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reading “Black Men and Public Space,” in chapter 21 of



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for Writer


, focus on

the way that Staples recognizes himself as a cause because of the way he affects others



finds that he has the ability to “alter public space in ugly ways”. Drawing from your own

experience, share an example with your classmates to illustrate

how our own words and

actions affect the public space around us


In 10 Sentences

After reading “Black Men and Public Space,” in chapter 21 of

Models for Writer
, focus on

the way that Staples recognizes himself as a cause because of the way he affects others. He

finds that he has the ability to “alter public space in ugly ways”. Drawing from your own
experience, share an example with your classmates to illustrate

how our own words and
actions affect the public space around us

In 10 Sentences

After reading “Black Men and Public Space,” in chapter 21 of Models for Writers, focus on

the way that Staples recognizes himself as a cause because of the way he affects others. He
finds that he has the ability to “alter public space in ugly ways”. Drawing from your own

experience, share an example with your classmates to illustrate how our own words and

actions affect the public space around us.

In 10 Sentences

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