Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation with slide notes that define a CSR issue, explain how the problem affects a local or global community as well as your chosen company, and describe possible sustainable solutions that your chosen company can support.
    In the last assessment, you brought together the knowledge you gathered earlier from your select company’s functional areas to assemble a team to solve a problem. You made a case for establishing the team.
    In this final assessment, you’ll create a PowerPoint presentation to explain how a corporate social responsibility (CSR) problem affects a local or global community as well as your company, and describe possible sustainable solutions that it can support. It’s an opportunity to show your talent and bring together what you’ve learned to present to your CEO. You will apply the knowledge from the chosen company website that you have reviewed and the insights from the scenarios and the assessments you have written earlier to select an appropriate CSR issue for your company to pursue.
    The pandemic and the global recession of 2020 pulled CSR into the spotlight. Issues such as hunger, underemployment, homelessness, disease mitigation, and recovery from environmental hazards often require generous financial and volunteer efforts, such that corporations find themselves contributing in various ways.
    The new reality for companies to consider is that potential employees are often weighing the philanthropic and social-justice contributions of organizations as part of their application process and long-term commitment to a company. Corporations are responding to this changing environment by selecting specific issues or non-profit agencies to support, as well as including their CSR messaging as part of their overall marketing plan.
    Now that you’ve learned about the functional areas of the company through your internship and the company’s focus on teamwork and problem-solving, your manager would like you to lead an effort to select a corporate social responsibility (CSR) issue that the company can adopt and champion over time. You’ve impressed others with your work so far. This is a significant vote of confidence from your manager and an opportunity for visibility from the CEO and even external audiences.  
    For this assessment, you will:

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    Research the CSR efforts of your chosen company.
    Choose a specific current issue that can be addressed with sustainable solutions.
    Prepare a short presentation to leadership about the chosen issue and present some sustainable problem-solving actions that the company could take as part of a new CSR campaign. You may use the Assessment 4 Template [PPTX] to help organize your work.
    Using the template, create an 8–10 slide PowerPoint presentation with slide notes that define a corporate social responsibility issue, explain how the problem affects a local or global community, and describe possible sustainable solutions that the company can support.
    1. In preparation for this assessment, review your selected company website and look for evidence of a social responsibility issue or problem that they have adopted to support in the local, national, or global community. Think about the following questions as you review the website. The interactive activity Corporate Social Responsibility can take you through these first questions and help you get a start on your assessment.
    Is the company support for the issue financial or is there also a volunteer element?
    How are employees engaged in the financial or volunteer activities? Are customers able to contribute financially and through volunteering?
    How is the solution that the company supports sustainable?
    How does the issue tie to your chosen company’s mission and vision?
    Note: If you don’t find much evidence of a CSR issue on the website, you can identify one that you feel fits.
    2. Select a corporate social responsibility issue to research. Possible topics include:
    Workplace diversity, hiring, and equity.
    Reducing the carbon footprint.
    Clean energy.
    Water stewardship.
    Climate change.
    Digital divide.
    3. Narrow the topic down to a specific CSR problem that needs to be solved. Explain how it relates to your chosen company and offer possible solutions that the company can support.

    Topic: Water stewardship.
    Problem: Children’s access to clean drinking water.
    Possible Solutions: Dig safe wells for local and international communities, support UNICEF clean water project, or contribute bottled water to FEMA for natural disasters.
    Relates to business: Water is a key ingredient for the product, and the organization has factories in the same states where children need clean drinking water.

    4. Next, research the CSR problem. Locate 3–7 reputable resources about the business problem and solutions. The resources you choose will help you to define the focus of your research and writing. Your research should also help you develop possible solutions to the problem. You can find some resources in the “First Steps” resource activity. This activity is linked in the Assessment hub page and counts toward engagement. The interactive activity QuickStart: Business Problems and CSR will also help you to review key aspects of CSR campaigns.
    5. Develop a PowerPoint presentation with 8–10 slides with slide notes on the chosen corporate social responsibility topic and business problem. Organize your content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions. Remember that the Assessment 4 Template [PPTX] is available to help you with this.
    PowerPoint presentation slides generally shouldn’t have sentences such as a white paper or memo would but instead should have bullet points that are organized and clearly convey the intent of the presentation.
    You should still follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions in the Notes section of the slides.
    Use the Notes feature of each slide to explain and expand your bullet points and reference your resources. You have the choice to submit your PowerPoint presentation with extensive notes or with notes plus narration.
    Your presentation should include one or more slides covering each of the following areas, and you can use slide titles more explicitly related to your chosen topic than are shown below. 

    Title slide.
    Introduction (optional).
    The Problem. 

