Current Event

current event 

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Topic: Federal Court


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MLA format

1. Must be 2 full pages with headers in Word only (see example)

2. The Title page must include Student name, date, Name of newspaper publication, publication link, author(s), headline, course, and section, professor name.

3. Headers must be included for each paragraph – (see the example paper)

4. PDF of article must be attached or no credit is given

5. Double spaced

6. 12pt New Times Romans

7. The article must be from within the week you submit the paper.

8. You may only use a newspaper.

9. NYT may not be used.

10. You must write your analysis in only your own words.

11. No quotations are allowed.

12. The CE analysis must demonstrate your:

13. Knowledge and understanding of the issue or policy in U.S. politics

14. Describe in your conclusion how this issue impacts the rights and responsibilities of citizens in the political process.

15. NO CREDIT if the paper is a summary and not an Analysis – as this means you did not do the assignment in accordance with the rubric.

16. NO credit if it is not a Current Event. Do not submit a history paper or a paper you wrote for another class and try to rewrite it as a current event.

17. You may not submit any current event paper you submitted from a previous class.

18. A broken link on the title results in no credit because I cannot verify you wrote about a news story if I cannot locate and read the article you used.

Example of how each paragraph should be titled:


(Background – Federal Law)

(Position – Legislative Viewpoints)

(Position – Citizen’s 14th Amendment)

(Position – Responsibility)

(Conclusion – The legislative Motive, Leaders, and Responsibilities)

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