Dissertations and Theses

Topic- Cyber security awareness and practices among small and medium-sized enterpriseGot

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a feedback from proffessor please review the below feedbackYour topic, “Cyber security awareness and practices among small and medium-sized enterprises” is too generic. Please provide some context to clarify your proposed research. Any literature to support the study is a good start. This information will also inform your research approach (quant vs qual). As it is, you are mixing case study (qual) with quant. Although research questions are not finalized at this stage, the gap in literature will also help formulate your research questions down the road.

here is the form to submit the proposal attaching the form need

Topic Approval Form Instructional Guide
Proposed Topic
Briefly discuss a proposed topic in your discipline. For the Proposed Topic, please
present a succinct description of your dissertation research focus. Be as specific as
possible and cite the current scholarship that has noted the research focus as an area
of needed inquiry.
What methodology are you planning to use?
What is the population you would like to address? Where will you select your sample from?
Quantitative studies should include a sample selected from a large population across
multiple schools, districts, or organizations. Describe the target population for your
study. This involves the representative population for the individuals you plan to
recruit for the study. Include an approximate size of this target population. This can
typically be found using a resource such as the U.S. BLS. Then follow with a
description of the location of your recruitment site, meaning the specific organization,
social media group, or site(s) where you will recruit this target population as study
Note. For studies that involve no live subjects, you will describe the location from
where you will gather the archival raw data for your study.
Theoretical Framework/Background
What theories covered in the program are associated with your topic? You likely
reviewed many theories within your discipline across your doctoral coursework. Here,
you will choose theories (1, 2, or maybe 3) that will serve as the lens to view your
research focus. Consult your Professor/Chair for guidance, and then list the theory or
theories that will comprise the theoretical lens for the study. Follow with a description
of how and why the theory or theories are best to use as the study’s theoretical
Describe the connection of the topic to the program goals and courses.
How is your topic connected to specific goals in your program? Refer to the Graduate
Catalog for your program’s goals.

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