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    Define corporate social responsibility issue and the related business problem.

    How the Problem Affects a Community and the Organization. 

    Explain how the social responsibility problem affects a local, national, or global community and relates to your chosen company

    Advantages and Limitations of Possible Solutions. 

    Include at least three possible solutions and briefly summarize them in one slide.
    Explain the advantages and limitations of each proposed solution for the social problem and discuss each solution’s impact on your chosen company
    Briefly describe any general aspects of costs, efficiencies, and effectiveness.

    Recommended Solution. 

    Recommend a solution for the social problem and explain how it aligns with your chosen company’s business, including its mission and vision.
    Support a recommended solution to a business problem with relevant evidence and research.


    Explain how your recommended solution to the CSR problem will be sustainable into the future.
    How will the increased sustainability impact profit and customer and employee satisfaction?
    Supporting evidence (research).


    As a summary, justify and support your recommended solution to the CSR problem.
    Include relevant evidence and sound reasoning.

    References slide.

    Consider the following as rough guideposts for setting aside the time you need to do your work. You’ll want to adjust these as you learn more about your own pace and working style.
    Research and Reading: 4 hrs.
    Interactive activities: 30 mins.
    Learning presentation technology: 8 hrs.
    Writing: 8 hrs.
    Revising: 3 hrs.
    Slides: 8–10 slides, not including the reference slide, with no more than 6 bullet points per slide.
    Resources: Cite at least three resources, including your website, on a reference slide.
    Template: You may use the Assessment 4 Template [PPTX]to help organize your presentation.
    Submit for this assessment:

    Option A: 8–10 PowerPoint slides with extensive notes in the Notes section of the slide.
    Option B: 8–10 PowerPoint slides with narration recorded directly on each slide and notes in the Notes section of the slide.

    Competencies Measured
    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
    Competency 1: Explain the underlying principles of successful businesses. 

    Explain how a recommended solution to a corporate social responsibility problem will be sustainable into the future.

    Competency 3: Solve business problems using critical thinking and effective decision making. 

    Explain how a corporate social responsibility problem affects a community and relates to a chosen company.
    Explain the advantages and limitations of solutions for a social problem and its impact on a chosen company.
    Recommend a solution for a social problem that aligns with a chosen company.

    Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for the field of business. 

    Support a recommended solution to a business problem with relevant evidence.
    Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.

  • Team Planning Worksheet
  • Name
    Jessica A Mitchell

    PART 1: Review the business problem and team member profiles within the Team Planning
    Activity. Then fill in the charts below to select the team members for the problem-solving team,
    create a team communication plan, and answer the questions about delegating responsibilities and
    resolving conflict.
    PART 2: Select three members to be part of the team and give the rationale for each of your
    decisions. Don’t forget to include the 4th team member assigned by your manager.

    Name Current department

    Explain the reasons
    for including this
    specific functional

    area in an
    organizational team

    in terms of the
    advantages offered.

    What role would this
    individual fill on the


    Example: Owen

    Distribution, Truck

    Example: It is
    essential to get the
    perspective of the
    Operations functional
    area and ensure the
    supply chain team is
    involved in the
    problem-solving since
    they will be the ones
    that will have to
    implement the

    Example: Owen is
    known as a team
    player, and because of
    all his connections, he
    will be the team’s
    information gatherer.

    Team Member 1: Jim

    Sales manager The sales department
    is essential because it
    will help drive the
    sales of Nova 101k

    recruitment, coaching
    and monitoring of the
    performance of the
    different sales

    Team Member 2:
    Zig Zigler

    Accountant Accounting functional
    area is needed to help
    in budgeting

    Approve the different
    expenses and identify
    any potential

    Team Member 3:
    Napoleon Hill

    Human Resource

    It is very important to
    get the input of a
    human resource
    personnel to make
    sure that we have the
    right talent and skills
    needed in the

    Help in the
    recruitment process
    and also help select
    the right candidates to
    fill in positions
    (Müller et al., 2019).

    Assigned Team
    Member 4:

    Accountant With the leadership
    skills obtained during
    the internship I will
    be able to oversee and
    push the company
    towards success.

    Offer advice on the
    different ways that
    can be used in the
    reduction of costs,
    increase of revenue
    and the growth of

    PART 3: Create a communication plan that includes recommendations for how the team will
    connect daily, weekly, and over the course of the project. Include innovative, reliable technology
    strategies where possible. Use proper spelling and grammar. Your plan should be 1–2 paragraphs.

