Research Methods
Sharing the Results
Scientific Journals
Writing the Article
Scientific Journals
Nothing means anything if you don’t share your results. You can find the cure for cancer and it won’t matter unless you can publish the results.
Primary Method of Sharing Findings with Others
APA List of Journals
Writing the Article
Precision and Detail
Relationship to Past Studies
Plagiarism Issues
Types of Plagiarism
“The Ghost Writer”
The writer turns in another’s work, word-for-word, as his or her own.
“The Photocopy”
The writer copies significant portions of text straight from a single source, without alteration.
“The Potluck Paper”
The writer tries to disguise plagiarism by copying from several different sources, tweaking the sentences to make them fit together while retaining most of the original phrasing.
“The Poor Disguise”
Although the writer has retained the essential content of the source, he or she has altered the paper’s appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases.
“The Labor of Laziness”
The writer takes the time to paraphrase most of the paper from other sources and make it all fit together, instead of spending the same effort on original work.
“The Self-Stealer”
The writer “borrows” generously from his or her previous work, violating policies concerning the expectation of originality adopted by most academic institutions.
Writing the Article
The story of an experiment…
What is already known
Purpose of this research
Expected results
Description of what was done
Report of the Findings
Interpretation of Findings
How the Findings Fit what was already known
Writing the Article
Basic Outline of All APA papers
The hourglass format is a useful way of structuring a report.
movement from the beginning to the end of a text
the shift in level of generality through the text, from the general to the specific and back to the general
MLA Style vs. APA Style
Called references in APA
Not “works cited”
In APA, citations in Text
Not footnotes
In APA, section headings
Not one continuous text
MLA Style is typically reserved for writers and students preparing manuscripts in various humanities disciplines such as:
English Studies – Language and Literature
Foreign Language and Literatures
Literary Criticism
Comparative Literature
Cultural Studies
MLA style is NOT used in the Sciences
Writing the Article
Three Guidelines Pertaining to People
1. Be specific
70-85 year olds (not “the elderly”)
2. No labeling of individuals
Lesbian women (not “lesbians”)
3. Acknowledge Participation Role
Participants better than “subjects”
Students, children, patients (be specific)
The Abstract
Summary of the Entire Article
Written Last even though it comes first
Summarizes in one paragraph
The Introduction
Summary of Past Research
Broad general statements to begin
Review the past experiments/studies
Provide specifics of some studies
Last paragraph lays out the purpose of the current study
This is the only mention of the current study
The Introduction
Five Tasks
1. Tell what the research is about
2. Tell what past research was all about
3. Why more research is needed
4. State the purpose of the study
5. State hypotheses
Three Subsections
Participants (Side Heading)
Number and Type (#males, females, age range, etc.)
Method of selection
Method of assignment to conditions
Materials (Side Heading)
Methods Section
Written like a recipe. ANYONE who reads it should be able to replicate it.
Exactly what was done?
Operational Definitions of the variables
Nature of Data Collection
Details of Scoring Scheme
Report outcome of the Study
Report the statistical data
Report in terms of purpose/hypotheses
Include Tables and Figures
Report Major Finding(s) First
Refer back to introduction
Your interpretation of the data
Potential limits of the study
Future directions
Alphabetical List of all studies discussed in introduction (and other sections)
Similar to Works Cited, but use “References” instead as heading
Three reasons to cite a study:
1. acknowledge facts
2. direct reader to more information
3. give credit where credit due
Topics Covered
Scientific Journals
Writing the Article
Research Methods Lecture on Chapter 11: Ecology of the Experiment
Ecology is the relationships of all the parts of an environment to one another. We typically
associate ecology with the natural environment, our planet, but it can also refer to smaller parts
of our planet, like the little environment of the experiment. This environment is made up of the
researcher, the researcher assistants, the subjects or participates, the apparatus and/or materials
used to conduct the study and gather the data, the
room and surrounding areas during the study, and
even the society, culture, and historical times in
which the study is taking place. Each of these
influence the outcome of the study making it
important to be aware of ecology and to be aware of
the potential bias that may result. If the bias is too
great we may have a problem with Ecological
Validity, the extent to which our study was
influenced by the environmental factors inherent in
all research.
Experimenter Factors
The most consistent principle in the universe is
accident and error. We are full of them. Just because
you decide to do some research does not mean you
now are above accident and error. You are the same error-prone, accident victim, you’ve always
been. Look at your GPA. It’s a measure of your mistakes! A part of your personal equation!
