Computer Science Question

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    You must do the solution in the same attached file College of Computing and Informatics
    Assignment 1
    Deadline: Monday 10/2/2023 @ 23:59
    [Total Mark for this Assignment is 8]
    Student Details:
    Name: ###
    ID: ###
    CRN: ###
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    • Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
    Question One
    Pg. 01
    Describe a deep
    and systematic
    understanding of
    principles, models
    and technologies.
    Question One
    2 Marks
    Explain any four differences between OSI and TCP/IP models in your own
    Question Two
    Pg. 02
    Describe a deep
    and systematic
    understanding of
    principles, models
    and technologies.
    Question Two
    2 Marks
    If a periodic signal is decomposed into five sine waves with frequencies of 350,
    450, 850, 950, and 1050 Hz, what is its bandwidth? Draw the spectrum,
    assuming all components have a maximum amplitude of 20 V.
    Question Three
    Pg. 03
    Develop the
    ability to outline
    layered approach
    for networking
    and the physical
    layer &
    hardware and
    Question Three
    2 Marks
    Compare recent technologies used in Guided Media and Unguided Media with
    Question Four
    Pg. 04
    Explain network
    Transport Control
    Protocol / Internet
    Question Four
    2 Marks
    If maximum distance amongst ALOHA wireless station is 12 kilometer ? If
    signals propagate at 3 km/s then calculate Maximum Propagation Time and R
    for k=4?

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