create a secure computer room for a given type of organization

A variety of government, military, and university websites provide information about their practices for physically securing computer equipment. For this assignment, complete the tasks listed below.

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  1. Survey and evaluate a few websites that meet the aforementioned criteria. Select two websites, and provide your impression of the practices that the two websites utilize for physically securing their computer equipment.
  2. Discuss the vulnerabilities you see in the practices of the two websites you chose.
  3. Use the information they provide to devise your own set of best practices for securing essential computing equipment.
  4. Explain how your best practices would work and why you recommend them.

When creating your best practices, assume you must create a secure computer room for a given type of organization, such as a bank or an internet service provider (ISP). Assume the room will hold gear such as servers and routers, which are mission-critical to the organization.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed, though you want to be sure to include an introduction and conclusion.

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