Have you seen the T.V. show about being a millionaire? If you get stumped on a question, you
can call a friend or ask the audience. The audience is right over 90% of the time and the friend is
right about 50% of the time. One way to reduce accident and error is to ask the audience. Go for
the group. The larger the group, the better. As experimenter it’s a good idea to find some other
experimenters to help us out. If you are watching video tapes of children’s play behavior and
counting instances of pro-social behavior, get some help. The more assistants involved in the
scoring the more accurate your findings. Experimenter effects consider how the results of a
study may have been influenced by the attitude or behavior of the experimenter. Two are
especially important.
Biased Data. An experimenter is not objective. An experimenter nearly always has a preferred
outcome. I want theory X to be supported. This experimenter is designed to show that Theory Y
is baloney. Researchers who study researchers have shown us that the errors that we make
(measurement errors, extraneous variables) most often
add support to our preferred outcomes. These errors are
not random, but are biased. This is often called the
personal equation. If a different researcher had collected
the data, a different outcome may have resulted. Of
course we take great effort in designing experiments to
reduce the effects of the personal equation as much as
possible. More than one research assistant is a good
idea. With at least two researchers, an interrater reliability index can be calculated (Cohen’s
kappa is the usual statistic for this), which tells us the extent to which the two researchers agree
with one another.
Biased Interpretation. Just as unconscious bias adds favorably to our measurement error, our
preconceived view of the world adds to the way we interpret the findings. In my statistics class
there is a question requiring a z-score analysis. A local group home claims it is better than state
run programs and suggests that locally run programs should replace state programs. The data
indicate that indeed there is a statistically significant difference between the local and state
programs. But the state has the better program! This contradicts the stated claim. Nonetheless,
most students miss this and because they found a statistical difference they conclude the local
program is better. After all, that was the wording of the problem and the hypothesis. If a person
can be so easily duped, so easily led to not see the obvious, how can we honestly accept the
interpretations of data? We cannot. It is all hoax and fraud. The theories are temporary
metaphors, cute stories of phenomena. The data is the real thing. You can’t argue with data. But
you can claim it means things it doesn’t.
Biasing the Subjects. The experimenter can easily
bias the subjects responses/behavior and can do so
without being aware of it! One’s attitude, demeanor,
facial expressions, etc., can provide clues to the
subjects about what behavior the experimenter
expects. Subjects will then behave to fulfill the
expectation, or will behave counter to the expectation.
Additionally, such things as attractiveness, dress, and
gender can influence subjects’ behavior. The best way
out of this problem is what is called a Double-Blind
study. The subjects may know what the experiment is
about generally, but should not know which group
they are in (experimental or control); the subjects are
“blind” to the which level of the IV they are getting. The experimenter can also be “blind” about
which group the subjects are in! Thus it becomes a double-blind study and the bias of the
experimenter is now unrelated to the particular group of the subjects and is thus random error,
not systematic error.
Reducing Experimenter Bias
There are ways we design studies to help reduce bias. One has been mentioned: use several
research assistants to help collect, analyze, and interpret the data. A second one is to use the
blind or double-blind method. A third way is to simply be open and honest about your bias and
make conscious effort to view your data from a theoretical perspective you don’t agree with! I
remember one of my favorite things in debate club in college was arguing for things I personally
disagree with. Stepping into the shoes of a perspective I thought was wrong, yet doing my best
to argue in favor of it taught me more about that position than any attempt to discredit it.
Subject Factors
Almost always, people know when they are subjects of a psychological study. This knowledge
almost always changes the way people behave. The classic example of this is the Hawthorne
Effect, named after the Western Electric company’s Hawthorne plant. The study was designed
to find ways to improve factory productivity by changing the factory environment: add music,
change the color of the walls, change jobs on the
assembly line, etc. What was eventually discovered
was that any change in the environment increased
productivity. Your textbook says that the subjects felt
they were “special” since they were selected to
participate in the studies. More likely, I say, is that
they knew the bosses were now looking over their
shoulders, so they better be productive! A more
general truth may be here too. Perhaps after years of
working in the same place, doing the same job, any
change in the workplace is seen as an improvement
and perceived improvements in the workplace produce
improvements in productivity.
