
Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

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 Generational Work Expectations [WLOs: 2, 3, 4] [CLOs: 4, 5, 6]

Prior to beginning this activity, read Chapter 10 in the course text and review the weekly Instructor Guidance. Also review any relevant announcements.

Chapter 10 addresses employee attitudes, beliefs, and differing cultures, as well as suggests that an increase in job performance is reliant on job satisfaction. The authors of our text suggest that highly satisfying jobs are more complex, requiring the worker to utilize a variety of skills and to deal with unpredictable situations (i.e. teaching, managing, engineering, etc.), unlike jobs where the work is repetitive and less thought-provoking (general laborers, factory workers, and the like). However, complex jobs, often include diverse employees. In addition, the work and life-balance expectations are suggested to differ based on generations, which may likely also affect job satisfaction as well as working effectively as a team. For this discussion: 

· Identify the generation you fall into, based on the text:  

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· The Traditionalists or Matures

· The Baby Boomers

· Generation X

· Generation Y or the Millennials

· Generation Z

· Consider your own expectations and beliefs. Do they align with what our content suggests about the characteristics of your identified generational group?

· Research one generation that differs from your identification and share some of the events that have shaped this generation, including their beliefs and behaviors.

· Discuss the relationship between events within your generation versus your researched generation.

· How might these events, that have developed our ideologies, affect a work environment that includes both generations?

· Identify one generation that could potentially be more difficult for someone in your identified generation to effectively work with.

· What variables may create this challenge (e.g. communication style, wellness, life balance, etc.)?

· How does an increase in awareness, of the factors that affect what differing generations believe, positively support a healthy and productive work environment?

Your initial post should be between 300 and 400 words. You must use at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed source that was published within the past five years. Refer to the 

Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)

 resource for guidance. Cite all information from your sources according to APA guidelines and list each of your sources at the end of your post according to APA style as shown in the 

APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)

 resource. Visit the 

Writing Center (Links to an external site.)

 for support and examples.

Guided Peer Responses: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Respond substantively to at least two of your peers’ original postings that align with a differing generation (if available).

· What differences do you note between your generation and theirs?

· Do you see areas within your own expectations that could be reconsidered based on your peers’ expectations?

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