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This template ensures that all required content is clearly and consistently provided for a reader.    Please edit and resubmit following the exact format/sentence structure.

In paragraph format (without the questions), provide the following information using 250 words or less.  Use past tense when discussing the research process and findings.    

There are no citations in an annotated bibliography.

Researcher last name (year) examined, evaluated,  investigated, explored, studied, etc  what topic for what purpose?   (one sentence)

What was the 

gap in the research

 that the study addressed – meaning what was still unknown or understood about this topic based on previous research? AND why is it important to examine this gap (two sentences)

(Do not use the words the unknown, gap or why it is important…. Just state the information)

The participants included-  list the number of individuals  (and if noted both genders, age range in parentheses after number of individuals)   (one sentence)
**Example –  The participants included 100 individuals (66 male, 34 female, age range 18 – 44 years)

How was the data collected?   (two -three sentences depending on methodology)

How was the data analyzed?  (one -two sentences)

What were the findings?  (two- three sentences)

What are the implications?

  (two – three sentences)  Do not use the word Implication –  just state how the findings are applied outside of the research setting to help others. Example:   Results added new information to the field, extended previous findings, additional research needed. Findings can be used to help others in what way – create interventions, psychoeducation programs, treatment protocols, inform policy makers, inform insurance providers, etc


*Finally, note in one concise sentence, how the results or the findings provide support for  subtheme X (state the subtheme name) the study is aligned with  (which is a helpful reminder for you when reviewing multiple studies).  You will only remind the reader at the end of each study of the subtheme in this assignment, not when you move the content to the capstone template


Let me know if you have any questions. 

When I look at your summaries you have not followed the template or included the required content in the sentence structure provided.  If you see  (two – three sentences) this means provide that number of sentences for the noted content. You have also not included all required content.  Please use the template as a check list to ensure all required content in the correct sentence amounts is included. 

The annotated bibliographies are the foundation of your paper and are written in the exact format provided to all required content is clearly and consistently provided for a reader.  You will past them into the capstone template AS IS as you begin to build your paper.  

 See my track changes comments Both in the body and margin of the attached document for what I mean by this. 

Please send Two revised summaries for review.  Be sure to remove all comments (not just turn off the view)  

Hope this makes better sense!  

I do understand the challenges of balancing family, work and school.


 I took a quick look at your document and see that you have not followed

 the template I provided?  

This template ensures that all required content is clearly and consistently provided for a reader.    Please edit and resubmit following the exact format/sentence structure.

In paragraph format (without the questions), provide the following information using 250 words or less.  Use past tense when discussing the research process and findings.    

There are no citations in an annotated bibliography.

Researcher last name (year) examined, evaluated,  investigated, explored, studied, etc  what topic for what purpose?   (one sentence)

What was the 

gap in the research

 that the study addressed – meaning what was still unknown or understood about this topic based on previous research? AND why is it important to examine this gap (two sentences)

(Do not use the words the unknown, gap or why it is important…. Just state the information)

The participants included-  list the number of individuals  (and if noted both genders, age range in parentheses after number of individuals)   (one sentence)
**Example –  The participants included 100 individuals (66 male, 34 female, age range 18 – 44 years)

How was the data collected?   (two -three sentences depending on methodology)

How was the data analyzed?  (one -two sentences)

What were the findings?  (two- three sentences)

What are the implications?

  (two – three sentences)  Do not use the word Implication –  just state how the findings are applied outside of the research setting to help others. Example:   Results added new information to the field, extended previous findings, additional research needed. Findings can be used to help others in what way – create interventions, psychoeducation programs, treatment protocols, inform policy makers, inform insurance providers, etc


*Finally, note in one concise sentence, how the results or the findings provide support for  subtheme X (state the subtheme name) the study is aligned with  (which is a helpful reminder for you when reviewing multiple studies).  You will only remind the reader at the end of each study of the subtheme in this assignment, not when you move the content to the capstone template


Let me know if you have any questions. 

When I look at your summaries you have not followed the template or included the required content in the sentence structure provided.  If you see  (two – three sentences) this means provide that number of sentences for the noted content. You have also not included all required content.  Please use the template as a check list to ensure all required content in the correct sentence amounts is included. 

The annotated bibliographies are the foundation of your paper and are written in the exact format provided to all required content is clearly and consistently provided for a reader.  You will past them into the capstone template AS IS as you begin to build your paper.  