A similar finding is discussed in education classes. It’s called the Rosenthal Effect. Rosenthal
was an educational researcher and discovered that teacher expectations were the most important
factor in educating the young (even more important than teaching method, supplies, salaries,
classroom setting, etc.). He faked some files on some students so teachers thought the good
students were bad and bad students were good. By tracking the progress of these students and
others he discovered that good students grades declined (teachers thought they were bad and sure
enough they got worse) and bad students improved. The teachers expectation biased their
teaching in such a way to support their expectation, or the students behaved in such a way to
fulfill the teachers expectations (or both). Together, the Hawthorne effect and the Rosenthal
effect bode ill for science. On the one hand, any treatment you impose on the experimental group
is likely to result in improvement and on the other hand, your subjects will pick up on your
expectations and behave accordingly. It’s a wonder science is useful at all. You can use the
double blind procedure (see above) to help reduce problems due to expectations, but subjects
almost always know when they are receiving some treatment. Often researchers will employ a
placebo to help reduce the Rosenthal effect. A placebo is a fake version of the real treatment; a
sugar pill. You have two groups, the real experimental group and a “placebo control group.”
Both groups believe they are getting the treatment, so the Hawthorne effect is in full force for
both groups, while the Rosenthal effect is controlled by the double-blind procedure (since the
experimenter does not know which group is getting the real thing and which is getting the
placebo, the experimenter cannot form expectations that would affect the groups differently).
Thus, any differences between the two groups can only be attributed to the real treatment. If
there is no treatment effect, then both groups may show the same level of “improvement”.
Clearly if a sugar pill is as good as the real drug, then the drug is not responsible for
improvement, but it is the belief in the drug that is responsible.
Demand Characteristics
There are many factors to consider in designing and implementing a study. The various factors
that could influence the subject are collectively known as demand characteristics. Some
textbooks refer to this as reactivity because it is the features of the research setting that cause the
subjects to react differently than they normally would. Just being observed may cause subjects to
behave abnormally (like seeing a large mirror in the laboratory room – a one-way observation
window?). In survey research some people habitually answer “no,” while others habitually
answer “yes.” High School graduates who are going to college typically report that they do not
use and have not tried marijuana, but those not going to
college say they do use marijuana (a 2:1 difference).
Objective measures of marijuana use show us that both
groups are equal in marijuana use. Volunteer subjects
differ from non-volunteers. They are more intelligent,
more educated, more cooperative, better adjusted, and
desire social approval, compared to non-volunteers. It
requires considerable effort to measure the non-
volunteer, those who refused to participate in your study,
or left during the study, but if you don’t then your results may not be valid. Magazine surveys,
radio shows, television news programs, web-based surveys, etc., that rely on volunteers
answering questions are not valid.
Subjects often do things just because an “authority” told them too. They even do dangerous
things they would never ordinarily do. One study found that 50% of the subjects would reach in a
cage, grab, and remove a venomous snake, simply because the
experimenter told them to! In the same study, 83% of the subjects
reached in a bucket of acid to remove a coin and another 83%
threw the bucket of acid on the experimenter when told to!
There are various social roles subjects adopt during a study. The
good-subject role tries to comply with everything the
experimenter wants. The faithful-subject role tries to be honest
no matter what. The negativistic-subject role attempts to
sabotage the study (it’s been called the “screw you effect”). The
apprehensive-subject role is nervous about being evaluated and
tries to perform in a socially desirable way. Attempting to control
these demand characteristics can be challenging, but in general the double-blind procedure is the
way to go. Some researchers go so far as to run a second experiment – a “simulated experiment”
in which you simply tell subjects to behave as if they were in the actual experiment. By
comparing the results of the real study to the simulated one, the experimenter can get a handle on
the extent to which demand characteristic may be confounding the results.
Culture and Society
Our culture dictates what is acceptable and what is not in
Psychological research. For example, one time it was
acceptable to use prisoners in research. This population is
mostly male and mostly black. External validity becomes
an obvious problem. A great deal of research is conducted
using soldiers in the military. Again, mostly male, and
now mostly poor and uneducated. Here at MTSU, we
typically use the subject pool. MTSU is predominantly
white and female! External validity becomes a major
Obviously, our culturally shared ideas about the world also influence
how we respond to questions in survey research and respond in
experiments to various manipulations. The nearly universal belief that
drugs are bad leads people to deny drug use making it virtually
impossible to assess the true level of drug use in high schools, colleges, on the job, etc. Our
belief that Psychologists are involved in deception research leads us to search for the deception
in the experiment, to try to figure out what is “really” going on.
The history of science is the history of
combating peoples beliefs. The world is flat,
the earth is the center of the universe, the
stars are holes through which heaven shines,
a divine creator is required to “make” life
happen, there is no such thing as global
warming, etc. Our notions about what is real
and what is not influences how we see thing,
how we react to things. My least favorite one
is the emphasis on genetics in today’s culture.
