descriptions that sound “too
perfect” will not be very convincing.
Description: Describe the “story” of your project – how it began, how it has progressed, and
what stage of the plan you are up to. Include any dead-ends you may have followed, decisions
made, and changes that have been made to the project plan. This will need to include a
significant amount of detail, so that it is easily seen what precisely you have done and are
planning to do.
Scope [update]: Has the scope of your project changed? Have you experienced “scope
creep”? Have you had to reduce or shift the scope of your project?
Outcomes to date: What outcomes are there to date? What so far can you demonstrate? This
need not be full functionality – it may include mock ups, or user interfaces with little functionality
behind it. It is quite possible that you may have no demonstrable outcomes as yet;
nonetheless, you should explain the status of the outcomes, such as “We expect to perform
Progress Report
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tests on an initial prototype by the end of Week 11″, and how this will be done.
Progress: Describe your progress relative to your timetable. Is the project on schedule? Have
you made any changes to the schedule? Do you anticipate any changes? Do you anticipate
finishing the project on time?
Testing: What testing has been performed? What were the outcomes? Has this resulted in any
changes? Have any of your plans for testing changed during the project? Even if you haven’t
performed any test yet, you should describe what tests you will be performing, and whether
these have changed since your plan was developed.
Tools and Technologies: You described initially what tools and technologies you would be
using. What tools and technologies have you actually used? You need to be precise here;
imagine that this is a specification for another group to follow.
There is no set length for this section, but it is hard to believe that less than two pages could be
adequate. Three or four pages are far more likely.
Challenges and Learning
You were encouraged to attempt a challenging project, and one that should stretch your abilities in
some way. It is difficult to see how you would learn much from a project is well within your comfort
zone. In this section you should describe what the challenges have been, how you have
addressed them, and what you have learned from them.
How challenging has it been so far? What have you found easy? What have you found
difficult? Was this what you expected? In what ways have you been stretched? Note that these
challenges maybe different for each person in the group; be specific about this, not just that
“the group found it challenging”.
What were you expecting the challenges to be? Have these turned out as expected? What
obstacles or road blocks have you faced? What have you done to address these? Have these
been overcome?
What have you learned? Have you developed any new skills? Or new experience? This may
include ideas that haven’t worked out, such as using a particular tool, but finding that it won’t
work in the way you anticipated. This kind of experience is often a very useful side product of
exploring dead-ends.
“Plans change” said Thorin Oakenshield. Has yours changed? (Note that you plans can
change in more ways that just the timetable, such as your aim and/or goals changing, or roles
changing, or reacting to unanticipated events). Would you make any changes to your plan
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now? Have things turned out as you expected? What would you do differently if you had your
time over again?
Has your timetable been realistic? What would you change in your timetable, knowing what
you do now? How likely are you to keep to your timetable for the rest of the project? Justify and
explain your answer.
Have the tools and technologies worked out as expected? Have any of the risks you identified
occurred? Have there been any unanticipated events that have a affected your progress?
Project Processes
Working in a group is something that many people find stressful, but an ability to work in a team is
an important skill, particularly in the IT industry. In this section you should describe what you have
learned about group processes, and in particular what you have learned about your group’s
performance as a team.
What have you learned about group projects? What has worked well in your group? What
hasn’t worked well?
What are the group’s processes for communication? How effective have these been? Have
there been any changes in these since the start of the semester?
From your experience in this project, what is the most important aspect of organising a project
of this nature? Is there anything that you would do differently if you were to start again?
What advice would you give to a group about to embark on a similar project?
Workload and Roles
Have the roles of the people in the group changed in any way? Have these worked out as
Has the workload for each person been as expected? Has the workload been evenly
distributed amongst the members of the group?
Include an estimate of the number of hours each person has spent on the project, and
on what tasks.
This need not be broken down into weekly chunks, but needs to have more detail than “28
hours spent on programming”. Your timetable and Trello will be useful references for this.
Given that this report is based on weeks 4-8, each person in the group should be able
to show the results of 28 hours of work (For example, 5hrs project related work + 2hrs
admin work = 7hrs)
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An updated timetable showing week 1 to 12 should be included
In projects like this, it is easy to underestimate the amount of time needed for particular tasks.
Can you identify any underestimations of time required? Or, for that matter, overestimations?