 See my track changes comments Both in the body and margin of the attached document for what I mean by this. 

Please send Two revised summaries for review.  Be sure to remove all comments (not just turn off the view)  

Hope this makes better sense!  

·Annotated Bibliography Assignment Template
(see article summary template on page 2)

**To open this Google Doc in MS Word – select “File” from the menu, “Download As”, “Microsoft Word”.

Add the annotated bibliographies alphabetized beneath each subtheme using the exact format I provided so all required content is clearly and consistently included. Be sure to number your summaries 1-24 so I can easily see that you have included the required 24.

Some examples of how to start your paper title – The review of X, An examination of X, The impact of X on X,

The Overarching Theme/Title of my Paper is (one concise sentence):
**Your studies should be equally organized under your 3-4 headings. Be sure to include both quantitative and qualitative research (interviews and case studies)

Subtheme 1: Name
Associated summaries below

Subtheme 2: Name

Associated summaries below

Add additional subthemes as needed (no more than 4)

Study Summary Template
Annotated bibliographies are one short concise paragraph, about 250 words.

Use only single study research articles (if you do not see the words purpose, participants, data collection/analysis, findings etc – you have not selected single study research). Do not use meta-analysis, systematic review, data-set studies, discussion, commentary type articles, PhD dissertations, or books. All research should be currently published in the last 10 years (5- 7 years preferred) , unless it is seminal research (milestone, key findings, very important to the field). Send the study to me for approval if you would like to use an older study.

*** Please send one or two of your bibliographies to me for review prior to submitting your week 3 assignment to ensure that you are on track.

Use the template below when writing your annotated bibliographies. For your own use, you can also

create a table and plug the information into the table

. Organizing the study information in a table is helpful when comparing and contrasting methodologies, sample size, results, etc, to support your unifying theme. Open the link to the table and then use the Make a Copy option so you have a document that you can edit.

Add completed reference with DOI number above each summary

In paragraph format (without the questions), provide the following information using 250 words or less. Use past tense when discussing the research process and findings.

There are no citations in an annotated bibliography.

Researcher last name (year) examined, evaluated, investigated, explored, studied, etc what topic for what purpose? (one sentence)

What was the

gap in the research

that the study addressed – meaning what was still unknown or understood about this topic based on previous research? AND why is it important to examine this gap (two sentences)

(Do not use the words the unknown, gap or why it is important…. Just state the information)

The participants included- list the number of individuals (and if noted both genders, age range in parentheses after number of individuals) (one sentence)
**Example – The participants included 100 individuals (66 male, 34 female, age range 18 – 44 years)

How was the data collected? (two -three sentences depending on methodology)

How was the data analyzed? (one -two sentences)

What were the findings? (two- three sentences)

What are the implications?

(two – three sentences) Do not use the word Implication – just state how the findings are applied outside of the research setting to help others. Example: Results added new information to the field, extended previous findings, additional research needed. Findings can be used to help others in what way – create interventions, psychoeducation programs, treatment protocols, inform policy makers, inform insurance providers, etc

*Finally, note in one concise sentence, how the results or the findings provide support for subtheme X (state the subtheme name) the study is aligned with (which is a helpful reminder for you when reviewing multiple studies). You will only remind the reader at the end of each study of the subtheme in this assignment, not when you move the content to the capstone template

**Use Double Spacing In Your Document

Researcher last name (year) examined (analyzed, evaluated, investigated, etc) what topic? (what is already known about this topic? What is new about this study? Why is it important to examine this topic?). The participants included total # of individuals (# male, # female, age range if noted in study). Using (survey, experiment, case study, interviews, etc) methodology (include both quantitative or qualitative methodologies in your paper) the researchers (describe/summarize how the study was conducted). How was the data collected? How was the data analyzed? What were the findings? The results indicated (showed, provided support for, highlighted, did not support, contradicted etc., and add what the implications of the findings are (how are finding applied outside of the research setting? (Results added new information to the field, extended previous findings, additional research needed, findings can be used to help others in what way – create interventions, treatment protocols, inform policy makers, etc).

