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Post 1:

Nurses are vital in health promotion and prevention. This is because they are at the forefront interacting directly with patients. A competent caregiver should be in a position to address the medical needs of patients and identify the traits that will influence the care given. One thing that is crucial to healthcare delivery is recognizing the patient’s cultural aspects that are significant to the medical attention he requires (Purnell, 2016). The nurse can use various methods to derive cultural information about patients under their care. The simplest technique is by asking the patient about their cultural values and beliefs. This provides accurate firsthand information and provides the foundation for holistic care. Drawing the information from close family members is an effective way of retrieving cultural information.

In nursing, cultural competence helps incorporate the relevant social and cultural values in the profession. It refers to the caregiver’s ability to pay attention to cultural aspects such as race and beliefs. Being culturally aware plays a vital role in providing holistic care. Cultural competence improves healthcare because the nurse relies on creating a good rapport with patients to identify any beliefs related to their well-being (Sharifi et al., 2019). For instance, some communities are skeptical about modern medicine. Understanding the patient’s background helps determine whether the patient is predisposed to certain medical conditions because of the affiliation to a certain race or community.

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A nurse can show cultural competency by allowing the individual to practice certain beliefs and cultural values if they do not interfere with the treatment (Kirmayer, 2012). For instance, the nurse can respect the patient’s privacy to pray. As mentioned earlier, nurses interact directly with patients. A culturally competent nurse should address the patient in a language that he understands to avoid communication barriers.



Purnell, L. D. (2016). The Purnell model for cultural competence. In D.B. Cooper (Ed.), Intervention in mental health-substance use (1st ed., pp. 57-78). Taylor & Francis Group.

Kirmayer, L. (2012). Rethinking cultural competence. Transcultural Psychiatry, 49(2), 149-164. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363461512444673

Sharifi, N., Adib-Hajbaghery, M., & Najafi, M. (2019). Cultural competence in nursing: A concept analysis. International journal of nursing studies, 99, 103386. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103386

Post 2: Cultural competency is a necessary factor in providing holistic and excellent patient care. Nurses must encourage their patients to take charge of their health, and this can only be done if there is an understanding of their patients’ culture and the influence it has on their health behaviors and beliefs (Falkner, 2018). Nurses can employ many strategies when gathering cultural information from patients. It is important for nurses to be sensitive while gathering information and to never make assumptions about their patients’ cultural backgrounds. This is especially important because previous studies have shown that patients from minority backgrounds often experience worse quality of patient care than majority populations (Antón-Solanas et al., 2021). Additionally, nurses can demonstrate cultural competency in their nursing practice in a variety of ways. One way that a nurse can do this is by taking the time to ask their patients if they have any cultural or religious beliefs that affect their healthcare decisions or beliefs; this is a simple gesture that can be done upon admission or during assessment and shows that the nurse cares about the patient’s cultural beliefs. 


Antón-Solanas, I., Tambo-Lizalde, E., Hamam-Alcober, N., Vanceulebroeck, V., Dehaes, S., Kalkan, I., Kömürcü, N., Coelho, M., Coelho, T., Casa Nova, A., Cordeiro, R., Sagarra-Romero, L., Subirón-Valera, A. B., & Huércanos-Esparza, I. (2021). Nursing students’ experience of learning cultural competence. PloS One, 16(12), e0259802. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0259802 

Falkner, A. (2018). Cultural Awareness. Health Promotion: Health & Wellness Across the Continuum. Retrieved February 9, 2022, from 



Post 3:

Cultural competence in healthcare refers to the ability to care for patients with diverse values, beliefs and behaviors while providing awareness to their beliefs, values and language. Healthcare should be structured to meet every patient’s social, cultural and language needs in order to be safe and effective (Husson University, 2019).

Nurses can get knowledge about patients’ culture and beliefs through direct interaction with patients from different cultural backgrounds. Another way of gathering information is through asking from family and friends. Creating rapport and communicating with the patient in a way they understand will help build trust and the patient will be able to speak about their beliefs and values. Finally, through observing the patient the nurse can also gather important information about their culture, for example through their dress code (Deering, 2022).

Culture competence improves communication between healthcare providers and patients, and enables the nurses to provide appropriate patient needs through proper assessment and developing individualized treatment and interventions. Being culturally competent promotes safe and effective patient care and reduces errors as the nurses will be able to articulate to the patient’s needs. In addition, it fosters understanding and trust in the health care professionals. Another positive outcome of cultural competence is enabling patient’s full participation in health care and promotion as well as reducing anxiety. Finally, it helps the healthcare provider to understand patient’s condition and risk factors so that they can find the as some diseases are prevalent in certain ethnic groups (Arkansas State University, 2016).