It is difficult to explore methods of behavior
change when the subjects believe that the
behavior is genetically determined and
therefore cannot be changed. (Of course you
are not responsible for your behavior then
either! Ain’t genetics wonderful!)
ResearchMethods Lecture on Chapter 8: Control, The Keystone of the Experimental
Control has several different meanings in scientific research. A scientist has control over what
he or she studies; the individual decides what hypothesis to create and how best to test it. A
scientist controls how subjects are selected to participate in the research. A scientist controls
how the study will be set up, its basic design, how many groups, what will be done to the groups
in what order, etc. And finally there is a meaning of control that relates to logic…that is a logical
progression from cause to effect and how that is “captured” in the research design and analysis is
another meaning of control. Your textbook discusses each of these meanings of control and I’ll
cover them here as well.
Control in Subject Selection and Assignment
Random Sampling is the single best way to select subjects to participate in your study. However,
a true random sample is not possible. you are limited in resources and time and distance. You
randomly sample from a select group and hope for the best. It’s not good, but it’s not too bad.
True random sample means everyone had an equal chance of being in
our experiment. Everyone? That’s not really possible. And that’s why
we can’t every really randomly sample. So we use the next best thing,
the subject pool. This is at least a pool of people from a variety of
majors all taking a required general studies course. So in a sense they
are a random selection of college students in a given geographic
region. Once you randomly sample from the pool, you next randomly
assign them to groups. The laws of chance tell us that by randomly
assigning to groups, the groups will be equal on things like
intelligence, driving ability, personality, interests, even height and
weight! They will be the same as each other before you begin your
study. In your basic statistics class you learned about the Sampling
Distribution and the Normal Curve. Those are also the “laws of
chance” I’m talking about here that mean your sample of subjects, drawn at random, will be an
accurate representation of the population. A small sample of five people is sufficient to reflect
accurately the characteristics of a huge population! And that’s what you want.
But what if you want to study a particular group like drug addicts, autistic kids, etc.? There are
ways to do that involving special sampling techniques within the special population. There are
ways to properly design and implement that kind of Quasi-Experiment or Program Evaluation,
and we will talk about that in this class. It’s a whole other series of lectures!
In the previous paragraph I mentioned
random selection of subjects and
random assignment. Selection refers to
acquiring a single group of people from
a population. Assignment refers to
putting them into groups. So you
randomly select 20 people from the
subject pool (population), and then you
randomly assign them to two groups of
10. Typically, one group “gets the
treatment” and is called the
experimental group. The other group
does not get the treatment and is called
the control group. Random selection
relates to external validity. Only by
random selection can you be confident that your sample accurately represents the population and
if the sample is not representative of the population your results are “externally invalid” before
you even conduct the study! Random assignment relates to internal validity, the extent to
which the independent variable, the treatment, is the cause of the dependent variable, the
outcome or measurement. If you don’t randomly assign, there’s a good chance that your two
groups will be different before the
experiment and thus would of course be
different after the experiment. So the pre-
experiment difference is the true cause of the
post-experiment difference, instead of your
independent variable.
The most common way for us to randomly
assign subjects to groups is to use a random
number table. Assign each subject a
number, 1-20, then using the random
number table you assign them to groups. For
example, looking at this table I see 61424 in
the first column and can start there (although
you can start anywhere in the table you want and move any direction you want). Also remember
that with 20 subjects we are using two-digit numbers, so we must group the numbers in the
random number table in sets of two digits. So my first number is 61. I don’t have 61 subjects so
I just ignore that go to the next set, which is 42. Again I ignore that and move on. And I see 42
again. Moving on I next see 04. Ah Ha! Now I do have a subject 4, so that person joins group
1. Next I see 19, and that means subject number 19 goes into group 2. Next comes 86, 54, 60,
and then 05. So subject 5 goes into group 1. And I keep going on like this until all 20 subjects
have been randomly assigned to the two groups.
What if I wanted an equal number of men and women in my two groups? This is called an
equating procedure. We could assign numbers 1-10 to the men and 11-20 to the women and
proceed to use the random number table. If we notice that one group is getting too many women
or men, we can simply reassign the extra man or woman to the other group.