*Finally, note in one concise sentence how the results provide support for your identified subtheme the studies are aligned with (which is a helpful reminder for you when reviewing multiple studies). This content will not be moved into your paper as you are adding it here as a reminder for yourself of how the findings are aligned with your subtheme

Example 1

Di Nicola, M., Ferri, V. R., Moccia, L., Panaccione, I., Strangio, A. M., Tedeschi, D.,
Grandinetti, P., Callea, A., De-Giorgio, F., Martinotti, G., & Janiri, L. (2017). Gender
differences and Psychopathological features associated with addictive behaviors in
adolescents. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8, 256.

Di Nicola et al. (2017) explored the prevalence of gender differences and psychopathological factors in addictive behaviors, both substance and non-substance, within the high school adolescent population. With adolescence being a fundamental period of development, as the neurodevelopmental changes that occur often leads to emotional and cognitive imbalances, substance and non-substance addictive behaviors are said to be prevalent within this age group more so than others. Despite this being the case, there still lacks sufficient evidence surrounding occurrences, related factors, and the overall impact of addictive behaviors on the adolescent population. The participants included 996 individuals (240 male, 756 female) who completed a survey. For non-substance at-risk behaviors, researchers used the Italian versions of Internet Addiction Test, South Oaks Gambling Screen-revised Adolescent questionnaire, and the Exercise Addiction Inventory-Short Form. For assessing psychopathological factors, the Italian versions of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (Adolescent Version), Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale, Dissociative Experience Scale for Adolescence, and Toronto Alexithymia Scale was utilized. The data was analyzed using the statistical package SPSS 21.0. Frequent alcohol use and lifetime substance consumption were most common in adolescent males. There was also an association between addictive behaviors and psychopathology. With addictive behaviors having a negative impact on quality of life for adolescents, more studies are imperative for further defining psychopathological factors of these behaviors. The results in this study are pertinent to the subtheme biological approach on addiction because the findings provided insight on gender differences in addictive behaviors.

Example 2

Estévez, A., Jáuregui, P., Sánchez-Marcos, I., López-González, H., & Griffiths, M. D. (2017).
Attachment and emotion regulation in substance addictions and behavioral addictions.
Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 6(4), 534-544.

Estévez et al. (2017) explored the correlation of emotional regulation and attachment in adolescents and young adults, with substance and non-substance addictive behaviors and the gender differences of said predictors. Risky behaviors are often associated with emotional regulation and attachment, potentially resulting in risk factors contributing to the development of addictive behaviors. However, further research is pertinent in understanding evolution-regulation strategies throughout adolescence. The participants included 472 students (222 female, 208 male, aged 13-21 years). The data was collected using different self-report questionnaires such as the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment and the Video Game-related Experience Questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Pearson’s r correlation, a block-wise regression analysis, and Student’s t-tests. Emotion regulation was found to be a predictor of all addictive behaviors. Gender differences were also noted, with males scoring high in gambling disorder and video game addiction. Emotion-regulation difficulties served as predictors for substance and non-substance addictive behaviors, with gender differences explaining different variations in behavior addictions. The results can be used to inform therapists of the impact of gender on addiction and to create preventive and clinical interventions based on gender. The findings provided support for the subtheme of the biological approach on addiction because of the focus on emotion and gender differences as factors in prevalence of addictive behaviors.

