Define the following questions

Define the following questions

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1. When you define an ADT, what kinds of operations/functions/methods do you
mostly like to have?
2. What are the two kinds of abstraction in programming languages?
3. Which two conditions make data type “abstract”?
4. Why does the default copy constructor behave incorrectly?
class Node{
int data;
Node* next;
class LinkedList{
Node* headNode;
LinkedList(const LinkedList& other){
this->headNode = other.headNode;
5. What is the purpose of a C++ destructor?
6. What is a friend function? What is a friend class?
7. What is an overriding method? What is an overloading method?
8. Describe a situation where dynamic binding is a great advantage over its
9 Compare Java inheritance and C++ inheritance.
10. Describe a situation where an abstract class is preferred over an
interface in Java.

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