Another potential issue that often comes up in research relates to assigning subjects to groups
based on arrival time. If you assign the first 10 people to group 1 and the second 10 to group 2,
you now have one group of early arrivals and one group of late arrivals and they are no longer
equal to each other. You may alternate them, so that first arrival goes into group 1, second
arrival goes into group 2, etc. This is better, but still has a bit too much regularity: 1,2,1,2,1,2,
etc. It’s always 1, then 2. This we know can produce some small bias into our assignment and
we’d like to avoid bias, so instead we assign like this: 1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1, etc. Now you see that it’s
1, 2…then 2,1….1,2…then….etc. This is called counterbalancing and is the preferred method.
By using random selection and random assignment we have created two groups that are the same
on all things before we begin our study! That means that the one difference we make between
the groups, the experimental treatment, the independent variable, would be the cause of any
measured differences (dependent variable) that we may find.
A study found that those who eat breakfast are healthier than those who don’t. The researchers
claimed they used random selection so there should not be a problem. True? Well, this is an
observational study and cannot make cause-effect conclusions, like eating breakfast makes one
healthier than not eating breakfast. The researchers did not use random assignment! Remember,
for a true experiment, we must use both random selection and random assignment. So if they had
randomly assigned people to an “eat breakfast group” and to a “no breakfast group,” and imposed
these conditions for 6 months or so, then measured the health of the subjects, we could then
conclude that eating breakfast makes one healthier.
Control in Experimental Design
A research design is the plan for collecting data. This includes the number of groups you will be
using, the levels of the independent variable (IV) to be used, and the strategy for measuring
behavior. A good plan, or good design, eliminates all threats to validity (see chapter two).
Eliminates? Yeah, right. Maybe in that Ideal World that doesn’t exist! We can never eliminate
accident and error, but we can reduce. Random Sampling and Random Assignment help.
Another strategy most commonly used is “Holding Conditions Constant.” By holding conditions
constant the effects of things like history and maturation are equally present in two groups, the
control group and the experimental group (and in the other groups if any). As long as we treat the
two groups exactly the same (meaning we hold all conditions constant) except for the IV, then
we can detect the effects of the IV despite history and maturation because those two are
happening equally for both groups. History is the passage of time and events, while maturation is
the natural growth and development of people. History can as simple as a researcher talking to
one group more than another group, now the two groups have different histories. Maturation is
both long-term and short-term. For example, it’s well-known that drug addicts typically quit by
the time the reach the age of 50 or so (the ones that make to that age). So you can imagine a
drug rehab program that runs over a period of years. Since older drug addicts are more likely to
quit, it may not be the program that causes them to quit, but just plain old maturation.
The easiest and therefore most common experiment is the
posttest only design. Two groups, a control group and an
experimental group, are measured on some behavior. The
control group receives none of the IV, while the
experimental group does get the IV. In discussing designs we often use Code Letters. For
example: R – Grp Exp – T – M; indicates that subjects were Randomly assigned (R) to the
Experimental Group (Grp Exp) and were given some
treatment (T), then measured on some behavior (M).
The control group would then be: R – Grp Con – X –
M, where the X means no treatment given.
This design, the posttest only design controls for maturation and history because those two
factors are happening to both the control group and the experimental group equally.
There are better designs. Consider the pretest-posttest control group design. The name sounds
bad, but the design is very good. There are two groups, a control group and an experimental
group. They are both pretested (a Before measure).
The treatment is imposed on the experimental group,
then after the treatment both groups are post-tested
(the After measure). This design controls for all the
threats to internal validity. By pretesting and post-
testing a control group you can monitor the changes
taking place that are due to history, maturation,
instrumentation, mortality, etc. You do not eliminate
them, you control them by observing them, if they
occur, in the changes in the control group.
Another, better, design is the Solomon Four Group
design. This design is similar to the pretest posttest control group design, but with two additional
groups: another control and experimental group, but they don’t get the pretest. This design lets
you observe the effects of pretesting, if any, and controls for carry-over effects and practice
effects in addition to all the other threats to internal validity. In the diagram you see the R’s.
They mean Random Assignment. The O’s indicate an Observation, which is a Measurement or
M, in this case it is a Pretest, but only for two
groups. The X here means the treatment or T. I
know it’s a pain, but no one seems to agree on the
best way to abbreviate these designs, so you will
see them diagramed all kinds of ways. The final
O’s here are the post-test observations or
Four Characteristics of True Experiments
To be considered a true experiment such that a cause-effect relationship between the IV and the
DV can be found (if it exists), a study needs four things. First, subjects must be randomly
selected and randomly assigned to groups. Second, there must be at least two levels of the IV,
the treatment. At the very least you need to have one group “get” the treatment and one group
“not-get” the treatment. This is often referred to as Presence vs. Absence of the IV. You could
have more than some vs. none. For example you may want to give an amount, say one glass of
juice for one group, two glasses for another group, and no juice for a third group. Third, true
experiments control for threats to internal validity. These are discussed in detail in chapter
seven, but I’ve mentioned a couple of these here (maturation and history). We’ll look at them in
detail later. Fourth, true experiments tend to compare alternative versions of a theory, or two
different theories or at the very least determine if an hypothesis is supported or not.