    Each day, the team will connect through the use of emails to share documents and important messages.
    They will also connect through the use of phone calls when they need to share something urgent to the
    team members. At the end of each week there will be zoom meetings where the team members will
    update each other on the progress of the project. The zoom meetings will allow the team to ask any
    questions they have if they need clarification on their roles (Arandi-Klee et al., 2020). At the end of the
    month, a physical meeting will be held at the company where the project team will evaluate the project
    and determine any variances that need to be communicated. The team will be free to contact each other
    through phone calls and even face to face all through the project if they need any help.

    PART 4: Solving the Business Problem and Delegating Tasks

    Business Problem
    The logistics function (warehousing, trucking, inventory, etc.) is having a problem with channels
    of distribution. Some customers have recently complained that their orders are delayed 2-3 weeks,
    while others have praised the company for delivering the orders in advance. It will require a
    cross-functional team to study and problem-solve the situation.
    List the steps to solve the distribution problem and then select team members who could be
    responsible for the task based on their business skills and soft skills.

    Step Action Team

    List business skills
    from their function

    Describe effective


    and explain how

    would support a

    team effort
    example Identify and define

    the problem, gather

    Owen Example: List
    members and their
    strengths that will
    help define the
    Example: Owen—
    knowledge of
    inventory from the
    trucking perspective,
    understands the
    delivery schedule

    List soft skills that
    will help
    accomplish this
    Example: Owen—
    understands the
    problem from the
    perspective from
    delivery problems.
    He is a team
    player and can see
    all sides of a

    1 Goal setting and
    problem definition.

    Jim Rohn Has skills in team
    leadership and
    problem solving. Has
    worked with clients
    more and
    understands their
    problems better
    (Picciotto, 2020).

    Jim Rohn
    understands the
    problem from the
    perspective of the
    customer because
    he has been
    working in sales
    for a long time.

    2 Budgeting and
    estimation of the

    Zig Zigler Has accounting skills
    that are needed to
    create budget.

    Forecatsing and
    estimation to help
    create a sheet that
    shows the
    expenses that will
    be needed to
    correct the
    channels and make
    sure customers are
    served on time.

    3 Hire additional staff
    to reduce the delays
    and increase

    Napoleón Hill Is known for the
    ability to recruit the
    best talent and will
    be able to get
    additional staff to
    work in the company
    to make sure the
    retirement clients are

    Recruitment skills
    will help attract
    the right talent
    while the selection
    skills will make
    sure the candidates
    selected are
    capable of

    served on time. delivering beyond

    4 Determine the
    reasons why the
    customers are not
    served on time
    through a customer

    Assigned team

    Leadership skills will
    help ensure that I can
    take charge and
    determine what is
    causing delays in the

    Customer service
    and effective
    skills will help
    ascertain what is

    PART 5: Conflict Resolution

    Describe strategies that will be used to avoid and resolve conflicts between members of the

     Also consider the consequences of not addressing the conflict.

    Use proper spelling and grammar. Your response should be 1–2 paragraphs.

    To help avoid conflicts among the team members clear expectations will be set at the beginning
    of the project where each team member will know what role they will be expected to perform
    and the different functions within the role. A culture of collaboration and a team spirit will be
    highly encouraged so that the conflicts between the team are very minimal and each of the
    member understands the value of each of the team members (Melin, 2021). Team building
    activities will help the team members understand how unique and different the team members
    are to avoid offending and annoying each other in the course of the project.Team building
    activities will help the team understand the strengths and weaknesses of the team members.

    When it comes to the solving of conflicts within the team, mediation will be the best technique
    to be used. With mediation both sides of the argument will be given an opportunity to express
    themselves and the concerns which they have (Melin, 2021). A neutral person will be used and
    in this case the human resource manager will be ideal person to help in the solving of the
    conflict. The strategy will be to arrive at a win win situation where none of the team members
    will feel as if they have lost. If conflicts are not addressed then the team will not be able to work
    together effectively and there will be lack of respect for each other.

    PART 6: Conclusion

    Summarize how your plan will result in an effective team that will contribute to
    organizational success. Use proper spelling and grammar. Your summary should be 1–2

    The plan will have an effective team because it encourages that all the team members respect the
    input of each other. When all the team members value the input of one another they will feel
    valued and important. The communication plan will make sure that all the team members are
    always up to date with the project progress to help enhance productivity. In the meetings the
    members will be able to ask any questions which they have and will get clarity on any confusion
    they might have. Conflicts will be solved well to promote an understanding that will increase
    effectiveness of the team.


    Arandi-Klee, R., Marks, E., Assaker, A., & Llenas, L. (2020). D7. 1 Dissemination and

    Communication plan (DCP)–1st version.

    Melin, M. M. (2021). The business of peace: understanding corporate contributions to conflict

    management. International Interactions, 47(1), 107-134.

