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Inside work: Write a brief description of the four academic disciplines;


There are disciplines that study the human culture and methodology applied by humanity. They include the disciplines of religion, philosophy, languages and art being drama etc.

Social sciences

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This discipline majorly focuses on examining the society. How people interact with the environment or among themselves, their behavior, development i.e., culture and how they influence the world.

Natural sciences

Basically, a form of applied sciences but focuses on the study of the universe and rules of nature. In this discipline, they study fields like biochemistry and geophysics.

Applied fields

This disciplinary always focuses on practical application. Some disciplines in this category are; criminology, nursing, education business etc.

 Inside work: Understanding the goals of writing your course

What surprised you about the goals or objectives for your writing course? The fact that it is to heighten the understanding of a student on discipline specific convention.

What is similar to or different from the writing course you have taken before? Both have the same goals and objectives they aim at and also it heightens the academic experience.

What is similar to or different from the expectations you had for this course? Similarly, it strengthens writing skills that already existed to a better level.

How do the outcomes for the course align with your goals for writing and for college? The outcomes provide tools like critical thinking, improved writing and reading skills that help in college.

What does the list of goals for your course tell you about what is valued at your institution? It ensures students gain good writing skills and also helps them to tackle problems or conflicts critically.

Insider’s view: undergraduate students on academic writing

How does writing in college compare with writing in other contexts?

Writing in college mainly focuses on research and not personal experience like way back in high school where teachers used to make choices for what you should write. Most colleges use literature to start teaching about writing then later offering writing instructions to focus on the rhetoric principle Miller-Cochran, S. K., Stamper, R., & Cochran, S. (2019).


Miller-Cochran, S. K., Stamper, R., & Cochran, S. (2019). An insider’s guide to academic writing: A rhetoric and reader. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, Macmillan.

Inside work: Write a brief description of the four academic disciplines;


There are disciplines that study the human culture and methodology applied by humanity. They include the disciplines of religion, philosophy, languages and art being drama etc.

Social sciences

This discipline majorly focuses on examining the society. How people interact with the environment or among themselves, their behavior, development i.e., culture and how they influence the world.

Natural sciences

Basically, a form of applied sciences but focuses on the study of the universe and rules of nature. In this discipline, they study fields like biochemistry and geophysics.

Applied fields

This disciplinary always focuses on practical application. Some disciplines in this category are; criminology, nursing, education business etc.


 Inside work: Understanding the goals of writing your course

What surprised you about the goals or objectives for your writing course? The fact that it is to heighten the understanding of a student on discipline specific convention.

What is similar to or different from the writing course you have taken before? Both have the same goals and objectives they aim at and also it heightens the academic experience.

What is similar to or different from the expectations you had for this course? Similarly, it strengthens writing skills that already existed to a better level.

How do the outcomes for the course align with your goals for writing and for college? The outcomes provide tools like critical thinking, improved writing and reading skills that help in college.

What does the list of goals for your course tell you about what is valued at your institution? It ensures students gain good writing skills and also helps them to tackle problems or conflicts critically.


Insider’s view: undergraduate students on academic writing

How does writing in college compare with writing in other contexts?

Writing in college mainly focuses on research and not personal experience like way back in high school where teachers used to make choices for what you should write. Most colleges use literature to start teaching about writing then later offering writing instructions to focus on the rhetoric principle Miller-Cochran, S. K., Stamper, R., & Cochran, S. (2019).




Miller-Cochran, S. K., Stamper, R., & Cochran, S. (2019). An insider’s guide to academic writing: A rhetoric and reader. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, Macmillan.

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