Example 3

Lin, C. (2015). Gratitude and depression in young adults: The mediating role of self-esteem and
well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 87(C), 30–34.
Lin (2015) investigated the effects of self-esteem and psychological well-being on the relationship between gratitude and depression in late adolescence. The purpose was to replicate the connection between gratitude and depression, as well as expand on earlier information about self-esteem and well-being in Taiwanese population. The participants included 235 Taiwanese undergraduate university students (90 male, 145 female, average age 20 years). The data was collected by a multi-section questionnaire; the Chinese version of the Gratitude Questionnaire was used to measure experience and level of gratitude. The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale was used to measure self-esteem, the Flourishing Scale was used to measure psychological well-being, and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression was used to measure depression. The data was analyzed using the Chi-square statistics, standardized root-mean-square residual, root-mean-square error, the goodness of fit index, and the comparative fit index. An examination of the Akaike Information Criterion, with smaller values was done to compare two or more models. Those with a high level of gratitude see themselves in a better light and have higher self-esteem. Individuals with a higher level of psychological well-being had lower levels of depression. The results provide support for my subtheme because self-esteem is based on one’s self-view and specific course subtheme emotionally driven depression, because the information shows that there is an impact on the level of depression one will have, based on the way they see themselves.
Example 4
Speed, B. C., Nelson, B. D., Auerbach, R. P., Klein, D. N., & Hajcak, G. (2016). Depression
risk and electrocortical reactivity during self-referential emotional processing in 8 to 14
year-old girls. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125(5), 607-619.
Speed et al. (2016) explored the effects of self-relevant information processing on depression risk in young girls whose mothers had a history of depression to understand cognitive vulnerabilities in children at risk for depression. The results from previous research provided limited clarity on the cognitive-affective processes that contribute to the development of childhood depression. The participants included 121 girls (age range 8-14 years) recruited from a larger New York puberty study. Depression data was collected using structured clinical interviews including the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders. The Pubertal Development Scale was used to assess puberty data. Continuous EEG digitized data measured electrocortical reactivity to emotion words in two conditions: girls with maternal depression influence and girls without maternal depression influence. The data was analyzed using valence mixed-measure analysis, one-way ANOVA, RT ANOVA, and hierarchical regression analysis. Baseline symptomology did not differ between the two groups, although a link between emotional word event potential and depression was found in girls of depressed mothers. Late positive potential was enhanced in negative words for girls of depressed mothers. No differences were seen in positive words associations. Although current depressive symptoms may be associated with increased negative and increased positive recall bias at this age, understanding the cognitive vulnerabilities of children living with depressed mothers could aid in the prevention and development of depression in daughters. Future researchers should investigate the impact on children of depression in fathers, to rule out confounding variables. The results provided support for the subtheme ……


DOI number Resources

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Per APA version 7 you can leave out a DOI number if not found, but you need to use diligence and search before discluding.



Substance Abuse and Mental Illness

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Annotated bibliography

Aas, C., Henrik, J., Gjestad, R., Skurtveit, S., Lim, A., Gjerde, K., Løberg, E., Johansson, K., Fadnes, S. (2021). Substance use and symptoms of mental health disorders: a prospective cohort of patients with severe substance use disorders in Norway. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, (16) 20

The article aimed at exploring effect of substance abuse, accommodating socio-demographic patterns and mental health by tenitem Hopkins Symptom Checklist. The study adopted Nested prospective cohort study for 707 participants in Norway between 2017 and 2020. The findings revealed that individuals with substance use disorder have higher risk of mental health problems those non SUD counterparts. Thus, the information from the study will be necessary to support the issue of mental illness and substances abuse.

Degenhardt, L., Saha, S., Lim, C. C., AguilarGaxiola, S., AlHamzawi, A., Alonso, J. & WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators. (2018).The associations between psychotic experiences and substance use and substance use disorders: findings from the World Health Organization World Mental Health surveys. Addiction, 113(5), 924-934.

In the article, the authors submitted that there is a bidirectional connection between psychotic experiences (PE) and mental illness. The aim of the research was to explore the connection between PE and mental illness using data from the WHO, accommodating f 30,902 adult respondents using systematic thematic analysis. The findings of the study confirmed that the association between PE and mental illness. The study will be significant in introducing statistical facts of drug addiction in the USA and bidirectional connection between PE and drug abuse.

Jones, C. M., & McCance-Katz, E. F. (2019). Co-occurring substance use and mental disorders among adults with opioid use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 197, 78-82.

In the article, the authors provide a further research on the prevalence of Opioid use disorder accommodating co-occurring disorders, features, demographics, and mental illness treatment services. The authors have adopted Multivariable logistic regression using National Survey on Drug Use and Health data for adult’s age between 18 and 64. The findings of the article demonstrated that co-occurring mental illness is common among adults with OUD. The article has practical implications on identifying how OUD relates to mental disorders supporting the topic background.

Jonsson, J., Muntaner, C., Bodin, T., Alderling, M., Balogh, R., Burström, B., & Matilla-Santander, N. (2021). Low-quality employment trajectories and risk of common mental disorders, substance use disorders, and suicide attempt: a longitudinal study of the Swedish workforce. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 47(7), 509-520.

In this article, the authors investigated risk associated with diagnosing mental disorders, substance use disorder, and low-quality employment. The study adopted longitudinal register-study based with a population of 2 743 764. The findings of the research submitted that low-quality employment created significant risks of mental disorders, substance use disorder, and suicide in Sweden. Importantly, the article will be vital in identifying how low-quality employment results into drug and substance abuse and mental illness.

