Criminal Professionalism

On Aug. 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Mo., Michael Brown and officer Darren Wilson encountered one another on a residential street in the St. Louis suburb. Police said Brown was a suspect in the robbery of cigars from a convenience store that included assault on the store owner. Wilson eventually shot and killed the teenager, who was unarmed. This case set off a firestorm resulting in riots and civil unrest. The end results became known as the Ferguson Effect. 

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  • Research the case of Michael Brown and lay out the facts of what transpired from the time in the grocery store until Brown was shot.
  • Discuss the actual facts of the case and do they differ from you already knew?
  • After reviewing the facts of the case, did anything you discovered change your perspective on the incident?
  • Discuss the significance of the “Ferguson Effect” that resulted from this case and what consequences it may have on law enforcement going forward. 
  • Finally, what is your opinion of the events that took place?

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