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words are fashionable words and phrases that tend to lose their effectiveness through

overuse or to die out over time. Examples are referring to a problem as an “issue” or calling

everything “awesome” or “amazing”,

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every employee an “associate”, and

every corona outbreak

an “epicenter”.


hare with your classmates a personal experience or social observation where using the exact

and correct word mattered. Why do you think people refer to

problems as “issues”?

Vogue words are fashionable words and phrases that tend to lose their effectiveness through

overuse or to die out over time. Examples are referring to a problem as an “issue” or calling
everything “awesome” or “amazing”,

every employee an “associate”, and

every corona outbreak
an “epicenter”.

hare with your classmates a personal experience or social observation where using the exact
and correct word mattered. Why do you think people refer to

problems as “issues”?

Vogue words are fashionable words and phrases that tend to lose their effectiveness through

overuse or to die out over time. Examples are referring to a problem as an “issue” or calling

everything “awesome” or “amazing”, every employee an “associate”, and every corona outbreak

an “epicenter”.

Share with your classmates a personal experience or social observation where using the exact

and correct word mattered. Why do you think people refer to problems as “issues”?

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