Discussion 4

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The coding systems that will be encounted are ICD-10-CM, CPT, and HCPCS. CPT describes procedures and treatments the healthcare provider performs (Pepper, 2020). This focuses on services that the provider can provide. HCPCS, on the other hand, deals in services and supplies not handled by the provider (Pepper, 2020). This means that ambulance rides and braces are covered through this coding system. This is very important for elderly patients that need supplies such as walkers and patients involved in serious events that result in an ambulance ride. ICD-10-CM coding describes the diagnosis of a patient (Pepper, 2020). This is very important to have in the Superbill. They are all equally important and are used together to ensure proper billing occurs. HCPCS is not always needed depending on the circumstances, but the CPT and ICD-10-CM are typically always utilized. The more specific the code the better. Vague codes are not considered to be valid.

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