Discussion 9


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It is essential to be aware of potential ethical problems that may arise in practice. Without such awareness, a human service professional can stumble inadvertently into a problematic situation from which it can be difficult to extricate themselves. Your discussion will focus on developing and enhancing your awareness in this area.

Create a scenario where a human service professional who works in a small community experiences an ethical dilemma.

Please respond to the following:

  • Describe your scenario and identify each of the problematic decisions made by the practitioner involved.
  • Use one of the decision-making models (e.g., multiperspectival model decision-making model process) in Letourneau’s (2016) article to resolve the dilemma.
  • Create a plan of action for how to manage the situation from this point on.
  • Research similar disciplinary scenarios in your own state and discuss how they were addressed by the regulatory board. If no such violations occurred in your state, you may use one from a nearby state.

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