computer science research paper

computer science research paper.

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Mihaylo College of Business and Economics

Information Systems and Decision Sciences
P.O. Box 6848, Fullerton, CA 92834-6848 / T 657-278-4802 / F 657-278-5940


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ISDS 265 (12239) Introduction to Information Systems and Applications ‐ SPRING 2013
Section 02 ‐ Thursdays 4:00‐6:45 pm in SGMH‐2112
Instructor: Marci Payne


Points Requirements
18‐20 • Has the required number of pages and is in the correct format

• Is well written with no typographical errors and minimal grammatical errors
• The topic is covered correctly and in detail

15‐17 • Has the required number of pages and in the correct format
• Is well written with few typographical errors and few grammatical errors
• The topic is covered fairly well

12‐14 • Has the required number of pages but is not in the correct format
• The introduction or summary is not clear
• Is a good choice of article(s)

0‐11 • Does not have the required number of pages and is not in the correct format
• Is not well written
• Is not a good choice of article(s)

The research project will be introduced in class on 02/07/2013. An electronic copy of the research
project is to be turned in via TITANium by the beginning of class on 05/09/13. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE

As introduced in Chapter 1 of your text, the use and proliferation of computers has led to the
emergence of several ethical issues. There are many strategies that companies adopt to ensure that
their security isn’t breached; these strategies are often outlined in a company’s security policies. You
are to examine the literature for ONE of the following three topics:

1. Identify breaches that some companies have experienced recently.
2. Identify potential problems experts feel companies should address in their security policies.
3. Identify the challenges organizations face in addressing security requirements.

Write a two to three (2‐3) page research paper (double spaced, 1” margins, 10 to 12 pt. report style
font, with your name in the upper right corner of first page – no cover page). The content must include
the following:

• Using chapter 1, give some background about ethical issues regarding handling security.
• Research online or in the library and find at least two current articles (2009 – 2012) and a one

reputable industry created whitepaper that will help you write about one of the topics.
• You must have in‐text references, and must use either APA or MLA style guidelines. If you do

not have in‐text references, you will receive a zero on the project.
• Add a reference page at the back of your report in addition to the 2‐3 pages of written material.

This is not a bibliography – just a reference page. Your textbook should also be part of the
references since you will be using information from at least the first chapter.

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