Durham University Create a User Flow diagram Worksheet


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Freshii mobile app for the following scenario: ordering a meal on Freshii salads:


● Note that a “meal” might mean anything on the menu (not just salads). Start the flow on the page that loads once the user clicks “Order Now”. Mobile app experience only


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Interview 3 people outside our class and the UXD program to outline the optimal user steps and tasks took to meet the aforementioned goal


● The optimal User Task breakdown for this user goal (before documenting the flow). Include your interview raw data in Miro

● A User Flow diagram based on the current state. Include all possible branches/scenarios (e.g. not logged in, gluten-free meal, no utensils, etc.) for the user flow outlined above

● A brief summary with a justification of how you could improve the existing experience based on gaps found while doing the user task analysis or on challenges, you might encounter with the flow

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