
1. Notice and observe movement in the world around you. This can be actual dance movement, general movement of people or crowds, or movement of objects, such as cars in traffic, or natural elements, such as wind blowing leaves.

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2. Spend 5 days observing movement and journaling about your experience. Write down at least 3 movement observations on each of the 5 days. You will have 15 total movement examples.

3. After you have completed this exercise, write a 2-3 page reflection paper about the experience. Papers must be 500-750 words. Include your list of 15 movement examples at the end of your paper. (These examples are NOT part of the 500-750 word count). Use Times New Roman 12 point font, one-inch margins, page numbers in the bottom right hand corner, and double space. Save your paper as a Microsoft Word document or PDF file. 

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