please read Crane’s long (but excellent) short story, “The Open Boat.”
2. watch the YouTube video:
EN 362 Stephen Crane “The Open Boat” Dr. Lin Knutson
Answer these questions over the story:
1. Explain the significance of the first line of the story.
2. What adjectives are used to describe the waves and the ocean?
3. How many are in the boat? List them.
4. Explain these symbols:
A. The shipwreck
B. The house of refuge
C. The shark
5. How does Crane use point of view? Who is telling this story?
6. How does Crane use repetition in this story? Give an example of a line that is repeated.
7. State who dies at the end, and explain why this is ironic
8. Why does Crane make fun of the women who bring coffee to the survivors?
9. Define the term “literary Naturalism”
10. Explain how literary Naturalism applies to the story “The Open Boat.”