Data from the 2000 U.S. Census show the following distribution of ages for residents of Ohio:

Data from the 2000 U.S. Census show the following distribution of ages for residents of Ohio:Total Households                                        4,445,773Family households (families)                        2,993,023          With own children under 18 years                 1,409,912Married-couple family                                   2,285,798                    With own children under 18 years                    996,042Female households, no husband present          536,878With own children under 18 years                    323,095Nonfamily households                                  1,452,750Householder living alone                               1,215,614Householder 65 years and over                        446,396a. Construct a column chart to visually represent these data. b. Construct a stacked bar chart to display the sub categories where relevant. (Note that you will have to complete additional subcategories, for instance, under Family households, the number of families without children under 18, so that the total of the subcategories equals the major category total. The sum of all categories does not equal the total.) c. Construct a pie chart showing the proportion of households in each category. Ch2-prob 1 p54
A community health status survey obtained the following demographic information from the respondents:
Age                       Frequency
18-29                    297
30-45                    661
46-64                    634
65+                        369
Compute the relative frequency and cumulative relative frequency of the age groups. Also, estimate the average age of the sample of respondents. What assumptions do you have to make to do this? 

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