
Write a discussion post about the origins and transformation of digital culture. Pick several contemporary topics/areas where the tensions between old and new are evident — where you can see friction between the logic of traditional pre-web cultural conventions and that of the current digital realm.

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Social Media’s Impact on Communication

Discussion Post Instructions

Discussion Posts: Throughout the course you are responsible for writing a regular discussion post related to the week’s topic question posted. Posts should provide theoretically informed analysis, interpretation, or original reporting/research about the issues discussed. Your task is to goes beyond descriptive daily journalism (what happened) to become more analytical (why and with what consequence). The strongest posts will connect with the readings in the class and academic literature, and have some topical angle that frames the post. Your work is expected to be part of the wider discussion taking place online and should link to and engage with writings on other discussion posts. You are free to write using your own voice but you should maintain the rigor expected of professional written analysis. 

· You will have 6 posts that are graded on a 25-point scale. (25 (A), 15 (C), or 0 (F)). You will receive the full 25 points for answering the questions completely in depth and creatively, you will receive 15 points for partially answering the questions, scarcely, and not critically and you will receive 0 points for not answering the questions at all or not putting forth any effort. Analyze the object according to requirements for the week.

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· Make a connection to the readings, videos or recordings for the week.

· Posts will be made in the Canvas discussion forum.

· Each post should be at least 3 paragraphs (500 words) in length.

· You must respond to at least 2 other student posts.

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