Computer Science Question

I have also attached the question in the word document:For DFD, you can use Word, Visio, Lucidcharts, VisibleAnalyst, and even draw by
hand, scan and upload. For rules regarding DFD use 4.24 and syntax rules by
instructor. Use Gane and Sarson Symbols (Figure 4.13)
1. Use this word file to complete Exercises R (at least three use cases) from
Page 165. Note: Preconditions and post conditions not required.
2. Use this word file to complete Exercises S from Page 165.
3. Complete MiniCase 2 – Hatcher Company (Page 165)

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R) Create a set of use cases for a university library borrowing system. (Do not worry about catalogue
searching, etc.) The system will record the books owned by the library and will record who has borrowed
what books. Before someone can borrow a book, he or she must show a valid ID card that is checked to
ensure that it is still valid against the student database maintained by the registrar’s office (for student
borrowers), the faculty/staff database maintained by the personnel office (for faculty/staff borrowers), or
against the library’s own guest database (for individuals issued a “guest” card by the library). The system
must also check to ensure that the borrower does not have any overdue books or unpaid fines before he
or she can borrow another book. Every Monday, the library prints and mails postcards to those people
with overdue books. If a book is overdue by more than 2 weeks, a fine will be imposed and a librarian
will telephone the borrower to remind him or her to return the book(s). Sometimes, books are lost or
are returned in damaged condition. The manager must then remove them from the database and will
sometimes impose a fine on the borrower.
S) Draw a level 0 DFD for the university library system in Exercise R.
The Hatcher Company is in the process of developing a new inventory management system. One of the
event handling processes in that system is Receive Supplier Shipments. The (inexperienced) systems
analyst on the project has spent time in the warehouse observing this process and developed the
following list of activities that are performed: getting the new order in the warehouse, unpacking the
boxes, making sure that all the ordered items were actually received, putting the items on the correct
shelves, dealing with the supplier to reconcile any discrepancies, adjusting the inventory quantities on
hand, and passing along the shipment information to the accounts payable office. He also created the
accompanying level 1 data flow diagram for this process. Unfortunately, this DFD has numerous syntax
and semantic errors. Identify the errors. Redraw the DFD to more correctly represent the Receive
Supplier Shipments process.

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