Nurses can demonstrate cultural competency by communicating with patients and their families using terms that are easy for the patient to follow and understand. It is also important to avoid making assumptions about patient’s beliefs, judging or disregarding a patient’s belief and religious background, but instead encourage them to do what works best for them, within the acceptable professional boundaries. Nurses should also applaud individual strengths as it builds patient’s confidence. The use of interpreters is also another important factor in demonstrating cultural competence (Every Nurse Staff, 2022).


Deering, M., (2022). Cultural Competence in Nursing. Nurse Journal https://nursejournal.org/resources/cultural-competence-in-nursing/

Every Nurse Staff, (2022). Seven Steps to Become a More Culturally Sensitive Nurse https://everynurse.org/7-steps-culturally-sensitive-nurse/

Husson University.  (2019). The need for cultural competence in healthcare. https://medcitynews.com/?sponsored_content=the-need-for-cultural-competence-in-healthcare

  Post 4:

Cultural competence is essential in nursing. An ability/availability to work effectively within the patient’s cultural context (Hart & Mareno, 2016). As a crucial factor in patient care, the nurse must be aware of cultural variations. Providing holistic nursing care requires understanding and respecting diverse cultures/practices (Falkner, 2018).

By asking questions, the nurse can obtain cultural knowledge from patients. Assumptions ought not to be made in any scenario. Given that two patients from the same culture may not necessarily have the same values and beliefs, the nurse must conduct a fully personalized assessment and ask specific functional questions about social determinants of health from either the patients or their families.

The fact that these characteristics are closely tied to the culture and belief system of the patient has an enormous impact on the patient’s overall health and wellbeing. Identifying and evaluating them is a crucial step in developing cultural competency (Falkner, 2018).

To provide the best nursing care, the nurse must be impartial and treat all patients the same, no matter what their ethnicity, socioeconomic status, race, or cultural values are.

Nurses need to be able to provide safe and high-quality health care to people from different cultures (Cai, 2016). To minimize health disparities and promote access to high-quality health care, it is important to show cultural respect and be culturally competent (Alvernia University, 2016).

Honoring patients’ beliefs and enabling them to exercise them, as long as it does not interfere with treatment, is an example of cultural competency by a nurse. In addition, patients’ cultures should be respected during evaluations, history-taking, and clinical procedures. It is also important for the nurse to keep up with the times.

Interact with patients in a language they understand, and if required, use a hospital translator. An example, if a patient is Jewish, then it is important to honor their Jewish customs.


Hart, P. and Mareno, N. (2016). Nurses’ perception of their cultural competence for diverse patient populations. Retrieved from 


Falkner, A. (2018). Health promotion in nursing care. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs429vn/health-promotion-health-and-wellness-across-the[1]continuum/v1.1/#/chapter/3

Alvernia University (2016). A guide to culturally competent nursing care. Retrieved https://online.alvernia.edu/articles/culturally-competent-nursing-


· CR

Post 5: Please respond to this post with minimum of 150 words and 2 scholarly or peer reviewed references. Thanks

Good nutrition is essential to a person’s overall health and well-being. Healthy nutrition helps in the prevention of diet-related risk factors and conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Oz (2017) submits that nutrients have an immense contribution to the prevention, treatment, and taming of a range of inflammatory and infectious diseases. PAHO (n.d.) concurs with this submission and acknowledges the vital role nutrition plays in strengthening the immune system and managing health conditions so they do not worsen over time.

Nutritional challenges for emerging populations can be identified in the lack of access to resources (Falkner, 2018). Challenges to good nutrition may be found in the lack of financial resources to access nutritional foods or educational resources on healthy eating and nutritional value. Both nutritional excess and deficiency are associated with the disease. Nutritional excess in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats together with physical inactivity can result in chronic

Inflammatory conditions such as obesity and cardiovascular disease(Oz, 2017). PAH (n.d.) asserts that consumption of foods and beverages high in critical nutrients such as salt/sodium, sugar, saturated fats, and Trans fats increases the risk of diet-related risk factors and associated non-communicable diseases. Deficiencies in essential nutrients can lead to stunted growth, poor immune function, and classical conditions such as scurvy, osteoporosis, depression and xerophthalmia (Oz, 2017)


Falkner, A. (2018). Cultural Awareness. Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the

Continuum. Grand Canyon University. Accessed from: https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs429vn/health-


Oz H. S. (2017). Nutrients, Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases. Nutrients, 9(10), 1085.


Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), (n.d.). Nutrition.


Post 6: This is a post from our professor. Please respond as a substantive post with minimum of 150 words and 2 scholarly or peer reviewed references. Thanks

Blue zones are areas in the world where people regularly live into their 90’s and 100’s without infirmity and illness.

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Do these people follow the health promotions we have in the US? Do any of you follow these practices? (I know I don’t!)

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