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Identify 7 ways by which you will use your knowledge gained in mental health nursing in clinical practice.

In my clinical practice, the knowledge gained in mental health nursing (MHN) will assist me to create a holistic plan that treats everyone equally and respectfully regardless of their mental health status. Through this plan, I will avoid prejudices, stereotypes, and stigma that often inhibit care for people with mental health problems. Second, the knowledge obtained from MHN will assist me to deliver the right information to persons with mental health problems. This information will boost patient care. Besides, the knowledge gained from MHN will assist me to indulge in respectful conversations with my clients. As a result, I will understand their problems candidly. The knowledge gained from MHN will also help me to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure that the patient receives quality care that meets and even exceeds their needs and expectations (Foster et al., 2019). Furthermore, the knowledge obtained from MHN will assist me to act as an advocate for patients’ needs, preferences, and rights. Sixth, the knowledge acquired will assist me to collaborate with patients’ friends and family members. Seven, the knowledge will assist me to make well-informed decisions that support the patients’ well-being. 


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After taking this class how would you advocate for a family member with Mental Illness? what would be important for their recovery

I would advocate for a family member with mental illness by volunteering in community mental organizations. Through volunteering, I would get the opportunity to air out the plight or challenges faced by the person with mental illness. I will also connect the person to community resources that are vital in their recovery process. By connecting them to community resources, the patient would get financial assistance, caregiver support networks, transportation, or free services that are vital in their recovery process (Furnes, Kvaal & Høye, 2018). Besides, I would protect the patient’s rights by knowing his or her wishes, choices, and preferences. I would also advocate for the family member by ensuring the patient is safe from physical and emotional harm. Furthermore, I would work with organizations that advocate for people with mental problems. 


Identify 7 ways by which you will use your knowledge gained in mental health nursing in clinical practice.

I will use the knowledge for problem-solving in practice. I will Identify problems correctly and precisely to develop a good nursing care plan.

I will use my knowledge gained in mental health nursing in clinical practice to make a sound judgment. In nursing, clients present a wide range of problems that need critical judgment. In addition, ill mental issues differ from each other; the situation depends on a case-to-case basis, thus requiring good judgment.  

I will use the knowledge in offering advice in a manner that there will be no conflict with regard to religion, beliefs, culture. I will use the knowledge gained to understand mental health problems and interventions. Then, I will apply that knowledge in practice to help people with mental issues. 

I will develop positive values and the correct behavior necessary in the nursing field through the knowledge. As a result, I will use the knowledge to understand the patient’s feelings, problems, and needs, thus providing quality services.

The knowledge I acquired will enable me to be Observational. Moreover, I will use the knowledge to be keenly observant, especially for those who have a suicidal tendency or suffer from severe depression. I will use the knowledge to have outstanding communication skills. Nurse-patient interaction is essential to understand what the patient needs.

After taking this class how would you advocate for a family member with Mental Illness? what would be important for their recovery

 If any family member has a mental illness, support from other members is greatly needed. They play an essential role in the recovery of mental illness. I would advocate for the family member by helping her to verbalize their feelings. Expressing their feelings verbally would help choose the most appropriate intervention for quick recovery. Talking about feelings helps release the stressors that contribute to the feeling of troublesome or anxiety. I will advocate for the family member by listening to her without judgments or biases while focusing on her needs at the moment. Listening to people with mental health issues without judgment helps them understand their needs better (Corrigan, 2016). Therefore, it helps to find a suitable solution for the problems. Also, I will advocate for the family member by encouraging her to seek appropriate professional help if not controlled and managed. I will make the family member accept herself and her situation. When dealing with people with mental health issues, it is essential to acknowledge the client’s symptoms and feelings. Acknowledging the feelings of people with mental problems helps find solutions for the issues and promotes quick recovery. I will also advocate for the family member by not using stigmatizing language. Stigmatizing language worsens the conditions of people suffering from mental health issues. 

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