
Prior to beginning this activity, read your required readings and view the required videos. In addition, review the weekly Instructor Guidance and any supporting information in the announcements.

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Through your reading this week, you have become more familiar with I/O psychology. This familiarity guides us in developing our understanding of how this area of study can be applied to many areas and careers, whether in the “helping” professions or in business, education, and communications.  

To complete this discussion:

· First, after you have started reading your weekly material, visit the following American Psychological Association’s 

Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Links to an external site.)

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 web page about the field of I/O psychology and do a Google search for jobs associated with I/O psychology.

· Then, discuss your previous knowledge about the potential for careers associated with I/O Psychology.

· Does any of the information you read about sound like an area of psychology that may be of interest to you?

· Next, discuss your identified career goals for the future and how the skills associated with I/O psychology, discussed in Chapter 1 of your text, and reviewed in the video, 

Industrial / Organizational Psychology, (Links to an external site.)

 could be applicable to help you succeed and grow as an individual, outside of the I/O field.

· Lastly, search “I/O Psychology Theories” on the internet.

· Identify and share a theory associated with I/O psychology, explaining it to your peers.

· Cite the source you used to learn about the theory within your explanation.

· Explain how the theory could relate to your future career success.

Your initial post should be between 300 and 400 words. You must support your discussion by citing the required textbook. Cite all information from your sources according to APA guidelines as outlined in the 

APA Citing Within Your Papers (Links to an external site.)

 resource. List each of your sources at the end of your posting according to APA style as shown in the sample page for 

APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)


**Reminder: Each week you will be given instruction in the Guided Peer Responses about the expectations for responding to your peers and to the instructor. (Please see below.) These expectations may differ from week to week and/or from your previous courses, so please reach out to your instructor if you have any questions or concerns.   

Guided Peer Responses: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Respond substantively to at least two of your peers’ original posts.

· Did they consider any additional ideas about applying this content to their career development and success?

· What additional ideas can you offer them? Does your peer have an accurate description about what I/O psychology focuses on?

· Share what I/O psychology content you discussed in your original posting.

Instructor Responses: Review any instructor feedback on your postings. Often feedback is shared to help you to elevate your level of critical thought or make corrections. Reply based on this feedback to advance your understanding of the content addressed.

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