Lima, D. R., Carvalho, C. F. C., Guimarães-Pereira, B. B. S., Loreto, A. R., Frallonardo, F. P., Ismael, F., & Castaldelli-Maia, J. M. (2020). Abstinence and retention outcomes in a smoking cessation program among individuals with co-morbid substance use and mental disorders. Journal of psychiatric research, 125, 121-128.

The aim of this article was to compare treatment results from groups of smokers including substance disorder only, mental disorder only and a combination of mental and substance disorder individuals. A population of 398 smokers was participants in the study that accommodated logistic regression models for the comparison model. The outcome of the study indicated individuals with substance and mental disorder indicated worse treatment results. Thus, the study will be very effective in support how substance abuse enhances mental disorders and compromised treatment outcomes.

Peters, R. H., Wexler, H. K., & Lurigio, A. J. (2015). Co-occurring substance use and mental disorders in the criminal justice system: A new frontier of clinical practice and research Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 38(1), 1–6.

In this article, the researchers aim was to investigate the co-occurring substance use and mental illness within the criminal justice system. The article has accommodated significant thematic analysis approach accommodating co-occurring mental disorder and drug and substance abuse in criminal justice. The findings demonstrated that individuals with substance abuse disorder and mental illness indicated significant co-occurrences than other groups. Thus, the article will be necessary in identifying how drug and substance abuse and mental disorder impacts criminal justice system.

Diraditsile, K., and Rasesigo, K. (2018). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Effects among the Youth in Botswana: Implications for Social Research. Journal of Education, Society and Behavioral Science, 24(2): 1-11.

The aim of this article was to explore mental health impacts and substance abuse among youths in Botswana for effective polices in substance abuse and mental health interventions. The study used a cross-sectional descriptive research design on 13 men and 5 women participants. The findings of the study confirmed that substance abuse prevalence in Botswana is high and the onset precedes mental illness. Thus, the study will provide evidence-based information to support directional association between metal health and substance and drug abuse and interventions.

Beeber, L. (2019). Mental Health Issues and Substance Use in the United States: Pulling the Power Levers. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Vol. 25(1) 19–26

The aim of the study was to setbacks facing the USA concerning mental health and substance abuse, accommodating psychiatric-mental health (PMH) nurses skills. The research accommodated published research and government to obtain data in the peer-reviewed analysis. The findings of the study shown that psychiatric-mental health (PMH) nurses must take a significant role in treatment management of substance abuse and mental illness among the USA populations, and address underpinning challenges. Thus, the study will be relevant in outlining challenges of mental illness and substance abuse and substance abuse, and practical interventions.

Baker, S., Deady, D., Birrell, L., Ross, C., Fitzpatrick, S., Newton, N., Cockayne, N., Loughl, C., Christensen, H., Teesson, M., Chapman, C. (2021). Prevention of mental and substance use disorders: Shaping priorities for research and implementation. Mental Health & Prevention.

In the article, the authors investigated significant concern in prevention of mental health and substance abuse disorder to shape priorities for research and implementation. The study accommodated 80 individual delegates involving 235 responses and 1338 votes accommodating thematic analysis method. The findings accommodated collaboration and coordination as vital framework strategy in preventing and managing substance abuse and mental illness. Similarly, the study will be relevant in provide practical intervention and prevention of mental illness and substance abuse, maximizing prevention programs.

Richert, T., Anderberg, M., and Dahlberg, M. (2020). Mental health problems among young people in substance abuse treatment in Sweden. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 15:43

The aim of this study was to evaluate self-reported problems among young individuals in substance abuse and mental health in Sweden. The study accommodated structured interview of 1970 participants in evaluating mental health problems. The findings of the study demonstrated that self-repeated mental problems were significant in young people and notable gender differences with females reporting higher numbers. This article will be necessary for the research on mental illness and drug abuse by acknowledging variation and methods for case management.

Rossheim, M., Livingston, M., Lerch, J., Taxman. F., and Walters, S. (2018). Serious mental illness and negative substance use consequences among adults on probation. Health and Justice, 6:6

The aim of the article was to offer a better understanding on fundamental association among substance use, mental health, and substance-related consequences. The study adopted structured interview of 313 adults to explore substance use, mental health, and substance-related consequences issues. The outcomes of the study demonstrated that substance uses, and substance-related consequences posited directional association with serious mental illness. Thus, the study is relevant in the research for evaluating substance use, mental health, and substance-related consequences and interventions.

