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1.    Read the below postings of your peers and the articles which are referenced (This is why it is imperative that the articles be accessible via working URL links). Expect to spend some time each day reviewing all threads and replies, even those in which you are not involved.

2.    Write at least 200 words to 3 or more classmates’ threads. You should expect to answer questions posed within each discussion thread. Student interaction is key to success in this course.

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1. Read the below postings of your peers and the articles which are referenced (This is why it is imperative that the articles be accessible via working URL links). Expect to spend some time each day reviewing all threads and replies, even those in which you are not involved.

2. Write at least 200 words to 3 or more classmates’ threads. You should expect to answer questions posed within each discussion thread. Student interaction is key to success in this course.

Adaptive Culture

Definition: Organizational Behavior states, “Adaptive culture is an organizational culture in which employees are receptive to change, including the ongoing alignment of the organization to its environment and continuous improvement of internal processes” (McShane & Von Glinow, 2008, p. 414).
Summary: The article entitled “Leading to an Adaptive Culture”, written by Dr. Eric Romero, both defines adaptive culture and confronts the issue of how it may affect an entire workplace. Dr. Romero explains how an adaptive culture values change as an opportunity for improvement. Throughout his article he confronts the issue of having an adaptive culture over a bureaucratic one. Bureaucratic cultures dictate what employees can do or think while an adaptive culture embraces change and creativity. Having an open-mind in business is crucial when the world around us is changing so rapidly. Applying an adaptive culture to the workplace is the only way a business can maintain its standing in today’s fast pace culture.
Discussion: The distinction of an adaptive culture is the willingness of employees too not only accept change but to take on the challenge of introducing new strategies. “An adaptive culture values change as an opportunity for improvement. Personnel view change as exciting and challenging. They are not afraid of uncertainties inherit with change” (Romero). McShane and Von Glinow’s text agrees with Dr. Romero’s standpoint on the definition of an adaptive culture in the corporate world. A company that has not only applied but also mastered the concept of an adaptive culture is Apple. Apple started out solely as a computer company. If Apple had just remained a computer company there is no telling if they would still be in business today let alone the household name that they are. It took a couple of years to develop the iPod, but its launch radically changed the entire nature of the company. Apple has been called one of the pioneer companies of personal computers, never being satisfied, they constantly are moving forward and adapting. Rather than fighting against change Apple has become one of the leading adaptive corporate cultures in the world. Apple hires employees that see things from an open-systems perspective. They see the company’s survival and success rate driven by their adaptive nature to the continuously changing environment. Employees of an adaptive corporate culture believe that the future of the company depends on monitoring the outward environment in order to better serve the stakeholder by fulfilling their every wants and needs. Romero believes that most change cannot be prepared for which is why employees should learn to embrace it. McShane and Von Glinow’s text agrees with Romero’s views when stating, “receptivity to change extends to internal processes and roles. Employees recognize that satisfying stakeholder needs calls for continuous improvement of internal work processes, as well as flexibility” (McShane & Von Glinow, 2011, p. 415). In order for a business to become an adaptive corporate culture the employees must be creative, flexible and willing. In order to work in an adaptive corporate culture what do you believe are the most important qualities or traits an employee should have? What are the advantages of changing a workplace from a bureaucratic culture to an adaptive culture? Would you rather work in a bureaucratic or an adaptive culture, and why?


McShane, S., & Von Glinow, M.A. (2013). Organizational behavior (6th ed.).New York: McGraw-Hill.
Romero, Eric. (2005). Leading to an Adaptive Culture. Retrieved from:



