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are a parole officer wh

ose caseload includes a single mother with three hyperactive, attention

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deficit disordered young children. She receives no support from her ex

husband. Her own mother wants

nothing to do with her or her children, believing that “God is punishing her.” The

parolee works as a

topless dancer but hates it. She continues dancing because it pays the bills so well. You know that she

smokes marijuana on a fairly regular basis in an effort to deal with stress. Obviously, this is a violation of

probation. However, i

f you file a violation report on her, she will go back to prison. You know she is

doing the best she can with her kids, she is heavily involved with their school, and they are strongly

bonded to her. You worry about what will happen to the kids. What would

you do? Apply at least four of

the seven major ethical systems discussed in your book to support your action one way or the other.

Please put the ethical systems in bold.

The heart of this discussion is the correct application of the ethical systems. Ple

ase do not give personal

opinions about the scenario.

You are a parole officer wh
ose caseload includes a single mother with three hyperactive, attention

deficit disordered young children. She receives no support from her ex

husband. Her own mother wants
nothing to do with her or her children, believing that “God is punishing her.” The
parolee works as a
topless dancer but hates it. She continues dancing because it pays the bills so well. You know that she
smokes marijuana on a fairly regular basis in an effort to deal with stress. Obviously, this is a violation of
probation. However, i
f you file a violation report on her, she will go back to prison. You know she is
doing the best she can with her kids, she is heavily involved with their school, and they are strongly
bonded to her. You worry about what will happen to the kids. What would

you do? Apply at least four of
the seven major ethical systems discussed in your book to support your action one way or the other.
Please put the ethical systems in bold.

The heart of this discussion is the correct application of the ethical systems. Ple
ase do not give personal
opinions about the scenario.

You are a parole officer whose caseload includes a single mother with three hyperactive, attention-

deficit disordered young children. She receives no support from her ex-husband. Her own mother wants

nothing to do with her or her children, believing that “God is punishing her.” The parolee works as a

topless dancer but hates it. She continues dancing because it pays the bills so well. You know that she
smokes marijuana on a fairly regular basis in an effort to deal with stress. Obviously, this is a violation of

probation. However, if you file a violation report on her, she will go back to prison. You know she is

doing the best she can with her kids, she is heavily involved with their school, and they are strongly

bonded to her. You worry about what will happen to the kids. What would you do? Apply at least four of

the seven major ethical systems discussed in your book to support your action one way or the other.

Please put the ethical systems in bold.

The heart of this discussion is the correct application of the ethical systems. Please do not give personal

opinions about the scenario.

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