Castillo-Carniglia, A., Keyes, K., Hasin, D., and Cerdá, M. (2019). Psychiatric comorbidities in alcohol use disorder. Lancet Psychiatry, 6(12): 1068–1080.

In this research paper, the authors explored major disorders associated with alcohol use disorder, accommodating prevalence and co-occurring disorders and notable association with comorbidity across lifespan. The authors accommodate content analysis including e reciprocal direct causal associations to evaluate mental disorders and alcohol use disorders. The outcome of the study found that accommodating comorbidity theory and lifespan provides effective articulation mental illness and substance abuse studies. Thus, the article will be relevant in identifying impact of drug abuse and mental health.

Colizzi1, M., Lasalvia1 and Ruggeri, M. (2020). Prevention and early intervention in youth mental health: is it time for a multidisciplinary and trans-diagnostic model for care? International Journal of Mental Health Systems. 14:23

In the article, the researchers have provided an in-depth prevention on accommodating multidisciplinary approach in early prevention of substance abuse and mental illness. The study has accommodated significant recent canteen analysis to evaluate mental health among youth. The articles’ outcomes have demonstrated that there is a fundamental need to identify significant platform for multidisciplinary approach in your mental health promotion and interventions. Thus, the knowledge in the article will be applicable in accommodating multidisciplinary strategies in managing mental illness and substance abuse among youths.

Ogundele, M. (2018). Behavioral and emotional disorders in childhood: A brief overview for pediatricians. World Journal of W J C P Clinical Pediatrics, 8; 7(1): 9-26

In the article, the authors provided a significant review on behavioral and emotional mental disorders in childhood, providing a crucial articulation to disruptive, depression, anxiety and pervasive developmental. The article found that it is vital to accommodate emotional and behavioral disorders among children to identify practical intervention and techniques. Notably, systematic review in the article demonstrated a vital nee for behavioral and emotional consideration for children’s mental health. Thus, the article will be effective in offering evidence-based articulation on mental health and substance abuse behavioral and emotional impacts and interventions.

Amaro, A., Sanchez, M., Bautista, T., and Cox, R. (2020). Social vulnerabilities for substance use: Stressors, socially toxic environments, and discrimination and racism. Neuropharmacology, 188.


In the article, the authors explored significant social vulnerabilities for substance abuse and mental illness, accommodating individual, interpersonal, community and societal considerations. The article adopted systematic review methods to identify vital social vulnerabilities in substance abuse across the lifespans. The findings indicated that social vulnerabilities in substance abuse including individual, interpersonal, community and societal are vital for interventions. Similarly, the article will be necessary for the research topic in identify social vulnerabilities in substance abuse and mental illness.

Mohammed, A., Ismail, N., Ibrahim, F., Hassan, M., Manaf, M., Amit, N., Ibrahim, N., 3 and Shafurdin, S. (2021). Risk and protective factors of drug abuse among adolescents: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 21:2088

The article has provided a systematic review aimed at determining various protective and risk factors in adolescent drug abuse. Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses have provided effective platform for the protective and risk factors evaluation and determination among adolescents drug abuse. The findings demonstrated that risk and protective factors encapsulated individual, family, and community factors, thus, a need for multi-faceted strategies. Similarly, the information form the article will be relevant in identifying adolescents’ addiction risk factors and interventions in mental illness and substance abuse.

Das, J., Salam, R., Arshad, A., Finkelstein, Y., and Bhutta, Z. (2016). Interventions for Adolescent Substance Abuse: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59: S61eS75

In the article, the authors conducted a systematic review to determine intervention for substance abuse among adolescents. Specifically, the study embraced systematic review involving a total of 46 systematic reviews on substance abuse. The findings demonstrated that school-based and family-based interventions are crucial in adolescent’s substance abuse intervention. Importantly, the article will provide effective information for intervention on substance abuse and mental illness research.

