Computer Science and Information Technology

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Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences

Program Available at:

Brookhaven Cedar Valley Eastfield El Centro North Lake Richland

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For more information, visit the Dallas College Computer Science webpage and your academic advisor at your campus.

This guided pathway is designed to meet the needs of students who plan to major in Computer Science and transfer to a four-year college or university. An Associate of Science (A.S.) degree in this pathway prepares you to transfer to a university to earn a bachelor’s degree that can open the door to a variety of careers, including – but not limited to: Enterprise Application Development, Software Engineering, Cloud Software Services, Computer Graphics and Visualization, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.

This is an example course sequence for students interested in Computer Science. It does not represent a contract, nor does it guarantee course availability. Following this pathway will help you earn an A.S. degree, which will increase your chances of transfer to bachelor’s-level programs. Students must earn at least 25% of the credit hours (15 hours) required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College. Courses that complete the degree are noted below. See catalog for official degree requirements.

Visit and select “Transfer from Dallas College,” then click on a university to view more information about transferring to that institution. Speak with your academic advisor to choose courses that will help you to transfer to a specific university.

Catalog Year 2021-2022 You may use this pathway if you entered Dallas College on or before this date.

Degree Type Associate of Science

GPA Requirement Student must earn a GPA of 2.0 or higher

TSI Must be Complete


All plans can be modified to fit the needs of part-time students. This is not an official program of study. See catalog for official degree requirements.



The following are prerequisite courses for MATH 2413

MATH 1314

MATH 1316

MATH 2412

Total Hours: 10


ENGL 1301 – Composition I This is a Core course. Must earn a grade of “C” or higher.

HIST 1301 – United States History I This is a Core course.

COSC 1436 – Programming Fundamentals I

PHED 1164 – Introduction to Physical Fitness and Wellness* This is a Core course.


SPCH 1311 – Introduction to Speech Communication* This is a Core course.

SPCH 1315 – Public Speaking* This is a Core course. OR

SPCH 1321 – Business and Professional Communication This is a Core course.

* There are several options to fulfill this requirement. See your academic advisor for a specific list.


Meet with your advisor to confirm your academic and career goals by the end of the semester.

At the end of the semester, begin researching colleges and universities where you would want to major in Computer Science.

Meet with a career advisor/coach to research your career options with a Computer Science degree.

Total Hours: 14


ENGL 1302 – Composition II This is a Core course.

HIST 1302 – United State​​​​​s History II* This is a Core course.

MATH 2413 – Calculus I* This is a Core course. Must earn a grade of “C” or higher. Prerequisites of MATH 1314, MATH 1316, and MATH 2412, prior to enrolling in the course. ​


COSC 1437 – Programming Fundamentals II

* There are several options to fulfill this requirement. See your academic advisor for a specific list.


Meet with your advisor to request an official program of study audit and confirm or update your academic/career pathway and program of study.

Ask about transfer advising to discuss options to pursue the bachelor’s degree.

Total Hours: 17


GOVT 2305 – Federal Government This is a Core course.

MATH 2414 – Calculus II Some universities require the completion of MATH 2415, as well.

PHYS 2425 – University Physics I This is a Core course.

COSC 2436 – Programming Fundamentals III


Begin applying for Financial Aid and Scholarships. You can start the FAFSA in October for the next academic year. (i.e., in October 2021, you can complete the FAFSA if you plan to register for classes at a university Fall 2022)

Check with your advisor for important deadlines and dates.

For students transferring to a university, consider also taking MATH 2305 before transfer.

Total Hours: 15


GOVT 2306 – Texas Government This is a Core course.

PHYS 2426 – University Physics II This is a Core course.

CREATIVE ARTS ELECTIVE* This is a Core course.

COSC 2425 – Computer Organization


ENGL 2326 – American Literature* This is a Core course.

ENGL 2331 – World Literature* This is a Core course. OR

PHIL 1301 – Introduction to Philosophy* This is a Core course.

* There are several options to fulfill this requirement. See your academic advisor for a specific list.


After reviewing your degree plan and program of study, meet with your advisor to apply for the Associate of Science degree.

Sign up for commencement.

Request final transcripts to be sent to the college or university to where you will transfer.

Join the Alumni Network!

Total Hours: 17



Assignment 1B tests your knowledge of List, Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues (Chapter 20).

Design a program/project/driver class (the program/project/driver class file should be called YourNameAssignment1B;
replace YourName with your actual name) with the following exact1 functionality and names (replace YourName with
your actual name or the name you go by, no spaces):

1. Read words from the Assingment1BData.txt file and store them into a List, Stack, or Queue data structure called
YourNameStructure (any type of lists, queues, or stacks introduced in Chapter 20 – use your knowledge of the chapter
and problem at hand to decide which one is better). In the file, the words are delimited by whitespaces, punctuation
marks (comma, period, colon, semi-colon, exclamation mark, question mark, etc.), quotation marks, parentheses, and
other symbols2. Do not add any empty strings to your structure.

2. For each word from the YourNameStructure, count how many time the word occurs in the list in any caps (e.g.
“COMPUTER”, “Computer”, “computer”, are the same word) and outputs the word and the number of occurrences of
the word in the YourNameStructure one word-number per line. To avoid printing a word multiple times, remove the
additional/duplicate from the structure after updating the counter/number of occurrences of that word. Make the
output easy to read (e.g. formatted output, table, etc.).

Create a Microsoft Word document called YourNameAssignment1B-Screenshot x. (replace YourName with your
actual name) that contains screenshots of the editor window showing the entire JAVA source code in editor and the entire
output. If the entire class JAVA source code or the output does not fit in one screenshot or the screenshots cannot be
easily read, create multiple screenshots and add them to the same document.

Submit JAVA source code file and YourName-Assignment1B-Screenshots x Microsoft
Word screenshots document on eCampus under the Assignment 1B. Do not archive the files (no ZIP, no RAR, etc) or
submit other file formats. Review the files in your eCampus submission confirmation window.

1 Use the exact names (spelling, caps). You are not going to earn any credit if the classes and methods do not contain your actual
name and have the exact/precise names and functionality.
2 If you are going to read an entire line, you are going to need to split it to extract the words.

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