DR week 6


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For this assignment, you will create a guide you can share with your peers in this class. Your guide will be called “Five Ways to Create a Presentation to Remember.” Feel free to be creative as you build your guide. There are no right or wrong ideas to include in your guide, and this should be a reflection of what you have learned so far in Section 2 of the course.

Your guide should list five best practices with approximately a half-page description of each one. Be sure to justify each best practice, describing it using scholarly writing by including data, evidence, and supporting sources. In addition, be sure to display your professional writing skills by formatting your guide in a visually appealing way that your audience will enjoy and find easy to follow (APA format is not required for your guide, other than for the format of your sources).  Please be sure to cite your sources within the guide that you create.  Citations can be done unobtrusively (such as in a smaller font) with the design of your guide in mind.

Length: 2-3 pages, or one trifold brochure, or one visually appealing handout (be creative!)

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