Holland, A. (2020). An ethical analysis of UK drug policy as an example of a criminal justice approach to drugs: a commentary on the short FLM Putting UK Drug Policy into Focus. Harm Reduct J, 17:97

In the article, the authors aimed at analyzing ethical issues on drug and substance abuse accommodating UK polices. Specifically, the article accommodated a commentary on a shot film and UK polices to effective determine ethical analysis film a criminal justice approach on drug and substance abuse. In the article there is a significant finding that criminalizing drug and substance abusers posits significant impact than the actual effective of drug use. The information will provide significant support for the paper practical implications on managing substance abuse and mental illness, accommodating criminal justice system.

Fulu, E., Miedema, S., Roselli, T., McCook, S., Chan, K., Haardörfer, R., and Jewke, R. (2017). Pathways between childhood trauma, intimate partner violence, and harsh parenting: findings from the UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence in Asia and the Pacific. The Lancet Global Health, (5)5,512-520

In the research article, the author’s aimed at presenting the pathway between child trauma and significant articulation on mental and drug related violence. Specifically, the article accommodated significant data from the UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence, adopting interview method for 10 178 men and 3106 women. The findings demonstrated that co-occurrence and prevalence of child abuse and harsh parents attributes to asocial Behaviour among children leading to drug abuse and mental illness. The findings of this study will be necessary to support how parenting is vital n managing substance abuse and mental health among children.

Georgsdottir, M., Sigurdardottir, S., and Gunnthorsdottir, H. (2021). This Is the Result of Something Else”: Experiences of Men That Abused Drugs and Had Experienced Childhood Trauma. American Journal of Men’s Health, 2021: 1–12

The purpose of this qualitative paper was to explore how men and women in Iceland on drug and substance abuse resonate with childhood psychological experiences with an aim of increasing understanding on trauma and addiction. The study accommodated interview with 7 men, participating in the interview. The findings suggested the adults used drugs as copying mechanisms after a childhood psychological experiences. Similarly, the study is vital when considering how childhood trauma influences substance addiction and mental illness among adults.

Moustafa, A., Parkes, D., Fitzgerald, L., Underhill, D., Garami, J., Levy-Gigi, E., 3 Stramecki, F., Valikhani, A., Frydecka, D., and Misiak, B. (2018). The relationship between childhood trauma, early-life stress, and alcohol and drug use, abuse, and addiction: An integrative review. Current Psychology.

In the article, the authors provided a systematic review to evaluate connection among early childhood trauma, stress, substances abuse and addiction, aimed at better understanding of childhood experiences and addiction. The study adopted systems review to understanding the relationship between childhood experiences, drug abuse and mental illness. In the article, the finings provide that childhood trauma, early stress, substances abuse and addiction increase risk factors for substance abuse and mental illness. Thus, the article will be beneficial in highlighting how childhood experiences fuels substances abuse and mental illness in the research paper.

Kuussaari, K., Karjalainen, K., Niemelä, S. (2019). Mental health problems among clients with substance use problems: A nationwide timetrend study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:507–516

The main aim of the article was to investigate changes identifiable in mental health problems and substances abuse among clients with substance abuse in Finland. The data were collected in 2007, 2011 and 2015, accommodating Cross-tabulations and logistic regression for statistical analysis. The findings demonstrated that mental health problems were common among clients with substance abuse cases. Admittedly, the outcomes of this study will be necessary in the research paper to further support relationship between mental illness and substances abuse.

Castillo, E., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Shadravan, S., Moore, E., Mensah, M., Docherty, M., Nunez, M., & Barcelo, N. (2019). Community Interventions to Promote Mental Health and Social Equity. Current Psychiatry Reports, (21) 35

The main aim of the article was to review community-based intervention in mental health and substances abuse management. The study accommodated significant literature review on specific thematic issues in community’s interventions. The study results indicated that individual, interpersonal, and institutional social-ecological stages are vital for community’s interventions. Thus, the outcomes of the study will support evidence interventions in managing mental illness and substances abuse.

Chiu, M., Cheng, C., Liang, W., Lin, W., Wu, T., and Chen, C. (2018). The Temporal Relationship between Selected Mental Disorders and Substance-Related Disorders: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Hindawi Psychiatry.

The aim of this article was to examine individual with notable mental disorders and notable risk of developing mental disorders. The study accommodated a large longitudinal study with 2,000,118 patients. The e study findings supported that patients with specific mental disorders are likely to development substance-related disorders. Thus, the findings will be applicable in the research paper to explain how mental disorders lead to substances-related disorders.

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