Thinking about the readings from this Module, write a 400 word discussion board post in which you explore one or more of these questions:
Complete these readings from the textbook:
· Literature
· Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
· Dulce et Decorum Est
· Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone
· Ballad of Birmingham
· My Papa’s Waltz
· Norton Chapter 11 (pages 730-734)
Module 3: Lesson and Notes
What is poetry?
Poetry is a form of expression – usually concise, lyrical writing that conveys images, emotions, and moments.
This page helps define poetry and explain its purpose.
Why is poetry so complicated?
The poet uses his/her own personal and private language which leaves poetry open to different interpretations. Although the poet may have had one specific idea or purpose in mind, the reader’s response may be completely different. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you may interpret poetry any way you wish. All interpretations must be supported by direct reference to the text. (Source:
This textbook (Links to an external site.)
This page helps explain how to read a poem.
What makes a poem a poem?
What are the elements of poetry?
Word choice and tone (Links to an external site.)
Imagery (Links to an external site.)
Figurative language (Links to an external site.)
Module 3 Discussion: Discussion Topic DUE 2/27
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Thinking about the readings from this Module, write a 200-400 word discussion board post in which you explore one or more of these questions:
In his TedTalk (Links to an external site.), poetry professor Daniel Tysdal says that poetry is how we can express and respond to moments in life that set us “off balance,” including both celebrations and tragedies. Think about the poems we read for this Module and discuss how one of them does just that: expresses the speaker’s response to an event that puts them off balance. Consider questions like:
· What event or occasion is being described?
· What is the speaker’s emotional response?
· How can readers relate or understand the poem?