    Müller, R., Drouin, N., & Sankaran, S. (2019). Modeling organizational project

    management. Project Management Journal, 50(4), 499-513.

    Picciotto, R. (2020). Towards a ‘New Project Management’movement? An international

    development perspective. International Journal of Project Management, 38(8), 474-485.

      Team Planning Worksheet

    Mission,Vision and Ethics in Organizations

    Jessica A Mitchell

    School of Business, Technology and Health Care Administration, Capella University

    BUS-FPX3007: Developing a Business Perspective

    February 7, 2022






    The company website is

    . Nova 401K associates is a national third-party administration TPA firm focused on providing customized retirement plan design and compliance services for business owners and financial advisors. The purpose of this email is to give Nova 401K recommendations on what they can implement to improve their mission statement, vision statement and code of ethics.

    Purpose and Key Elements of Mission Statements

    A mission statement describes a company’s existence in a single sentence or short paragraph. it defines the line of business the company is in and its purpose in the industry it also explains what differentiates the company from its competitors. Some of the key elements of mission statements is purpose, capability, inspiration, distinction and legacy. Nova 401K’s case mission statement on their website (

    ) is as follows: “Nova 401K associates is a national third-party administration TPA firm focused on providing customized retirement plan design and compliance services for business owner and financial advisors. We serve in this capacity for more than 7500 retirement plans for 401(k), 403(b) and defined benefit plans representing in excess of $9 billion of retirement plan assets you will not find the more capable TPA firm in the country.” (

    Purpose and Key Elements of Vision Statements

    A vision statement describes the company’s purpose, what the company is striving for and what it wants to achieve. It also is an inspirational statement of an idealistic emotional future of a company. The vision statement gives them the chance to articulate the characteristics that influence the organization’s strategy. Some of the key elements of a vision statement is showing that your company is unique from competition, reflects organizational values and defining the organization’s direction. Nova 401K’s vision statement is: “We get it. We listen. We communicate.” (

    Purpose and Key Elements of a Code of Ethics

    A code of ethics sets out and organizations ethical guidelines and best practices to follow for honesty integrity and professionalism. For members of an organization violating the code of ethics can result in sanctions including termination. The key elements of a code of ethics is integrity, using good judgment, honesty, responsibility and self-discipline. Nova 401K does not have a code of ethics listed on their website; hence I would recommend that they add one. The code of ethics should be directed towards all stakeholders, leadership, employees and customers to show employees that you are a responsible company, show customers that you value integrity and to provide a clear point of reference when enforcing corrective action.

    Evaluation of Statements

    The mission statement on Nova 401k’s website explains the company’s purpose which is providing customized retirement plan design and compliance service services for business owners and financial advisors. This mission statement supports the company’s goals by giving the reader the purpose of their business. Their vision statement is: “We get it. We listen We communicate.” ( It is to the point. I would replace we get it with we understand. In my opinion we get it sounds too simplistic. There is no code of ethics listed on the website. I would suggest that Nova 401k add that.

    Elements to Include on the Mission, Vision, and Ethics Web Page of the Company Website

    The first element that I would change on a website is the cartoon figures with a chart I would replace that with families, employees and business owners smiling showing their gratitude for their retirement plan. I believe when clients see the images of real people being happy with their retirement plans, they would want to sign up. The second element that I would change is adding a code of ethics to their website. The code of ethics shows customers that you value integrity and you are a responsible company. These two elements could support the business goals by showing potential clients that they are a serious organization, therefore giving them the respect that they deserve and adding more clients to their portfolio.


    The mission statement helps the company create a core identity and develops purpose. It establishes the basis for everyone involved in the business. The mission statement also attracts talent. Talented people would like to be apart of the organization when they see how clear and focused the business model and goals are. The vision statement describes the company’s purpose, what the company is striving for and what it wants to achieve. A code of ethics sets out an organization’s ethical guidelines and best practices to follow for honesty, integrity and professionalism. The suggested elements for the website would make it more appealing to the viewers. The images of families, business owners and employees being elated would show that they made the right choice choosing Nova 401k. The code of ethics statement would make the company appear to be more trustworthy and moral.


    Essential Components of a Vision Statement (With Examples). (n.d.). Indeed Career Guide.

    Four Reasons Why Business Needs a Code of Ethics – Whistleblower Security. (n.d.).

    The 5 Key Elements of a Mission Statement. (2016, August 16). Agile & Co.

    The 5 Key Elements of a Mission Statement

    What is the purpose of code of ethics? – Blog that helps in education. Wade, L. (2021, December 21).

    What is the purpose of code of ethics?

    What is the purpose of a vision statement? (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2022, from

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