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You will explore the impact that misconceptions have on the counseling relationship.  Each response should be informed from the insight and comprehension you have gained in chapter 4 of the Cook-Cottone, Kane, & Anderson textbook.

  1. It is important for counselors to understand the difference between empathy and agreement. Supporting child-clients is critical, but it is not always in the best interest of the client to merely agree or tell him or her what they want to hear. How can you be sure that a child does not see your efforts at empathy as agreement?  How can you response in a way that shows you hear and empathize, yet do not necessarily agree? Provide explanation and examples of statements or narratives you might use.
  2. For each of the four thinking-style-pairs, provide an example statement of how the child might communicate the thinking-style-pair in a counseling session.  After each statement, then explain how your illustration is indicative of the thinking-style-pair. In other words, justify how the statement clearly represents both thinking attributes. Also include a possible consequence that the child might experience by using the thinking-style-pair as their strategy.

    A child is thinking rationally and using positive thinking
    A child is thinking rationally and using negative thinking.
    A child is irrational and using positive thinking.  
    A child is irrational and using negative thinking.

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