Construct your personal professional code of behavior.
Construct a 5–10 point personal professional code of behavior to include both ethical and legal standards for healthcare practice. As part of your assessment, (a) compare and contrast your personal professional code of behavior with the professional code of ethics for your particular healthcare specialty, and (b) provide a rationale for why you included the points you did. (If your medical occupational specialty group does not have a professional code, compare and contrast to that of another healthcare specialty. Attach your created professional code of ethics and specialty’s professional code of ethics used as a comparison point to the appendix.
2 pages; excluding any title page, references, appendices, etc.
HS290:Associate’s Capstone in Health Science
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Unit 7 Assignment and Grading Rubric
Assignment 7 Competency: Professional Standards in Healthcare
Unit outcome:
• Illustrate how professional standards are applied in healthcare practice. (Competency 1)
Course outcome:
HS290-5: Exhibit behavior consistent with the professional, ethical, and legal standards of allied health
Choose one of the following to complete:
Option a) Construct your personal professional code of behavior.
Description: Construct a 5–10 point personal professional code of behavior to include both ethical and
legal standards for healthcare practice. As part of your assessment, a) compare and contrast your
personal professional code of behavior with the professional code of ethics for your particular healthcare
specialty and b) provide a rationale for why you included the points you did. (If your medical
occupational specialty group does not have a professional code, compare and contrast to that of another
healthcare specialty. Attach your created professional code of ethics and specialty’s professional code of
ethics used as a comparison point to the appendix.
Option b) Analyze an existing professional code of behavior that relates to your healthcare specialty.
Description: Assess the professional code of conduct as it relates to the practice of your medical
occupational specialty. As part of your assessment, a) identify 5–10 points of the professional code you
believe to be most important to healthcare practice and b) illustrate why each of those points is
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important, i.e., what would happen if they were violated? (If your medical occupational specialty group
does not have a professional code, compare and contrast to that of another healthcare specialty.)
Appropriately reference the professional code of conduct and attach it as an appendix.
Option c) Prior Work Documentation: If you believe you already have documentation showing
proficiency with this competency, please contact your instructor immediately to determine if it meets the
criteria. If it does, it can be entered into your portfolio and the competency assessed as having met the
level of proficiency required. If not, you will need to complete one of the competency assessments as
Option a or b: 2–6 pages; excluding any title page, references, appendices, etc.
Option c: Prior Work Documentation with instructor approval
Unit 7-A Assignment Grading Rubric = 100 points (Assignment Option A)
Assignment Requirements Points
earned by
Create a 5–10-point professional code of
Compare and contrast own code of ethics with
that of the healthcare specialty
Describe the rationale for each point in your
professional code.
Total (Sum of all points)
Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or
APA errors.
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Adjusted total points
Instructor Feedback:
*Instructor will also leave feedback comments within Assignment paper.
Unit 7-B Assignment Grading Rubric = 100 points (Assignment Option B)
Assignment Requirements Points
earned by
Identify 5–10 points most important to
healthcare practice with rationale
Illustrate why each point is important 0–75
Total (Sum of all points)
Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or
APA errors.
Adjusted total points
Instructor Feedback:
*Instructor will also leave feedback comments within Assignment paper.