Computer Science Question

Assignment #3 – Concept Selection (Pugh Matrix)A Pugh matrix is mean to help structure and represent an evaluation procedure to help in decision
making and weighing possible alternatives. While it is not meant to be a an Automatic decision making
process, it can be extremely beneficial in helping to choose possible alternatives that should be
What will we do?
Your small business (or your household) needs a new Wireless internet system (e.g. Modem, Wireless
Router, etc.). Select at least two Modems & at least three Routers to create at least 6 combinations.
Select a set of features that are important for YOU. Create a Pugh Matrix to help you decide which
combination your small business – or household – should choose based on your needs.
Why are we doing this?
Pugh matrices, invented by Stuart Pugh, are qualitative technique used to rank the multi-dimensional
options of an option set. It is frequently used in engineering for making design decisions. The
advantage of the decision-making matrix is that it encourages self-reflection amongst the members of a
design team to analyze each candidate with a minimized bias (for team members can be biased towards
certain designs, such as their own).
Learning Objectives
This assignment makes use of multiple course objectives
• Describe Systems Engineering Standards and Best Practices
• Structure key steps in the SE processes from stakeholder analysis to transition of systems to

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