Discuss the impact of flash and ‘the cloud’ on enterprise storage environments as a whole. You should discuss the success factors contrasted with the pitfalls that companies experience when adopting various strategies. Describe the impact to new/existing


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  • Discuss the impact of flash and ‘the cloud’ on enterprise storage environments as a whole. You should discuss the success factors contrasted with the pitfalls that companies experience when adopting various strategies. Describe the impact to new/existing system designs when alternative solutions are introduced into the data center (whether onsite, or in the cloud). Finally, identify key security concerns that must be addressed with any enterprise level technology.
  • Note: Your paper should address storage technologies issues such as security, onsite vs offsite, flash vs spinning media etc. Flash and cloud should be discussed in general is not focus of this paper. The goal is for you to think beyond where we are today and discuss where enterprises are likely headed and that impact. Again, the focus is on newer technologies impacting today’s business environment.
  • Paper should be at least 3250, but not more than 5000 words.
  • Proper APA style required.
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