Discussion peer response- week 3 (rebecca) anatomy and physiology 2

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2.TOPIC: Importance of physical activity in venous return.

3. Word Count 125 minimum 

4. RESEARCH (must be labeled)

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-response must add new information not previously not mentioned. 

        – need to be tied to author critical thinking. share interesting and current research on the topic. 

           -do not summarize author information.

5. CRITICAL THINKING(must be labeled)

        -post new observation and opinion not previously voices.

        -why is this important for you or your community. 


ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY-the unity of from and function(9 th edition)


7. (Rebecca)

Importance of Physical activity in venous return


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As the heart beats faster and harder during exercise, cardiac output is increased as well as blood pressure.   Venous return is increased by muscle contractions via the skeletal muscle pump.  The increase in venous return increases cardiac output.   When a person is inactive, venous pooling occurs.   This means that blood accumulates in the limbs, due to venoous pressure being too low to push the weight of the blood upward.  This can occur in people who stand for long periods at a time such as cashiers, barbers, etc.   This can also occur when sitting too long during a long flight.   Sometimes cardiac output will even drop so low that it causes the person to get dizzy or pass out.    Military jet pilots actuallly wear pressurized G suits to prevent this from happening.  

Critical Thinking:

When I used to stand too long at work, while wearing a lead vest and opearting a fluoroscope, I had developed spider veins.   I was only in my 20’s!  I had to have them treated with sclerotherapy.   This is a procedure in which the doctor injects the vein with saline.    You then must wear compression hose for a while to aid in healing.   It was successful, and luckily my job after that allowed me to have the perfect balance of sitting and standing, which I read helps to prevent this.   However my most recent job requires me to do a lot of walking and standing, but I wear my compression socks to  help prevent the development of new spider veins.  I also participate in aerobic exercise a few times a week.  So my mom once developed blood clots just from a 3 hour car ride!    She was of course at a higher risk, being that she has factor V leiden clotting disorder.  But, as you see,  venous pooling can be life threatening in some cases, if you don’t seek treatment.    That being said, we can see how very important exercise is in maintaining that circulation.  So if you have a job that requires you to sit or stand for long periods at a time, you should definately invest in some compression hose, as well as take regular breaks whenever possible to either get up and walk around, or take a breather and get off of those feet! 

Word Count:



Saladin,K.(2020):  Anatomy and Physiology.  The unit of form and function(9th ed.).McGraw Hill Education.

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