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Using the same organization selected in Week 1 (ATTACHED), complete the following tasks:

  • Assess the types of stakeholders involved in the development process for the product/service of your chosen company.
  • Evaluate the impact of key inputs from stakeholder groups on new product/service development efforts.
  • Analyze the role these key stakeholder groups can play in contributing to the success of a new product/service.
  • Justify at least two persuasive strategies that can be used to engage stakeholders in new product/service development projects.
  • Assess the key competitive advantages that utilizing the current trends in information technology (IT) will deliver to the area of new product/service development.

 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style. NO PLAGERISM



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The success of a business relies on the satisfaction of its customers. All businesses focus on meeting their customers’ needs and wants in a bid to retain their brand loyalty (Gil-Gomez et al., 2020). Maintaining good relationship with customers is important for various reasons;

1. Reduces the risk of losing customers.

2. Is a competitive advantage to companies that practice it (Gil-Gomez et al., 2020).

3. It influences customer loyalty hence reducing the expense of finding new customers.

4. Helps an organization establish networks and connections.

5. Aids in reducing market rejections by increasing the brand popularity (Gil-Gomez et al., 2020).

This paper will focus on the customer relationship management system used by NAACP, its functionality and advantages to the organization.

Key Elements of the CRM system

A CRM system is a software that helps an organization manage its relationship with its customers. NAACP uses the Hub spot CRM software. The hub spot CRM is among the most popular CRM systems in the United States. This software helps the company in managing and keeping track of all interactions with its current, past and any potential customers. The hub spot CRM software stores all the contact information of the customers (Bernardes Boarim & Cavalcanti da Rocha, 2021). It keeps track of all mobile exchanges, social media engagement and email messages between the company and its customers. Besides collecting and storing this data, the CRM software also helps in the implementation of market automation. This improves customer retention by providing accurate forecasting. The CRM software helps NAACP create a personal experience with its customers. The sales representatives at NAACP get to understand the needs and complaints from customers.

The major customer service components of the HUB spot system include;

· Email tracking, live chat and meeting scheduler.

· A customized dash board to view the total sales for the sales representatives.

· Ticketing that helps ease conversation with customers.

· Email templates that improve efficiency of the team.

· In depth reports to identify chances of making improvements.

· A section for customer feedback.

· Rating slot.

· Customer data and details.

The email tracking is an important component of the system as it helps the staff at customer service reply to emails from customers at ease (Bernardes Boarim & Cavalcanti da Rocha, 2021). They are able to know which customer send the email by backtracking on when services were offered to the customer. This saves more time on checking from the company’s logs thus making it easy to serve customers. The live chat section is crucial for the sales team and the customer service department to directly communicate with customers. A live chat also gives the customers a chance to get instant feedback from the company without having delays of email replies. The customer information slot is important as it helps the customer service staff identify which customer they are referring to, what services are been referred to and the kind of response to accord to the customer. The rating and feedback slots are vital for the company to gauge its services to customers. These two slots help the company get feedback and reviews from customers. Through such information, the company can easily learn of the loopholes in its management and business. Feedback and reviews help correct loopholes in business thus avoiding business risk.

While setting up the CRM system, the first consideration should be on the customer needs and expectations (Agwaye, 2021). The journey of providing customers with a positive experience should integrate their feedback on past experience. In order to capture the most crucial aspects of improving services to customers, the NAACP CRM system will have some survey questions. These questions are;

1. How long have you been using NAACP services?

2. Which other alternatives did you consider before settling for NAACP services?

3. How often do you use NAACP services?

4. What would you improve or give a new suggestion given the chance in NAACP?

5. What difficulties have you encountered while using NAACP services?

The information provided for the above questions will help NAACP better and improve its services and experience to customers (Agwaye, 2021). The questions give a platform for customers to lay out their expectations and speak freely to the management.

To collect the data above, NAACP will use surveys after service to all customers. Once the customer has been served and the customer care get the customer’s email address, the survey questions will be send to the customer only if the customer gives consent on answering the questions. The data will be collected through interviews whereby hand written questionnaires will be handed to customers (Agwaye, 2021). The customers will then fill the questionnaires and return them back to the customer care department. The important point is that only customers who consent to the interview and survey will be engaged. In the company’s website, the CRM system software will also entail these questions after each service. Therefore, willing customers will respond to them directly through the website.


Agwaye, J. E. (2021). Challenges of developing and managing effective CRM (customer relationship management) in manufacturing–review and analysis.

Bernardes Boarim, J., & Cavalcanti da Rocha, A. R. (2021, November). CRM Systems Quality Evaluation. In XX Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (pp. 1-3).

Gil-Gomez, H., Guerola-Navarro, V., Oltra-Badenes, R., & Lozano-Quilis, J. A. (2020). Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 33(1), 2733-2750.

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