Definition: Organizational Behavior notes that rituals are, “programmed routines of daily organizational life that dramatize the organization’s culture” (McShane & Von Glinow, 2013, p. 411).
Summary: Paolo Guenzi with Harvard Business Review studied rituals from the standpoint of the lessons that can be found for business leaders from the world of sport. Guenzi concludes that,
In all the high performing sports teams and companies we studied we found leaders making extensive use of ritual. … creating or reviving club rituals was almost the first thing that a new coach would do — especially in a team turnaround situation. … and if performance is struggling at your company, maybe a bit more ritual can deliver that sense of shared identity, stakeholder commitment, emotional energy, and productive behavior that you’re looking for. (Guenzi, 2013).
Guenzi offers four ways areas that rituals can influence performance, and although his immediate context is sport teams that are applicable to other expression like the business world.
Discussion: Overall I think the article was insightful, as it pertained to rituals and their connection to sport teams and the lessons being applicable to business in general. I think one of the greatest goals of implementing a ritual is that it people centered. Sally Lever who is a life coach, writer, and educator; list her top ten sustainable business rituals, the first three are people centered. Lever’s rituals focus on other employees, the ability to receive feedback, and trust of self and other (Lever, 2013). As a manager, people are employ with and by us, people are our targeted revenue stream, people should matter to an organization.
Often organizations tend to establish rituals for the organization without thought to what they truly want to accomplish. I agree with Hans Bool, business consultant, when he states
What seems to be important at one stage could loose importance in another stage… The disciplinary drive of the ritual could become the enemy once the custom is found to be outdated. … rather than providing cohesion for the group it will produce an opposite effect. (Bool, 2013)
Are there any rituals in the organization you are apart of that are counter-productive? I think rather than simply trying to incorporate business rituals that are mandatory and in time becomes a burden to carry, organization should understand their purpose in doing so. I think in its simplicity allowing employees to establish their individualized daily rituals. Lisa Rickwood, small business coach, makes the following suggestion to improve life and business,
…create a ritual to start your day. This might include: having a coffee at your desk, checking your PDA for appointments, not answering phonecalls for 15 minutes while you read and respond to urgent emails. (Rickwood, 2012)
Teri Evans in his article, “Daily rituals of successful entrepreneurs” quotes Matt Lauzon, founder of Gemvara, an online custom design jewelry pertaining to a successful ritual with the purpose of never be too far removed from his team. Lauzon said,
Whether it’s through Twitter or an internal e-mail to all employees, Lauzon makes a point of sharing at least one of the company’s successes every day. “Most of our employees, go on my twitter page and read it several times a day, so it’s been an unbelievable way to generate momentum,” (Evans, 2010)
As we see Lauzon established a ritual with a desired goal in mind, and the result was increased momentum. The ritual is also people centered, on a personal level he achieves his goal of staying connected to his employees and in return they stay connected to him. What is a successful ritual in your organization? And is that ritual people centered?
Bool, H. (2006). Business rituals – some pitfalls. EzineArticles.com. Retrieved from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Business-Rituals—Some-Pitfalls&id=267582
Evans, T. (2010). Daily rituals of successful entrepreneurs. FOX Business. Retrieved from: http://smallbusiness.foxbusiness.com/sbc/2010/10/21/daily-rituals-successful-entrepreneurs/
Guenzi, P. (2013). How ritual delivers performance. Harvard Business Publishing. Retrieved from: http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2013/02/how_ritual_delivers_performanc.html
Lever. S. (2009). Top 10 sustainable business rituals. Retrieved from: http://www.sallylever.co.uk/2009/03/06/top-10-sustainable-business-rituals/
McShane, S. L., Von Gilnow, M. A. (2013). Organizational behavior: emerging knowledge, global reality (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies.
Rickwood, L. (2012). Seven rituals to improve life and business. SuccessConsciousness.com. Retrieved from: http://www.successconsciousness.com/blog/time-management/seven-rituals-to-improve-life-and-business/



In our text, McShane and Von Glinow (2013) define artifacts as “the observable symbols and signs of an organization’s culture, such as the way visitors are greeted, the organization’s physical layout, and how employees are rewarded” (p. 410).


The article, “Artifacts and creativity: The role of artifacts during the creative process in a product design firm” by Ileana Stigliani explores the magnitude of influence that artifacts have within an organization. Stigliani (2008) proposes that this area is under-explored in the organizational world, and that many companies do not realize the power that can be welded through systematically setting up the organization as it pertains to artifactual structure. The article concludes with the premise that artifacts will enhance an organization by inspiring its employees and providing internal excellence and positive external perceptions.


Any company that is memorable in society today uses artifacts within its organization to its advantage. The average person does not consciously think about all the things that make a company what it is. But, if asked to name things that are synonymous with a company, the things that are recalled will be the strategic artifacts that an organization has structured itself around. For example, Starbucks is one of the biggest coffee chains, and dare I say, businesses, in the world. When one thinks of Starbucks, they do not just think of coffee. Rather, they will envision the company’s iconic symbol, the modern décor, and the sophisticated corporate style ambiance. Starbucks has transformed the way coffee styles must be set up in order to be successful (Thompson & Arsel, 2004). Their interior design and physical layout is not an accident. It is a strategic effort by the planners and designers to raise their company above the level of other companies and make it the standard for consumers (Stigliani, 2008).

In today’s culture, if one is thinking of coffee shops, they will subconsciously size it up in comparison to the Starbuck’s standard, just as fast food restaurants are sized up by McDonald’s standards, and amusement park ultimately brings Disney World to mind (Thompson & Arsel, 2004). All of these companies are clear examples of the power of artifacts in an organization both to the employee and to outsiders looking in. What are some examples of good use of artifacts within an organization that you can think of? Do you agree that Starbucks, McDonalds, and Disney World hold a certain standard in the arena of utilizing cultural artifacts?

Offices also establish artifacts in the way they design the workspace. Walls, corridors, partitions, and entrance ways are used to strategically limit social interaction and unnecessary movement between employees, while simultaneously maximizing the potential of productivity (Davis, 1984).


Davis, T. (1984). The influence of the physical environment in offices. Academy of Management Review, 9(2), 271-283. Retrieved from:


McShane, S. & Von Glinow, M. (2013). Organizational behavior (6th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill/Irwin.

Stigliani, I. (2008). Artifacts and creativity: The role of artifacts during the creative process in a product design firm. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 1-6. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2008.33622647. Retrieved from:


Thompson, C. & Arsel, Z. (2004). The Starbucks brandscape and consumers’ (anticorporate) experiences of glocalization. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(3), 631-642. Retrieved from:


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