Control and the Logic of Experiments
How does the basic experiment give us truthful answers to questions? It’s a process of
converting an idea or question, into some means of manipulation of a believed cause while
carefully watching for any changes in the believed effect., taking the resulting numbers (the
measurements/observations) and converting them into the answer to the question. Simple. Not.
This all gets very statistical very quickly. The basic inferential statistics like the t-ratio and the
F-ratio tell us if the difference we see between or among groups is due to chance or due to a real
effect of the treatment. The “ratio” part is the heart of it all. The top number in the ratio, the
numerator, is the differences you measured. Let’s say it’s 90. That means your groups differed
by 90 units of whatever you measured. The bottom number, the denominator, is the amount of
chance, called error, in your measurements. The ratio is thus “differences/error,” or 90/error.
Let’s say the chance factors (that produce error) is equal to 90 also. That means we have as much
difference as chance or error: 90/90. And in ratio this means 1.00. We don’t like it when error
and difference are the same. It means the difference in our groups due to the treatment is the
same as the difference due to error. Our treatment is really error, it made no difference. So any
test statistic that equals 1.00, means the treatment did not affect the experimental group. F-ratios
(and t-ratios) that are greater than 1.00 tell us that the treatment did have an effect.
When we calculate the difference Between Groups we call it between-group variance. Variance
means differences. When we calculate the error we call it within-group variance. So anytime
you see “MS within-groups” think Error! When you see “MS between-groups” think treatment
effect. MS is another way of saying variance (mean square).
We also sometimes call it “Mean Square Error Term.”
Within-group variance (error) gets larger with larger
individual differences in our subjects. So if we don’t treat
them all the same, we see more error, larger “mean-squares.”
Of course everything is error-prone. We make mistakes.
Confounds, or confounding variables, are one kind of
mistake we can make in conducting a study. The idea of a confound is that it may be the true
cause of any differences we see, instead of the treatment we gave (the IV). These in turn mean
we can make two kinds of errors in converting our numbers (statistics) into the answer to our
original question, conveniently called Type I and Type II. The Type I error (also called alpha) is
the chance that you decide the treatment had an
effect, but it didn’t really. The Type II error (also
called beta) is the chance that you decide the
treatment had no effect, but it did really. The null
hypothesis says that the groups did not differ. So
the Type I error says reject the null hypothesis,
the groups did differ…but this is a mistaken
conclusion. The Type II error says accept the null
hypothesis, the groups do not differ…but this is a
mistake. The Type II error also relates to external
validity. Remember, external validity is whether
or not your results are true in the real world.
A true experiment includes random sampling and random assignment. It will involve at least two
groups or two conditions, one serving as a control and the other as the treatment. A true
experiment is designed to control for the threats to internal validity without which the cause-
effect relationship between the IV and DV cannot be determined.
Control: The Keystone of the Experimental Method
Research Methods in Psychology
You will Learn:
Control Achieved Through Participant Assignment and Selection
Control Achieved Through Experimental Design
Control as Related to the Logic of Experimentation
Control achieved through participant assignment and selection
Random Selection from a large subject pool produces a representative sample
Asking for volunteers from a large subject pool who are informed of the nature of the study before volunteering does not produce a representative sample
Control achieved through participant assignment and selection
Random Number Tables may be useful in selecting subjects from a larger pool of potential subjects.
Volunteers gather in one room and you assign them a number.
Using the random number table you then select those who’s numbers show up in the table.
100 volunteers, use 2 digits (11, 74, 26, 93, 81, 44, etc.) until you have the number of subjects you want.
Control achieved through participant assignment and selection
With the total number of subjects randomly selected from the larger pool of volunteers you can now randomly assign subjects to the different groups using the random numbers table again.
Three Groups? Use 1,2,3 only.
First subject = group 1
Second subject = group 1
Third subject = group 2
Fourth subject = group 3
Control achieved through participant assignment and selection
Elimination Procedure
Equating Procedure
Use Random Number Table to assign subjects to groups, but assign equal numbers of subjects with same characteristics to each group.
