Computer Science Question

Math Self-assessment

Now that you have taken the Math Self-assessment, it is time to reflect on your math readiness for your program.

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Answer the following questions on a word document using this guide to assess your math level.

Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, and 25 are at the Pre-algebra level. Questions 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are at the Algebra level

  • Questions 15, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 are at the Pre-calculus / Trigonometry level.
  • 1. List the question numbers that you got correct and incorrect.  (10 points)

    2. What is the first math course you will take as a part of your program? (10 points)

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  • Use this link and put in your degree level and program.  Scroll down to see course lists.
  • 3. According to your math self-evaluation, what math course are you prepared to take first? (10 points)

    4. Do you feel this evaluation accurately measured your math skills, or do you feel you just need to review the topics, as you have had these topics previously? Provide a detailed paragraph discussing the sections of the assessment you struggled with. (30 points)

    5.  Does your current math level and program required math level align?  If not, how will you achieve the required skills?  Independent study?  A course here at APUS?  Other?  Again, a detailed paragraph addressing sections you struggled with.  If your assessment level and required level align, use this paragraph to discuss how you feel about math and specifically the math courses in your plan of study.(30 points)

    Writing, organization and grammar will count for 10 points as well.  Similar to all the previous assignments in this class.

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