dissecting theory

Analysis of Theory Worksheet

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Use this worksheet to help you apply a theory as a lens to the case study for your assignments. Fill in the column on the right with all applicable information, and then consider it a reference for how to apply the theory. You must submit this worksheet, where indicated, in applicable assignments. Then you will compile the worksheet for your Theories Study Guide (that you can use for the licensure exam) at the end of the course.

Name of theory

Problem-solving model

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Author or founder

Helen Perlman

Historical origin of theory

Founded on Functionalist theory

Basic assumptions

Underlying assumptions

Key concepts

Foci/unit of analysis

Philosophical or conceptual framework

Strengths of theory

Limitations of theory

Common criticisms

When and with whom it would be appropriate to use the theory/model

Consistency of theory/model with social work principles

Identification of goodness of fit with ethical principles

Ways in which theory/model informs research methods

Implications for social work practice

Comparing Individual-Related and Structural/Cultural-Related Theories

All theories, more or less, can be dissected into different dimensions. In other words, all theories will tell you something about the focus or unit of analysis. It will identify the major or key concepts. It will also point to the definition and the cause of the problem. This would then guide how the social worker assesses and intervenes because the theory will also articulate the role of the social worker and how change occurs.

Use this handout for the Week 2 Discussion. Select a theory that focuses on the individual and a theory that focuses on the structural or cultural level. Fill out the table to help you complete your Discussion.

Individual-Related Theory

Structural/Cultural- Related Theory

Name of theory

Name of theorist

Focus or unit of analysis

Key concepts or terms

Explanation of the cause of the problem

Explanation of how change occurs or how client improves

Appropriate goals for clients

Role of the social worker

Focal point in assessment

Focal point in interventions

Specific practice intervention strategies

Worksheet: Dissecting a Theory and Its Application to a Case Study

Most theories can be dissected and analyzed. All theories will tell you something about their focus or unit of analysis. A theory will identify its major or key concepts. It will also point to the definition of the problem and its cause. This then guides how the social worker assesses and intervenes, because the theory will also articulate the role of the social worker and how change occurs.

Basic Assumptions of the Theory

Directions: For each section, respond in 2 to 3 sentences to the following prompts. Where relevant, provide citations to support your claims.

Name of theory

System Theory

Name of theorist

What are the major assumptions of the theory?

What are the theory’s key concepts?

What is the theory’s focus or unit of analysis?

What is the theory’s overall explanation for the cause of problems?

Analysis of Theory Worksheet

Use this worksheet to help you apply a theory as a lens to the case study for your assignments. Fill in the column on the right with all applicable information, and then consider it a reference for how to apply the theory. You must submit this worksheet, where indicated, in applicable assignments. Then you will compile the worksheet for your Theories Study Guide (that you can use for the licensure exam) at the end of the course.

Name of theory

Author or founder

Historical origin of theory

Basic assumptions

Underlying assumptions

Key concepts

Foci/unit of analysis

Philosophical or conceptual framework

Strengths of theory

Limitations of theory

Common criticisms

When and with whom it would be appropriate to use the theory/model

Consistency of theory/model with social work principles

Identification of goodness of fit with ethical principles

Ways in which theory/model informs research methods

Implications for social work practice

Crisis Theory

Analysis of Theory Worksheet

Use this worksheet to help you apply a theory as a lens to the case study for your assignments. Fill in the column on the right with all applicable information, and then consider it a reference for how to apply the theory. You must submit this worksheet, where indicated, in applicable assignments. Then you will compile the worksheet for your Theories Study Guide (that you can use for the licensure exam) at the end of the course.

Name of theory

Author or founder

Historical origin of theory

Basic assumptions

Underlying assumptions

Key concepts

Foci/unit of analysis

Philosophical or conceptual framework

Strengths of theory

Limitations of theory

Common criticisms

When and with whom it would be appropriate to use the theory/model

Consistency of theory/model with social work principles

Identification of goodness of fit with ethical principles

Ways in which theory/model informs research methods

Implications for social work practice

Resilience Theory

Analysis of Theory Worksheet

Use this worksheet to help you apply a theory as a lens to the case study for your assignments. Fill in the column on the right with all applicable information, and then consider it a reference for how to apply the theory. You must submit this worksheet, where indicated, in applicable assignments. Then you will compile the worksheet for your Theories Study Guide (that you can use for the licensure exam) at the end of the course.

Name of theory

Author or founder

Historical origin of theory

Basic assumptions

Underlying assumptions

Key concepts

Foci/unit of analysis

Philosophical or conceptual framework

Strengths of theory

Limitations of theory

Common criticisms

When and with whom it would be appropriate to use the theory/model

Consistency of theory/model with social work principles

Identification of goodness of fit with ethical principles

Ways in which theory/model informs research methods

Implications for social work practice

Cognitive Behavioral Theory


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