Week 5 Assignment – Administrator Interviews

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Understanding the responsibilities of administrators is vital to understanding the reasoning behind decisions in policy. All administrators strive to make the best possible decisions for those they supervise. However, this is not an easy task. There are a plethora of complex factors incorporated into all decision-making.

For this activity, you are to interview an administrator at the K–12 or Higher Education level to gain insight into the responsibility’s administrators have each day. You should ask three to five questions during your interview. Example questions could include:

· How do you prepare for your day-to-day activities?

· How do you balance your professional and personal life?

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· Who influenced your decision to become an educator and an educational leader?

After completing the interview, write a 2-page paper in which you: 

Summarize the professional information about the administrator being interviewed. Information to share can include context like

. Length of service in the education industry.

. Previous educational experiences.

. Length of time in current position.

· Describe the responsibilities of the current position held by your interviewee.

· Summarize the questions asked and the responses received from your interviewee.

· Evaluate one policy revision that your interviewee would change about his/her

· current position, including his/her rationale for the change.

· Use three sources to support your writing, outside of your textbook. Choose


sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.

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