Are there any “missing” roles? (i.e. roles which you did not plan, but which have turned out to
be necessary). Justify and explain your answer.
Marketing Pitch
How would you summarise your project so far? What would be your “elevator description” of what
has happened so far?
This is intended as a potential piece of publicity for your project. You should see this as a chance
to “sell” your idea to a potential investor. Hence assume that the person reading this section knows
absolutely nothing about your project. Do not make statements here like “We have worked well
together as a team.” A potential investor would presumably wonder why you were saying that, as if
there would be any doubt. The idea is to market what you have achieved so far, not to evaluate
whether your group is working well together.
Two paragraphs that can be delivered/read in 1-2 minutes are expected here.
Access the the external site Crafting an Elevator Pitch
Support Resources
Additional library and learning resources are available to help with the assessment in this course
Link to Assignment Support (
Submission Instruction
Your submission should be a single PDF file. Files in any other formats will be rejected.
Marking Rubric
Attached to this page
Assessment policies
Academic integrity and plagiarism
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RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.
Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:
Failure to properly document a source
Copyright material from the internet or databases
Collusion between students
For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the university website on
academic integrity ( .
Note that your submitted code will be reviewed an automated plagiarism tools called JPlag that will
inform your teacher of potential plagiarism.
Assessment declaration
When you submit work electronically, you agree to the Assessment declaratio
( .
Late submission
Late submission will be permitted in accordance with RMIT policies and the associated penalties:
10% per day, up to 5 days (after that it will be automatically graded 0/100).
Multiple submissions are allowed but only the last one will be evaluated with the associated
penalty if it happens after the expected submissions (see above).
Extension application
As this is a timed assessment, there will be no deadline extension, In case, you cannot attend this
assessment for reason beyond your control (to be documented), you have to contact the course
coordinator before the assessment takes places. In case of technical issues during (to be
documented) or emergency (to be documented) you will have to contact no later than 24 hours
after the end of the assessment. Then, an alternative assessment in the form a technical
interview with your teacher will be arranged at a later date.
Student who have existing Special Consideration or ELS arrangements should simply email the
Offering Coordinator. For other general administration enquiries, please contact RMIT Connect.
Special consideration
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If you are applying for extensions for your assessment within five working days after the original
assessment date or due date has passed, or if you are seeking an extension for more than seven
days, you will have to apply for Special Consideration, unless there are special instructions on
your Equitable Learning Plan.
In most cases, you can apply for special consideration online
( .
For more information on special consideration, visit the university website on special
consideration. (
Report 2
Project Background
10 to >8.0 Pts
8 to >5.0 Pts
5 to >0 Pts
and Overview
Full marks
Fully address the content
Some limited information
requirement Presented
are lacking Presentation is
important is
20 to >16.0 Pts
16 to >10.0 Pts
10 to >0 Pts
Full marks
Fully address the content
requirement Presented
Some limited information
are lacking Presentation is
important is
Challenges and
20 to >16.0 Pts
16 to >10.0 Pts
10 to >0 Pts
Full marks
Fully address the content
Some limited information
requirement Presented
are lacking Presentation is
important is
15 to >12.0 Pts
12 to >7.5 Pts
7.5 to >0 Pts
Full marks
Fully address the content
requirement Presented
Some limited information
are lacking Presentation is
important is
Project Progress
Project Processes
10 pts
20 pts
20 pts
15 pts
Progress Report
Workload and Roles
Marketing Pitch
2023/9/12 17)08
15 to >12.0 Pts
12 to >7.5 Pts
7.5 to >0 Pts
Full marks
Fully address the content
Some limited
requirement Presented
information are lacking
important is
clearly (uses Gantt chart)
Presentation is unclear
10 to >8.0 Pts
8 to >5.0 Pts
5 to >0 Pts
Full marks
Fully address the content
requirement Presented
Some limited information
are lacking Presentation is
important is
10 to >8.0 Pts
8 to >5.0 Pts
5 to >0 Pts
Full marks
Professional English
Fully address the content
Some limited information
requirement Presented
are lacking Presentation is
important is
Adequate figures,
tables, graphs,
15 pts
10 pts
10 pts
screenshot, etc.
Report structure
(cover page, TOC,
content itself)
Total points: 100

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