Eliminate Subjects In Order to Achieve Control
Results Then Apply Only to Those With Same Characteristics as Sample
Control achieved through participant assignment and selection
Counterbalancing Procedure is another good way to assign subjects to groups
Incorrect: First person = group 1, Second person = group 2, Third person = group 1, etc.
Incorrect: First male = group 1, First female = group 1, Second male = group 2, Second female = group 2, Third male = group 1, Third female = group 1, etc.
Correct: First male = group 1, First female = group 1, Second male = group 2, Second female = group 2, Third male = group 2, Third female = group 2, Fourth male = group 1, Fourth female = group 1, Fifth male = group 1, Fifth female = group 1, Sixth male = group 2, Sixth female = group 2, etc. (two by two)
Random Sampling
Random Assignment
All potential participants have the same and equal chance of being chosen for participation.
University Participant Pools are composed of General Psychology Students (mostly freshmen, mostly young).
University Participant Pools are not the best sources for participants.
Assigning randomly sampled subjects to groups is also a random process.
Equating and Counterbalancing are not Random Assignments.
Random Assignment is only way to ensure all groups are equal on all characteristics (known and unknown).
Differences are not eliminated, but affect both groups equally.
Control Achieved Through Experimental Design
Experimental Design
Like a blueprint experimental design tells us how to “build” our study
Two Functions
1. able to determine the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable
2. able to rule out confounds as alternative explanations
Control Achieved Through Experimental Design
Two types of variables
Independent variable (IV) – the factor or condition that is manipulated by the experimenter
Dependent variable (DV) – the variable that is measured, thought to be changed be the IV
Have at least two groups.
Experimental group – A group that is exposed to all experimental conditions including the independent variable or variable of interest
Control group – A group that is subjected to conditions almost identical to the experimental group but for whom the independent variable is not manipulated.
Participants must be assigned to groups randomly so that all participants have an equal chance of being assigned to any of the conditions.
Seek to avoid extraneous variables
Extraneous variables – any variables other than the independent variable that are likely to influence the dependent variable
Types of Experimental Design
Posttest-Only Control Group Design
Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design
Randomly assign people to groups
Group A: Give them treatment, then Measure
Group B: Gets no Treatment, then Measure
Does not rule out some of the Threats to Internal Validity
Randomly assign people to groups
Group A: Measure, then Treatment, then Measure again
Group B: Measure, then No Treatment, then Measure again
Controls Threats to Internal Validity
But does pretest introduce a confound?
Types of Experimental Design
The Solomon Four-Group Design
Randomly assign people to groups
Group 1: Pretest, then Treatment, then Posttest
Group 2: Pretest, then No Treatment, then Posttest
Group 3: No Pretest, then Treatment, then Posttest
Group 4: No Pretest, then No Treatment, then Posttest
Now the effect of a Pretest, if any, can be evaluated.
Solomon Four Group Design
Experimental Design
Four Characteristics of True Experiments
1. Random Assignment to Groups
2. Must have at least Two Levels of the Independent Variable (IV): Control Group and Experimental Group
3. Controls for Threats to Internal Validity
4. Compares two alternative Theories (but not always maybe)
Control as Related to the Logic of Experimentation
Random Selection and Random Assignment ensures groups are equal before the experiment begins.
A pretest may be given to double-check.
Is Experimental Design adequate to Test the Hypothesis?
Treat All Groups Exactly the Same, except for the Levels of the IV.
Interpretation of Results
You Have Now Learned:
Control Achieved Through Participant Assignment and Selection
Control Achieved Through Experimental Design
Control as Related to the Logic of Experimentation
IdentifyingIndependent and Dependent Variables – Titles
Original provided by Dr. Gilroy, MTSU.
Modified somewhat by Dr. Kendrick, MTSU
Below are the titles of a number of studies. You can often identify the independent (IV) and
dependent (DV) variables from these titles. For example, the terms, “the effect of…” or, “the influence
of..” typically point to the IV whereas the terms following “on”, point to the DV. So, a general
statement would be something like, “The effects of the IV on the DV”, but it’s not always so clear cut.
Also, IV’s require more than one level, so identify two or more possible levels of each IV. DV’s require
a measurement or score, so for each DV identify a possible method of measurement.
Identify the independent and dependent variables in each of the studies.
1. Aggression toward minorities as a function of racial attitudes.
2. The effect of reinforcement on learning.
3. Stimulus attractiveness and memory in high and low sensation seekers.
4. The effect of independence training on creativity.
5. The effect of hunger on learning
6. Frustration leads to aggression
7. School performance as a function of intelligence
8. The relationship between self-esteem and school success among elementary school children
9. The effect of severity of initiation on liking for a group
10. The perceived size of coins in normal and hypnotically induced economic states
11. The effect of complexity and novelty in visual figures on orienting responses
12. Pupil response of hetero- and homosexual males to pictures of men and women
13. The influence of associative value upon the difficulty of nonsense syllable lists
14. Delay of feedback on the acquisition and retention of verbal materials in the classroom
15. Effects of motivating instructions and reports of failure on verbal learning
16. Effects of intensity of audio stimulation on directional eye movements in the human neonate
17. The relation of childhood training in independence to achievement motivation
IV attitude (survey/questionairre that creates three categories: negative, positive, neutral)
DV aggression (facial expression when shown pictures of different races)
IV reinforcement (one group receives positive reinforcement during coaching and a second group
does not)
DV learning (number of golf balls hit into cup, more = better learning)
IV High and low sensation seekers (as determined by scores on a survey)
DV Attractiveness of stimuli and memory for stimuli (as determined by self-report ratings and a
recognition memory test)
IV Independence Training (one group gets the training and a second group does not)
DV Creativity (measured by a standard creativity test)
IV Hunger (one group does not eat for 12 hours, a second group eats whenever they want)
DV Learning (number of attempts to correctly negogiate a maze)
IV Frustration (One group is told to go to room 103 on the second floor but it does not exist, other
group told to go to room 303 on third floor which does exist – both groups to find forms and bring
them back)
DV Aggression (number of “bad words” uttered when asked to hand over forms)
IV Intelligence (students asked to sit on left if very smart, on right if not so smart, and in the middle if
average – thus creating three groups based on self-reported level of intelligent)
DV School performance (self-reported GPA)
IV Self-esteem (Score on survey of self-esteem)
DV School success (GPA)
IV Severity of initiation (three groups, one getting congratulatory initiation, one having to jump in cold
lake water, and one having to jump in cold lake water and staying for five minutes)
DV Liking the group (self-report survey with questions regarding the importance of membership in
the group)
IV Normal or hypnotic state (self-explanatory…two groups, one hypnotized and one not)
DV Perception of coin size (self reported estimates in inches and tenths of inches)
Note there are two IV’s in this one.
IV Complexity (three stimuli differing in complexity – simple figure, complex figure, very complex
IV Novelty (three stimuli differing in novelty – common figure, unusual figure, very unusual figure)
DV Number of orienting responses (count the number of times people look at stimuli)
Two IV’s in this one too.
IV Sexual Orientation of person (homosexual and heterosexual males)
IV Sex of picture (male and female pictures)
DV size of pupil (as measured by pupilometer)
IV associative value (three levels: high, medium, low)
DV difficulty of memorizing (number of times repeated to reach 100% correct memorization of list)
This one has two DV’s
IV Delay of Feedback (three groups: no delay, short delay, long delay)
DV acquisition of verbal materials (number of times repeated to reach 80% or better)
DV retention of verbal materials (memory test after 30 days)
Two IV’s here
IV Type of instructions (motivating and nonmotivating)
IV Reports of failure (one group is told they failed on previous tests of verbal learning, a second
group told nothing, a third group told they did really well)
DV Verbal learning (scores on a verbal learning test)
IV Intensity of audio stimulation (intense, less intense, and mild)
DV directional eye movements (measured by eye movement detector)
IV Child training (one group trained in independence, another group not trained)
DV Acheivement motivation (as measured by self-report questionairre)
To improve your discussion contributions, please refer to the table below. Each criteria is worth 2 points each for a total of 10 points per discussion. Please be substantive in your posts and reference the text so that I can see that you are reading it to receive maximum scores.
1. The discussion contribution or response clearly addresses the content issue(s) presented by the question.
2. The discussion contribution or response includes the appropriate level(s) of critical analysis.
3. The discussion contribution or response includes pertinent course and disciplinary concepts, theories, or materials and applies them correctly.
4. The discussion contribution or response provides validation and support by including relevant examples and supporting evidence, as appropriate.
5. The discussion contribution or response is concise, clearly organized, and well-structured and uses grammar, usage, and mechanics expected of college level composition and expression. Citations to the text or supporting material are included and adhere to APA 6th edition style.